Tulane University Staff Advisory Council Minutes of Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tulane University

Staff Advisory Council

Minutes of Thursday, March 12, 2009



Glenda Folse

Karen Hiller

Tami Jenniskens

Roxanne Johnson

Paula Lucas

Linda Miller

Cindy Stewart

Shirley Tubre

Merisa Pasternak (proxy)

Yesenia Vasquez (proxy)


Marty Brantley

Liz Davey

Shirley Dymond

Miriam Espinosa

Cynthia Hayes, Immediate

Past Chair

Aaron Martin

Lisa O’Dwyer








Gwen Chavez, Election Coordinator Present

Lisa Britton, Recording Secretary,

Member at Large


Cheryl Sterling, Corresp. Secretary Present

Present Rob Platner




Absent Sandy West, WFMO

Absent Yvette Jones, Guest Speaker







Susan Barrera, Chair

Rhonda Earles, Vice Chair

Jered Bocage, Parliamentarian


Judy Vitrano

Linda Wright



Argentina Acosta (proxy) Absent

Jenny Daigle Benoit (proxy) Absent


Mike Griffith ( proxy for Linda Wright)

Present Laurie Orgeron (proxy)


Present Eileen deHaro

Mary Little

Robert Johnson (proxy)











Via teleconference

All Officers are serving the Staff Advisory Council term 2008 – 2009

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 2

Call to Order: Susan Barrera, SAC Chair, called the March 12, 2009 meeting of the

Staff Advisory Council to order at 3:32 p.m. The meeting was held at the School of

Public Health Dean’s Conference Room in the Tidewater Building.

I. Review and Approval of the Minutes

Chair Barrera called for a motion to approve the February 12, 2009 minutes and the minutes were approved.

II. Guest speaker, Yvette Jones

Yvette Jones, Sr. Vice President for External Affairs and Chief Operating Officer offered to give us an update on things happening here at Tulane and then have a question and answer session.

- Freshman applications – we have received over 40,000 undergraduate applications for a class of approximately 1,500. We have accepted 9,000 not knowing how many will come. Given the economy and May 1 st is commitment day, we will have a better idea of enrollment. We are confident about the number of incoming students and our general enrollment. We are not seeing that students having concerns they cannot get financial aid, and tuition is one-third of our financial base.

- Fund raising has been abysmal. One area most concerned about and glad we finished the capital campaign in June. Operating budget is approximately $15M unrestricted; we are most focused on raising that money because it has a direct impact on operating budget. We are approximately $5M short. On the positive side, the stimulus package can be a real opportunity for us to apply for the very large construction grants. Those grants will impact the Primate Center and the

School of Medicine and Public Health.

- Closing of McAllister Drive – a beautification project will change the nature of that street. It is a dangerous street and a $1.5M gift was made to close off and landscape. Parking is going to be a big issue for staff, which is pushing parking to the rim. But this is where we have a donor and we sold the project, so we are moving forward. Another landscaping project, $.5M of plants has been funded, so you will see trees going up.

- Primate Center Construction. A third building coming along and concerned the cost estimates are coming in approx $4M over what we had in funding. Hoping to close the gap on that so we do not lose our NIH funding.

- Budget – all working on the 2010 budget right now. Even with no raises, and 2% for those making under $35,000, we are still looking at a $22M operating deficit.

This was anticipated coming out of Katrina, we expected would take until 2011 to

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 3 come out of a deficit situation here at the university. With the current economic situation, impact is on endowments and collections and we are taking a prudent approach. Looking at approx $22M shortfall for next year and looking at some contingency planning: not having layoffs but looking at having hiring freeze; cutting back on unnecessary travel; and delaying expenses that can be delayed.

- Tulane made some hard decisions after Katrina, and we are not in as difficult position that many institutions are in now. We are conditioned in times like this because of how we have worked so long. Endowment has lost close to 37%, the income off of that is only 6% of our revenue base. The challenge is the endowments whose market value is lower and we cannot pay out on, but generally we are in good shape. We do not have to go through what many of the other institutions are going through right now. We are ahead of our time and hopefully can weather this.

Question: Under the contingency plan, is the tuition waiver or exchange program on the table?

No, this is not one of the things on the list.

Question: The new stimulus package for construction grants, can you tell us how it is going to work?

Will function in the same way that the current CO6 grants. The Primate

Center is in a good place to go and apply for these grants. We are looking at that category for approximately $10-15M for three projects: 1430 Tulane; the JBJ building and doing conversion and upgrading; and the Primate Center, where some projects had to put on back burner so we will now look at these.

Question: When the new facilities at the Primate Center are finished, will the trailers go away?

No. There are a lot of trailers and were meant to be temporary but have turned into permanent locations. Primarily the funds are for research.

Question: Regarding the contingency plans, how do you factor in for hurricanes and also what concern does the university have to the politics of New Orleans? New

Orleans can’t seem to function as a municipality.

In terms of hurricane planning and financial impact, we have in place all the necessary precautions that we need, and they have a cost. A lot done postKatrina are now in place. Our insurance program isn’t as robust as it was prior to Katrina. Increase in premiums in the coming years, we make sure enough cash in endowment in case there is a catastrophic event to rebuild.

Previously had $25M gap in terms of that first dollar of damage before insurance would start to pay. So we have that in place. Living here we are going to be faced with evacuations, Hurricane Gustav cost us approx $1.5M, just in operating cost not including any damage.

In terms of the city, it is where we are. We deal with Orleans, Jefferson and St.

Tammany. In Orleans it is a constant struggle just getting street lights fixed. The mayor has been as helpful as he can be but the system is broken.

Question: What is the time table for the closing McAllister?

On May 18 th right after commencement. They have been told to not close unless they are ready to begin work, which is estimated to be a six month project.

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 4

Question: What is happening on the renovation for Fogelman?

It is not going to happen. The study has been done and it isn’t going to work. We are investigating a separate location for practice area but funding is not in place.

Question: Are there plans to remove the trailers where the Old Doris is located?

Market took a turn and we were ready to begin the project, but now just waiting to see how things are going to turn out.

Question: Is the alumni house going to be fixed?

The project was broken into two pieces, and the house is the first piece, and is going to move forward. Don’t know the timing and do not have the date when they are going to begin.

Question: Is the LBC ever going to be fixed?

That is in a lawsuit and yes I think it will be fixed.

Question: If McAllister is closed, what about parking?

We opened Rosen, and we have a shuttle system that brings you from parking to parts around campus. Rosen is going to stay a parking lot for a time. There are lots of ideas but it is going to take money and don’t see that as a priority.

Question from Yvette to the SAC members: How are you all feeling about the university? What is moral like across the campus and in your departments?

- Most are happy to have a job. We will do whatever is asked, we all just want to keep our jobs.

- As a supervisor, if not able to compensate people, we need to start looking at ways to keep people motivated, say compensation time. Get a sense that people are fearful. We need something from Gibson Hall to say that would give the department heads the okay or direction about comp time. Right now everyone is grateful to be getting our pay checks.

- A good moral booster has been the 10-K walking program. SAC is trying to schedule an event sometime in the fall, a fun day for staff to coincide with the walking program, and have it at the zoo to include the family.

- We used to have in-house classes and recommend this be brought back. It enhances all staff members to be able to attend a computer class, or software application class. That would save the university a lot of money but tapping into our own people to hold the classes. The Provost was going to check into this with the Business School about this.

Question from Yvette to the SAC members: What are some priorities for SAC?

- Discussing with WFMO, incorporating a Health Savings Account plan (HSA).

Also having a higher deductible plan, to keep the premium lower.

- Need to work on ideas for non-compensation incentives, to relieve some of the burden on staff. Unfortunately there are many departments that do not allow their staff to participate in some of these things. The university needs to get the word out to management to allow staff members to take some time off away from the office.

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 5

- SAC is offering a Book Scholarship to help staff members that are attending classes. Hoping to have this in place for the upcoming fall.

Suggestions for Yvette to take back for consideration:

- Staff development

– for leadership assistance mentoring younger to help up and coming staff. To help develop management skills.

- Get TIAA-CREFF to do an overview meeting, not just individualized meetings.

Yvette asked SAC members to help in communicating why some projects are still going forward at a time when we are not able to give raises and still understaffed. This does send mixed signals to everyone seeing all of the projects and questioning “where is the mone y coming from?” Not taking operating dollars for these projects. Money is from the campaign and fundraising dollars to support these projects. For example, the donor wants to do a landscaping project and we cannot use this for anything other than landscaping. So get the word out to all staff that when the money comes in, it is designated for specific projects. It is hard to explain that we are asked why aren’t we getting raises but you are planting all of these trees?

Yvette said as she was leaving, that SAC has developed into a meaningful body and we have made an impact around campus. We have a challenge to help people understand what is happening around the campus.

III. WFMO Liaison, Sandy West

Sandy West, Director, WFMO Strategic Planning and Implementation, answered the following question that was asked at our February SAC meeting:

Question: Can WFMO offer an additional tier or health plan with a higher deductible in addition to what we already have?

For 2010 plan year, we have not finalized plan and are reviewing programs. Tulane will expect to enroll on the triple layer program. This will go to the oversight committee and do not anticipate a 4 th level because of the current administrative premium deductions. If we were to add another plan, we would have to consolidate or eliminate a plan. Adding another level is not something that we can do just because it is asked. We would have to investigate and take into consideration how many people would benefit from adding another plan.

Sandy also addressed the question asked by Yvette and SAC members regarding the

Tulane’s retirement program and the information meetings held by TIAA-CREF and

Fidelity. There was discussion as to needing general information meetings and not just face-to-face meetings.

Sandy responded prior to year 2000, there were two “general information” meetings held. At those meetings, the feedback was that people wanted one-on-one sessions, which were then implemented. Now we are hearing we need to offer larger group workshops and more general information.

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 6

There are three ways for a member of either plan to get the information on their account. TIAA CREF and Fidelity both have very robust tools online for you to get information to educate yourself on the plan; the 1-800 number; and scheduling a face- to-face meeting when they come to our campus. Staff members are encouraged to call the 1-800 call centers, where they can access your record and have a conversation regarding your personal account. It is not necessary to be a face-to-face meeting, over the telephone they can give you the information and assistance you need.

Regarding some employees not enrolling in one of the retirement plans or attending the general information meetings, WFMO cannot make attendance “mandatory” for these meetings. Can only strongly suggest a person attend a meeting, to be able to understand what we have available.

Sandy explained while it is mandatory to have newly hired employees complete forms which are required for their employment with Tulane. However, employees are not eligible to enroll until they have been with the university for two years. So an employee enrolling into the retirement fund is not a requirement, it is a benefit, but you are not required to participate. That is why WFMO cannot make enrollment mandatory. WFMO is required to reach out to everyone when an employee becomes eligible to participate.

Percentage wide, less than 100 people are not enrolled to participate. Every month

WFMO contacts those individuals encouraging them to enroll.

Question: Due to the economic situation now, would there be a way for us to address giving the flexible card back? Right now you have to come up with the money first and then get reimbursed. No, we got away with the card because we that was demanded of us.

Question: Can we have the option of getting the card?

We were looking at bringing it back but back in 2005 there were too many problems, so that is why we had to do away with it. So we are still skeptical about bringing it back.

II. Report of the Chair, Susan Barrera

No report.

IV. Officer Reports

A. University Senate

No report, March meeting was cancelled.

B. Board of Administrators

No report, the Board meets next week.

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 7

V. University Senate Committee Reports

1. Benefits

No meeting.

2. Budget Review

No meeting.

3. Information Technology

No Report.

4. Equal Opportunity

No Report. Chair Barrera will check to see if this committee is still in existence.

5. Physical Facilities

No Report.

6. Social Issues

No Report.

VI. SAC Sub-Committees

1. Election Committee

No report.

2. Electronic Technology and Information

No report.

3. Staff Appreciation

Robert Platner said prior to this meeting, we had a discussion about having a fall Fun

Run event to be held at the zoo. Until we finalize a date between the football schedule,

Scott’s calendar, and other events planned around the city, we cannot make any commitments or further planning. We are thinking about having it solely at the zoo, instead of just having a walk around the park track and then offer admission to the zoo.

By doing it all at the zoo, we may be able to get away from other planning issues.

Once a date has been finalized, we will let everyone know so we can start planning the event.


Staff Issues

No report.

5. Health and Wellness

Judy Vitrano reported:

- We still have walking programs with approximately 960 people having registered on the website and 60% of those are logging in their steps. The walking groups

TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting March 12, 2009 Page 8 are still going on with an average of 6

– 20 people participating at each group.

Most people participating in the walking program seem to be walking independently.

- Had an opportunity to participate in the Krewe of Pontchartrain and 45 people signed up to participate.

- The Lose and Win sessions are going well. Eleven groups total around the campus have been meeting and as of this week, an average of 10-15 people are participating in each session.

- Soon will begin a communication campaign for health assessment which will be done through UnitedHealth. So more information will be coming out soon.

6. Community Service

Susan Barrera met with Anne Banos and gave her the proposal for our Book

Scholarship award program. Anne will give it to legal and said she is interested in this.

Anne said we cannot be an option on the United Way campaign, but does like the idea of doing the Valentine Day idea, or donate in memory of a former employee.

VI. Old Business


VIII. New Business

N e xt Meeting: The next meeting will be held on April 9, 2009 at the Lavin-Bernick

Center for University Life in the Race Conference Room at 3:30 pm.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa M. Britton

Recording Secretary
