Target 2000 Technology Team Meeting Minutes of 4/20/98

Target 2000 Technology Team Meeting
Minutes of 4/20/98
Technology Committee
Notes of: April 20, 1998 Meeting
Present: Bill Post, Kay Schenk, Debbie McElroberts, Dan Crozier, Beverly Taylor, John
Roussell, Carolyn Dusenbury, Ralph Meuter, Larry Schmunk, Todd Lone, Jessica
Lusardi, Steve Adams, Vern Patrick, Jeff Bell, Roy Crosbie.
Target 2000 summary
Copies of the Executive Summary from the Target 2000 plan were distributed for
discussion. The committee was to review the document for the purpose of bringing it upto-date with the current projects of the committee. The initiatives covered under this
summary are:
Instructional Support
Faculty computing
Student computing
Classroom Technology
Library Resource sand Services
Distance Education
Communication Systems
Campus Network Infrastructure
Remote Network Access
The Web and the Campus Intranet
Institutional Support
Administrative computing system
Enhanced Access to Mainframe Data
Curriculum Development Support
Curriculum Development
Faculty, Staff and Student Training and Support
Information Literacy
Student Training
Training in Office Technology for Staff and Faculty
It was felt that Discipline Bases Labs need to be added to the initiatives list also as it has
been and continues to be a focal point for the committee. Bill was also to draft something
about faculty productivity.
Outsourcing Course Support
There is some interest in outsourcing course support. It's being done at the University of
Arizona. In the next few weeks we will be looking at whether we want to do this or go
with a canned course. Deconstruct/Reconstruct/put into canned program
Charge students a fee. An opinion was expressed concerning the "quality" issue involved
and that many students feel they learn better when they can see an instructor. A draft
proposal should be ready in the next few weeks. It was noted that it could take $5,000 to
$6,000 to put a course in shape for the Internet.
It was also noted that next year's baseline $'s will be half of what we received this year.
The question was raised wondering how CETI effected the baseline $'s.