GUIDED STUDY Type of Credit: Elective Credit: 0.5 Semester Grades: 9 – 11 General Description: Guided Study is designed to provide a quiet time to read or work on assignments. In addition to this study time, study skills, organizational skills, and note taking strategies will be taught during this class. Guided Study is recommended for 9th grade students with a GPA of less than 3.0, and is also optional for students of all other grade levels. Guided Study (GS) has changed. It is now a credited course with student expectations, grading, and a curriculum. Grading in GS is as follows: Your grade in GS will be based on percent of total points earned throughout the semester. You will earn 20 points per day for adhering to course expectations and classroom policies. Consequences for non-compliance are as follows: - 20 points for an unexcused absence - 10 points for sleeping, persistent distractions, & major distractions (e.g. yelling, throwing an item) - 5 points for inappropriate cell phone use/warning, mildly distracting others, and a tardy Grades will be updated weekly. There is no extra credit and no final exam in GS. Final Semester Grades - Semester grades will NOT be rounded to the nearest percent. 93-100% 90-92.9% 87-89.9% 83-86.9% 80-82.9% A AB+ B B- 77-79.9% 73-76.9% 70-72.9% 67-69.9% 60-66.9% Below 60% C+ C CD+ D F Classroom guidelines The first 10 minutes of GS is your time to get situated, use your cell phone for school purposes, etc. After 10 minutes it is to be quiet and cell phones MUST BE SILENCED AND PUT AWAY. Most of the time the classroom will be a quiet work space. Bring the school work you need to ensure this happens. You are to bring appropriate reading material. This may be stored in the GS classroom. You are to secure a GS notebook. It will be used in the GS curriculum for notes, time management, etc. There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Copying other people’s work is not acceptable. The appropriate teacher and administrator will be notified, and the consequences described in the student handbook will apply. You will need to have a teacher complete a Guided Study Pass ahead of time in order to leave GS for make-ups (exams, labs, etc.). You are allowed one bathroom break per GS period. Mini-lessons (time management, work-load prioritization, note taking, etc.) will be taught at the beginning of class. There is no need to go to the library unless you have made previous arrangements & have a library pass. Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately and abide by the rules and expectations located within the 2015-16 Liberty High School Student Handbook _____________________________ Student (print) ______________________________ Student (signature) ______________ Date _____________________________ Parent (print) ______________________________ Parent (signature) ______________ Date