How does SAGE differ from SIFE? Some of the main

How does SAGE differ from SIFE? Some of the main
differences are that SAGE:
 Targets a different audience (SAGE targets high
school students)
 Has a different mission
 Involves leaders from not only the business
community but also the civic and education
 Has different judging criteria, with emphasis on social
entrepreneurship, environmental awareness and civic
 Provides training materials that help referees judge
projects using a detailed judging rubric and
interpretative guidelines
 Has a advisory board that isn't charged a minimum fee
to sit on the board
 Provides sample grant proposal templates in order that
each SAGE country can become self-sustaining by
developing new public/private partnerships
 Encourages high school students to seek out college
mentors/ consultants. Whether or not these college
students are SIFE students is really irrelevant
(although SIFE students make outstanding candidates
to be SAGE mentors).