Agency Wish List for Cram A Van: Salvation Army: Canned goods: fruits, vegetables, boxed dinners Foods portable for homeless population that have no way of heating. Maple River Loaves and Fishes Food Shelf: Food, toiletries, anything a food shelf can distribute :) ECHO Food Shelf: Baby items Personal Care Canned or dry foods Campus Kitchen: Canned food, especially large bulk (food service quantities) soup, vegetables, protein. Clamshells, mailing labels. Must be 'ready-made' as we don't have any way to cook the items. Campus Cupboard: Any non-perishable items and toiletries. St. Peter Area Food Shelf: Canned vegetables and fruit, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, and noodles, canned salmon and tuna fish, peanut butter, personal items , i.e. Bar soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, disposable diapers, sugar, flour, baking soda and powder, cooking oil,