Tulane University Staff Advisory Council Minutes of Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tulane University
Staff Advisory Council
Minutes of Thursday, May 20, 2010
Susan Barrera, Chair
Gwen Chavez, Vice Chair
Rob Platner, Election Coordinator
Lisa Britton, Recording Secretary,
Kathy Bourgeois
Linda Cantero
Liz Davey
Shirley Dymond
Miriam Espinosa
Mike Griffith
Michael Harrison
Cynthia Hayes, Immediate Past
Member at Large
Cheryl Sterling,Corresp. Secretary
Jered Bocage, Parliamentarian
Tanya Ambrose
Ron Cail
Linzi Conners
Cheryl Dempsey
Tami Jenniskens
Paula Lucas
Merisa Pasternak
Patsy Stewart
Shirley Tubre
Alysia Loshbaugh
Suzanne Lossi
Aaron Martin
Lisa O’Dwyer
Laurie Orgeron
Kimberly Vega
Judy Vitrano
Emily Capdeville (proxy)
Jeannine Coxen (proxy)
Simon Dorfman (proxy)
Jeanny Keck (proxy)
Scott Goings
Corrie West
Robert Johnson (proxy)
Sandy West, WFMO
Amber Duet
* Via teleconference
All Officers are serving the Staff Advisory Council term 2009 – 2010
Call to Order: Susan Barrera, SAC Chair, called the May 10, 2010 meeting of the Staff
Advisory Council to order at 3:42 p.m. The meeting was held at the School of Public Health
Dean’s Conference Room in the Tidewater Building.
Amber Douet is a new representative and joined us for the meeting today.
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May 20, 2010
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Review and Approval of the Minutes
Chair Barrera called for a motion to approve the April 15, 2010 minutes and the minutes were
II. WFMO Liaison
Sandy West, WFMO’s Director Strategic Planning & Implementation. No concerns or issues
were recently submitted to WFMO so Sandy presented the following:
WFMO is in the process of implementing three major systems:
 Online Job Application System will be completed by mid-June.
 HR/Payroll System – should have update on the system by mid-August.
 Employee Service Module – looking at modules for employees to enroll for benefits and
updating your personal information. There is no time line for this yet.
Follow up discussion regarding the employee ID being your Social Security number. WFMO is
working to eliminate using the Social Security Number as an identifying number but still need
everyone’s social security for payroll deductions.
Everyone is to start using the new travel reimbursement on the CONCUR payable system
effective July 1st. You can begin using the system now but everyone will need to use it starting
on July 1, 2010.
III. Report of the Chair, Susan Barrera
Susan Barrera reported today’s guest speaker, Provost Michael Bernstein had to cancel. He
wants to come to speak at a future meeting but apologized he had to cancel.
There was no Chair report today.
IV. Officer Reports
A. University Senate
Susan Barrera reported there was a Senate meeting in May. At that meeting a new
secretary was elected to the Senate, Jeff Weiss.
Other main topic of the meeting was the incoming freshman class: As of May 3 rd, we have
received 1,687 deposits, which unfortunately we cannot accommodate that large number. Of
the deposits received: 62% are female; 34% are the northeast region.
B. Board of Administrators
Gwen Chavez reported the following from the May 13, 2010 Board Meeting. Meeting was a
review of the accomplishments the university had:
 Continuing to implement the Renewal Plan.
 Newcomb Tulane - wants to develop key functional areas of activities to enhance the
quality and value of the educational experience.
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The School of Medicine – focus on the education and training mission. Partnership
relationship and research advancements.
Completed the second year implementation of a plan to enhance the graduate education
with two new doctoral programs – Economic Analysis and Policy, and MultiInterdisciplinary Program in city culture and community. Will add two additional
programs in Fiscal Year 2011.
The documentation for the SAC reaccreditation is ongoing.
Completed the undergraduate financial aid policies.
Completed the search for a new Dean for the Law School.
Implement in Fiscal Year 2011 to evaluate the feasibility of continuing faculty and salary
enhancement plans.
Continue to enhance the neighborhood on campus safety and pursue climate control
Finalize and implement administration reorganization.
For the Institutional Advancements: Want to increase donors by 2,000 and raise $500
million in total private giving with $13 million of that being for unrestricted gifts.
For Capital Investments: Complete the funding plans for a basketball / athletics practice
facility and will start in six months.
In progress:
 Completing the Alumni House and Dinwiddie. The McAlister project is complete.
 Negotiations with FEMA regarding the Howard Tilton Library are at a halt.
Financial Position:
 Will meet the budgeted projections for operations and cash flow.
 Will complete in Fiscal Year 2012 migration to the decentralized management center
Civic Engagement – want to continue to be actively involved with the rebuilding of the
region with the focus on public education, health care and wellness, and culture
Tulane empowers:
 Tulane believes the moral compass of the university is to develop and empower the
next generation of engaged citizens and leaders committed to building vibrant and
sustainable communities around the world.
 “Center for Engaged Learning” – will be a center with community health, Tulane City
Center, Cowen Institute and Social Entrepreneurialship will all roll into this center.
 Tulane is the leading school in community service for the students as part of their
core curriculum. Other schools like this idea and are adding community service into
their curriculums.
V. University Senate Committee Reports
1. Benefits
No meeting.
2. Budget Review
No meeting.
3. Information Technology
No meeting.
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May 20, 2010
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4. Equal Opportunity
Lisa Britton reported the meeting was on April 12, 2010. A report was given at the
University Senate outlining plans for the Tulane administration to consider:
 The report focused on the committee’s consideration of the “family-friendliness” of
Tulane. The committee examined policies of peer institutions in several areas.
 One recommendation was that one-year extensions of the tenure clock should be
automatic when a faculty member became a new parent.
 Tulane lacks clear policies on leaves for family reasons or illness. Those policies had
budgetary implications because they would require resources for funding adjuncts. The
committee will continue to research best practices for Tulane.
 Other areas of concern involved support for staff when co-workers were on medical
leave, locations for women to breast-feed infants, and leave programs for graduate
5. Physical Facilities
No Report.
6. Social Issues
No Report.
VI. SAC Sub-Committees
1. Election Committee
Susan Barrera reported Rob Platner has been out sick, so she would bring us up to date on
the elections.
 For the Primate Center and the downtown campuses we received enough nominees to
fill the required representative positions. We do not have any additional names for
proxies, so if you know of anyone who would be interested in being a proxy, contact
Susan Barrera or Rob Platner.
 For the uptown campus elections are taking place now, need to elect six
representatives. We will send out the results to everyone sometime next week.
 Officer elections will be at the June meeting. Please consider running for a position, you
can nominate someone or you can nominate yourself.
2. Electronic Technology and Information
No report.
3. Staff Appreciation
No report.
4. Staff Issues
No report.
5. Health and Wellness
Judy Vitrano reported the following:
 Recently finished up the 10-K-a-day program.
 Ongoing seminars, “Aging Well” will be offered at the different campuses
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May 20, 2010
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Health Assessment Campaign has just kicked off. Encourage everyone to participate;
eligible for a $75 gift card (is taxable).
American Heart Association Start Walking Program is the next program being promoted.
Participants will be recording minutes and steps for this program. Information sessions
are coming up soon and will be offered at all campuses.
6. Community Service
No report.
VI. Old Business
VIII. New Business
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at the Lavin-Bernick
Center for University Life at 3:30 pm.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa M. Britton
Recording Secretary