Tulane University Staff Advisory Council Minutes of Thursday, September 11, 2008 ATTENDEES ATTENDEES DOWNTOWN CAMPUS OFFICERS Kathleen Brumfield Glenda Folse Karen Hiller Tami Jenniskens Roxanne Johnson Paula Lucas Linda Miller Cindy Stewart Shirley Tubre Merisa Pasternak (proxy) Yesenia Vasquez (proxy) Excused Present Excused Present Excused Present Excused Absent Excused Absent Present UPTOWN CAMPUS Marty Brantley Liz Davey Shirley Dymond Miriam Espinosa Aaron Martin Lisa O’Dwyer Judy Vitrano Linda Wright Argentina Acosta (proxy) Jenny Daigle Benoit (proxy) Laurie Orgeron (proxy) Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Proxy Absent Absent Susan Barrera ,Chair Rhonda Earles, Vice Chair Gwen Chavez, Election Coordinator Lisa Britton, Recording Secretary Cheryl Sterling, Corresp. Sect Jered Bocage, Parliamentarian Present Present Present Present Present Present MEMBERS – AT – LARGE Rob Platner Present Cynthia Hayes, Past Chair Excused INVITED GUESTS Jason Chretien, WFMO Present VISITORS Mike Griffith (proxy for Linda Wright) Present NORTHSHORE Eileen deHaro (via teleconf) Mary Little Robert Johnson (proxy) Present Excused Excused All Officers are serving the Staff Advisory Council term 2008 – 2009 Present TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes September 11, 2008 Page 2 Call to Order: Susan Barrera, SAC Chair, called the September 11, 2008 meeting of the Staff Advisory Council to order at 3:32 p.m. The meeting was held at the LavinBernick Center, Race Room on the uptown campus. I. Review and Approval of the Minutes Chair Barrera called for a motion to approve the July 10, 2008 minutes. The minutes were approved. II. Report of the Chair, Susan Barrera Susan Barrera reported the following: For future SAC meetings, our guest speaker will be Professor Michael Bernstein, (Provost) in November and Dr. Ben Sachs (Senior Vice President and Dean of the School of Medicine) in February to update us on the School of Medicine. Trying to get Dr. Scott Cowen but may have to move one of our meetings to a Tuesday to accommodate his schedule. Constitution committee (Jered Bocage, Rhonda Earles, Cythina Hayes and Susan) met with Anne Banos to discuss revisions to the SAC constitution and the meeting went well. There will be one more final clean version to give to Anne and a final review to make sure everything is correct. Anne will give directly to Scott Cowen (does not need to go through legal department) for his signature. Another topic discussed with Anne is SAC’s interest to establish an “award” to staff members attending classes. This award would be for employees attending classes, offering a financial payment for their school books. Anne liked the idea but explained we cannot use SAC funds to jump start the fund. Anne will meet with Yvette Jones to see if she could identify an outside donor to start this fund. Also, Anne suggested that we put together a presentation showing the complete project and how we propose to manage the program -- What would the criteria be? Would we offer this once a year? How many awards can we offer? Item specifics. Susan would like to get with Aaron Martin and get a subcommittee together to begin putting this together. Aaron has some websites that we can review to see how other schools are offering this award. III. WFMO Liaison, Jason Chretien Jason Chretien said that in reviewing the minutes from the July meeting, he saw there is some takeaway and he will respond at the next meeting to these earlier questions. TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes September 11, 2008 Page 3 Jason was asked to comment on the emergency procedures before and after Hurricane Gustav, specifically the “Americall employee registration system”. The Americall system was established in the event that the university would be unexpectedly closed for an extended period of time. An email was sent out prior to the storm instructing everyone to register, and if you did not register, you would not be paid, etc. However, this storm was not an “unexpected closure” so we did not need to activate Americall. Americall is activated only if the university is going to be closed for an extended period of time. On the WFMO website, facts were posted with common questions that addressed pay, Americall registration, etc. All official information for the university comes from the emergency web site ( http://emergency.tulane.edu/ ) and our Alert Line for updated information on evacuation orders, closings, re-openings and other emergency information. Some employees received text messages on their cell phones but those messages directed the individual to monitor the emergency website. Regarding everyone being paid on time, Tulane has a mandatory system where everyone receives the paycheck by direct deposit. Prior to the university closing for the storm, all of the necessary preparations for payroll were set up, and on the scheduled pay day, everyone received their paychecks as normal. There was confusion that if a person did not register with Americall, then you would not be paid. That information is not correct. WFMO has received comments regarding the emergency plan and has worked to correct any of the glitches and confusion that happened recently. Questions were asked of Jason: Why doesn’t Tulane have a holiday for Yom Kippur? This question has already been brought up and Anne Banos said we are not able to add another holiday. This could be considered if we want to swap with another holiday, but to add this as additional holiday, the answer is no. Can we change from the 25 years to 20 years for emeritus status for certain benefits? Believe this has to do with tuition waiver; a staff member would have to be with Tulane for 25 years for their dependents to be eligible for the tuition waiver without still being employed with Tulane. For the faculty it is 20 years. Emeritus status would have to be granted by the Tulane Board and he will check into this and get back to us. Would the university consider a “monthly” parking rate rather than “yearly” rate? The uptown campus charges one yearly rate for parking, but spread out over full 12 months calendar year. This will need to be checked with parking service. TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes September 11, 2008 Page 4 Would the university consider starting the fall semester sometime in the middle of September instead of August? Seems like as soon as classes begin, we need to evacuate and the students miss classes. Delaying the start date by a couple of weeks realistically would not help considering that September is typically a busy storm month. This was brought up before and someone brought in a chart showing the dates of the storms. So delaying the beginning of the semester really may not be helping the students. For a person having maximum vacation time, and are coming up to their anniversary date of employment, what month do they actually lose those vacation hours? Is the cut off the month of the anniversary or is the following month of the anniversary the cut off? It is the month following, say your anniversary is in October, it will not fall out until the November paycheck. IV. Officer Reports A. University Senate No report. Meeting cancelled, next meeting is scheduled for October. B. Board of Administrators No report. Rhonda Earles said a meeting was scheduled for next week has been cancelled due to the recent storm. The next meeting will be in December. V. University Senate Committee Reports 1. Benefits Glenda Folse attended the Benefits Committee Meeting and reported the following: There were five voting members that came to the meeting. Tulane hired a consultant and they made a presentation showing three companies they were looking at – UnitedHealth, Coventry and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. It was determined that the bid from Coventry was excessive compared to the other two vendors, so the presentation was based on the two remaining companies, UnitedHealth and Blue Cross. If the university goes with UnitedHealth, there will be a 6.5% premium increase; Blue Cross would be a 6.1% increase. The dollar amount increase to the university will be approximately $77,000 with the split between the university paying 64% and employees TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes September 11, 2008 Page 5 paying 36%. The estimated dollar amount increase going with United Health will be $1.44 for lowest paying person (single) to a person with a family of pay $44.00. The Benefit Committee members felt a lot of information in the presentation was biased toward UnitedHealth, because there was insufficient information presented on Blue Cross. For example, Blue Cross unlimited psychiatry visits, unlimited physical therapy, occupation and speech therapy. Also one of the things URC versus contracted rates. UnitedHealth uses URC. So from out-of-pocket, you pay more with United because you are URC. Example: you need an MRI that costs $1,000, and the URC rate is $800. You will pay 10% of the $800 plus you will pay the difference between $800 and $1000. Blue Cross goes by contracted rates so for the MRI costing $1,000, and their contracted rate is $800. Under Blue Cross plan you pay the 10% of $800 and the remainder ($200) has to be written off because it was a negotiated contract rate. The consulting group indicated that the information presented for each vendor was the information the vendors provided to Tulane with their proposals and the vendors responses to follow up questions from Tulane. Tulane’s Administration said there have been no complaints regarding UnitedHealth and $77,000 increase to the university is not significant amount of money to make the administrative changes to make the switch over to another company and cause disruption to the employees. The Administration also feels they have a good relationship with United and as a result, the presentation would be presented to the Senate Committee. Benefits committee members were concerned that the presentation specifically outlined going from the Healthcare Oversight Committee to the Senate Committee, did not indicate would come to the Benefits Committee at all. It was asked at the meeting what our purpose of the benefits committee – it was not explained other than we are an “advisory” group to the Senate. Overall, we were expecting 10-12% increase so by keeping the rate increase to half of what we were anticipating and negotiating a cap on the rate increase for the following year, United Healthcare would be the chosen vendor for the next 2 years. United Healthcare will be offering some Wellness Initiatives this year. They will be offering different incentives to promote wellness and healthy lifestyle and we should be seeing some of these incentives by the end of the year. If was pointed out that the consultants were not the ones making a recommendation, but they are strictly there to gather the information and data. The recommendation is made at the Healthcare Oversight Committee level. At the end of the Benefits Committee meeting we did not have enough voting members present to take a vote to make an endorsement. So the presentation to continue with UnitedHealth is going directly to the Senate with open enrollment beginning in October. TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes September 11, 2008 Page 6 Questions from floor: So if you don’t like UnitedHealth who do you talk to? You need to contact Sandy West (WFMO). Is there a survey that WFMO can do to see if people are satisfied with UnitedHealth? Jason responded that sometime in the recent past, an information survey was done by WFMO to see staff’s opinion of different vendors. There is also a timing issue that contributes to the problem. So going forward, would need to do a survey earlier in the year for the information to be available for the consultant gathering data and presenting collected information. 2. Budget Review No meeting. 3. Information Technology No Report. 4. Equal Opportunity No Report. 5. Physical Facilities No Report. 6. Social Issues No Report. VI. SAC Sub-Committees 1. Election Committee No report. 2. Electronic Technology and Information No report. Susan thanked Aaron Martin for his assistance in putting together a site to handle the football ticket raffle. The football tickets were donated to SAC and over 400 people responded to the raffle. 3. Staff Appreciation TU Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes September 11, 2008 Page 7 No report. Rob Plattner and Lisa Britton will co-chair this committee. 4. Staff Issues No chair for this committee yet. 5. Constitution Mentioned in the Chair’s report above. VII. Old Business None. VIII. New Business Judy Vitrano asked, “how do know who are your constituents, and how do you notify them? Can we define the campuses so we know who our constituents are?” Discussion explained that in the past there were “districts” but we have since gotten away from that. Most attending agreed that it is important information that we would like to get out to everyone but not sure how to go about doing that. It was suggested that Susan (as chair) send out an email to all staff with a brief paragraph about SAC and a link to our website and the minutes of our last meeting. Everyone agreed that this would be a good way to reach all staff members. Mike Griffith wanted to invite us to get the word out about “Tech Day” that will be held on September 19, 2008 in the LBC from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Mike had flyers asking us to pass these around our offices and work areas. There will be guest lectures, software demos, games, food, and prizes. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on October 9, 2008 at the Tidewater Building in the Dean’s Conference Room on the 24th Floor at 3:30 pm. IX. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:32 pm. Respectfully submitted, Lisa M. Britton Recording Secretary