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Biology Mock Practicals Instructions Class 12

Chettinad vidyashram
R A puram
Class 12
Instructions for Biology Mock practicals 2021-22
1.a) Labeled diagrams of 4 stages of Mitosis
i)Prophase ii) Metaphase iii) Anaphase iv) Telophase
b) onion root tip
2. Learn from Aim till Precautions including the tabular column for pH,presence of living
organisms (diagrams ),moisture content of soil ,water holding capacity of soil.
3. Learn the a) name b) disease caused and c) symptoms of the following
i) Ascaris ii) Entamoeba iii) Plasmodium iv) Microsporum
4. Learn any 4 Xerophytic adaptations of
a) Opuntia b) Camel c) Kangaroo Rat
5. Learn any 4 Aquatic adaptations of
a) Hydrilla b) Eichhornia c) Bony Fish
6. Record and Investigatory project should be submitted without fail .
7. For Project: Learn summary ,explanation of case study and your conclusion of the project.