Plant Overview Notes

Plant Overview Notes
Use the Plant Overview Power-point to complete the following questions:
This information is also covered in the textbook, Chapter 31 p. 621-640
1. What are characteristics of all plants?
2. Draw and explain what is meant by the “Alteration of Generations” in plants.
3. What are the four groups of land plants? Draw the phylogenetic tree that shows
their development throughout history. Which group originated first? Most recent?
4. What adaptations developed as plants moved on to land?
5. Describe the following classes of plants and give examples of each
a. Bryophytes:
b. Ferns:
c. Gymnosperms:
d. Angiosperms:
Plant Structures:
1. Draw and Label the parts of a plant:
2. What are the two organ systems of a plant? Explain the purpose of each and give
examples of different types adapted for specific environments
3. Give examples of root adaptations. Explain the purpose for the adaptation.
4. Give examples of stem adaptations. Explain the purpose for the adaptation.
5. Give examples of leaf adaptations. Explain the purpose for the adaptation.
6. What are the three types of tissues that make up plants, give the function for each
type of tissue.
Plant Growth and Development