Ch. 4 Study Guide


Science Study Guide – Chapter 4

Surviving the Ecosystems

A giraffe’s long neck is an example of an adaptation.

A colorful fish that lives among brightly colored coral is an example of camouflage.

Study the chart below:


Polar bear

Great horned owl


When a bird flies south for the winter it migrates.


Has thick fur

Has night vision

Has webbed feet

Adaptations are traits that help living things survive in their environment.

Some human adaptations to help them survive might be thinking and

problem solving.

Exposing a potted plant to a strong smell would NOT change its growth pattern.

A plant that has green leaves is NOT an example of adaptation.

A plant’s response to its environment is known as a tropism.

Study the chart below:

Sun shines on plant

A chemical reacts in plant

Plant bends toward light

The Venus’s-fly trap, has the ability to trap and eat insects. This might tell you the following about its adaptation to the fly’s environment: that there are many insects in its environment and that it is hard to get nutrients from other sources.

An accommodation is an individual organism’s response to change.

If a species is endangered, the it may become extinct.

Study the diagram below:

Events that Change an



forest fire


Which is least likely to occur when an ecosystem changes? All of the

organisms will adapt to the change.

Small plants might benefit from deforestation by: Tall trees compete with small plants for light and nutrients; therefore, small plants would probably thrive because they would have less competition.
