Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes Monday, January 12, 2015 Barge 304, 2:00-3:00

Academic Technology Advisory Council Minutes
Monday, January 12, 2015
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00
Chris Schedler, Filip Jagodzinski, Joshua Welsh, Ping Fu, Michael Moon, Sue Noce
Patricia Cutright, Ginger McIntosh, Tracy Pellett, Ron Tidd, Melanie Palm, Laura
Portolese Dias, Natalie Lupton, William Thelen, Andreas Bohman
Review of Meeting Minutes 12/01/14
a. Multimodal Education Center is putting together a technology advisory group to advise on new
technologies within the center.
i. More directed towards face-to-face and hybrid environments.
ii. Equipment such as tablets, laptops, and cameras would be available for check out to
students and faculty.
1. J. Welsh volunteered to be on the MEC TAG.
b. F. Jagodzinski moved to approve the minutes, J. Welsh seconded, minutes approved.
II. Information Items
a. Task Force Update
i. Scheduled first meeting of Clickers task force on 1/14.
1. Hope to move quickly through demos and make a decision on them.
2. There is an integration of Turning Technologies in Canvas, which started Fall 2014 and
will continue throughout Winter 2015.
ii. Second meeting of Proctoring Services committee will start evaluating what kind of testing
services are offered for online, at the campus, and at the centers.
1. F. Jagodzinski mentioned that the testing centers are charging fees, but departments are
having to transfer funds to the centers for course challenges.
2. Funding will be discussed as to whether it’s a blanket fee or course fee.
3. Goal of creating comprehensive services that would cross all modalities.
b. EISC Update
i. EISC decided that they are going to use the same evaluation rubric that ATAC used for
business cases, as will BTAC.
1. Rubric will be put with business case template so that sponsors of business cases can
see what the criteria for evaluation.
ii. CatPlan is 76% complete.
iii. Skillsoft for HR and training is about 35% complete.
iv. The McConnell Auditorium digital sound system will go out for RFP and updates to facilities
will be needed for part of that process.
v. 25 Live the new scheduling system is just starting to be implemented.
vi. Training sessions are taking place now for the new time and attendance system.
vii. Number of business cases coming up, but they are not of an academic nature, so ATAC will
likely not be evaluating them.
III. Status Updates
a. Panopto
i. Upgraded to the newest version and also implemented voice recognition so that students
can search through the lecture for words that were being used in the lecture.
1. Voice recognition is about 70% accurate.
2. For transcription we would have to do something separate for disability support
ii. Working on Canvas integration so that recordings can be accessed as well as record from
within Canvas.
1. Start rolling out to faculty, with trainings for Faculty Development day on 1/28.
2. Presenting it to Vanguard Multimodal Learning Community as well.
iii. Looking at integrating Panopto into a DE classroom for class capture and live streaming of
1. Implementation may be easier as these rooms already have cameras and equipment.
b. ILS
i. Went live on 12/18, still implementing the service solutions that will be used.
1. Some students feel confused with the new search, as some patrons only wanted to find
items available in CWU. Whereas, with the new discovery path it will give thousands of
results as it is like a Google search.
(a) Going to educate the patrons, and the library will have a faculty meeting next week
to discuss if a local scope search for CWU-only results will need to be added.
(b) Initial test environment had search with CWU only.
2. New Summit will go live 1/20, with customized links and announcement on the website.
c. Faculty 180 Update
i. Membership goes up and down but there are healthy discussions every time.
1. Charlene Andrews is the functional lead for when faculty log into Faculty 180.
(a) The subcouncil decides how it should look, and C. Andrews allocated 40-50 percent
of workload to implement.
ii. Meeting every month currently, initially met on a weekly basis when the skeleton of the
software had to be filled in.
iii. Developed templates and reporting structure.
1. Biggest issue of trying to come up with a generic work load structure that each of the
colleges would be happy with.
(a) All of the Deans are more are less happy with it.
iv. Old system is still available.
1. Trying to get the word out to the people who are not doing Faculty 180 that the old
system will not be in place in the future.
2. Self-help and faculty quick start guides will be developed to help those who have not yet
v. 100% of faculty up for reappointment for Fall 2014 submitted through Faculty 180.
vi. Future agenda items
1. T. Henderson is working on making SEOI’s auto-upload into Faculty 180.
2. Making a push for administration above Dean’s level to start using Faculty 180.
(a) C. Andrews met with M. Levine last quarter and was able to drill down and see
additional content with the goal of having access to all documents that create the
content of summary reports.
vii. Concern over privacy issues, at the Dean’s level there also administrative assistants who are
collecting letters, and trying to determine what access people should be allowed.
1. If faculty data is batched and made publicly available, we would have to ask faculty if
they were okay with that.
viii. Faculty 180 could have it set with a check box for uploading where it would make it
automatically available to ScholarWorks
ix. R. Bransdorfer was asking whether faculty could use MediaAmp for uploading digital
materials that can’t be added to Faculty 180.
1. Current solution is that faculty have to upload a URL to the content, which may change.
2. Faculty could load it into MediaAMp then use the URL from MediaAmp in Faculty 180.
Action: F. Jagodzinski will add ScholarWorks and MediaAmp integrations with Faculty 180 to
future agenda items.
IV. Quality Assurance of OL Report
a. Scheduled to present it to the Faculty Senate on 1/14.
i. Quality assurance measures used were: SEOI’s, DFW rates, Priorities Survey of Online
Learners (PSOL), National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), retention rates, COACHE
faculty satisfaction survey, course review, plus future quality assurance measures.
1. SEOI comparison, CWU students rate instruction highly regardless of modality.
(a) Overall response rates for SEOI’s have declined in face-to-face, but online response
rates are higher than F2F.
2. DFW for all courses range between 9-14% in all modalities, online DFW are slightly
higher, but not significantly.
(a) During Summer, F2F have lower DFW rates than during academic year.
(b) With comparable courses (having both OL and F2F sections), the DFW rates are
tracking almost the same in both modalities.
3. PSOL improved on all major question scales and strategic planning areas.
4. National Survey of Student Engagement had about 35 online seniors, who reported
higher engagement in many areas related to course work and lower engagement in
areas related to student collaboration and faculty interaction.
5. Retention rates were 78-80% for undergraduate students in online majors.
(a) Students with a DTA are more likely to be retained, with 87% retention rate.
(b) Overall university retention rate is around 70% year-to-year.
6. COACHE: 33% of faculty have taught online, 25% blended/hybrid, and 38% have only
taught F2F.
(a) 59% were satisfied with their experience teaching online or blended/hybrid.
(b) 18% were dissatisfied due to a lack of instructional design and development
resources, and student inexperience with online learning.
(i) Preparing students through orientations may help resolve student inexperience.
7. Course review is required for online courses developed through work-for-hire
(a) 40 course development contracts have been issues to faculty, with half completed
and reviewed for quality assurance.
8. Future OL QA measures include looking at more risk indicators and tracking student
success in OL programs, comparative analysis of learning outcomes and courses and
programs by modality, integrating peer observation and review of online courses for
faculty performance review, and faculty certification as Master Online Teacher.
9. Complete report is on the Associate Provost website.
Next Meeting:
Monday, January 26, 2014
Barge 304, 2:00-3:00