Econ/Gov Syllabus

Econ/Gov Syllabus
Description: Economics/Government is an 11th-12th grade course offered at Woodland Hills
High School. In my opinion this is one of the most important courses you will take during your
high school career. The first semester will focus on our government and your rights as American
citizens. The second semester will be guided towards understanding the economic
responsibilities that you will experience after leaving high school.
Classroom Rules:
Stay in your seat
Be on time
No phones *
Don’t sleep
Respect everyone
The majority of the grades will be in-class assignments. Graded class activities will be
completed during every class, bring a pencil. If a student does not finish the activity during the
class, they will be permitted to complete it for homework and turn it in the next day. Vocabulary
quizzes will also be given throughout the different units of the course. Participation points will
be rewarded weekly and make up 20% of the class grade.
Topics in Class:
Government topics include - Rights as citizens, Responsibilities of citizens, Constitution, Federal
and Local governments, 3 Branches of Government
Economic topics include – Personal finance, Banking, Employment Opportunities, Insurance,
Investments, Taxes, Stock Market
This course will be guided towards preparing the students for life after high school so that they
make appropriate decisions regarding their finances and are fully aware of their rights and
responsibilities as citizens of the United States.
Contact Information:
Mr. Ralston
Room 107