Maltreatment and Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting Kim Webb University of Missouri

Maltreatment and Adolescent

Pregnancy and Parenting

Kim Webb

University of Missouri

MAPPP Presentation

Introduction to MAPPP

MAPPP stands for Maltreatment and Adolescent

Pregnancy and Parenting Program

Goals of MAPPP:

• Increase community awareness of maltreatment in the lives of pregnant and parenting adolescents and their children

• Assist communities in addressing local issues related to maltreatment and adolescent pregnancy and parenting

MAPPP p.14


Maltreatment is a broad term used to cover all types of child abuse and neglect, relationships or interpersonal violence, battering, sexual abuse, and any other types of emotional or physical violence inflicted on an adolescent female prior to and/or during adolescent pregnancy and parenting.

Maltreatment also included victimization of children born to adolescent mothers.

MAPPP p.18

MAPPP p. 20

MAPPP Research Questions

1. What is the relationship between child maltreatment and subsequent adolescent pregnancy?

2. What are the factors associated with maltreatment of pregnant adolescents?

3. What is the likelihood that children of adolescent mothers will experience maltreatment?

MAPPP p. 22



Prior to



Research is just beginning to establish a link between childhood maltreatment and adolescent pregnancy

MAPPP p.32

Definition of

Sexual Victimization

Noncontact molestation: someone looked at the child or forced the child to look at them while naked; sexual photographs

Contact molestation: fondling

Attempted Rape: trying to have unwanted sexual intercourse

Rape: forced sexual intercourse MAPPP p.34

Prevalence of

Sexual Victimization

In a study of 535 adolescent mothers who were 19 or younger at the time of their first pregnancy, 66% (or 351) had been sexually victimized

36% or 190 had experienced noncontact molestation

51% or 275 had experienced contact molestation

42% or 225 had experienced attempted rape

44% or 235 had experienced rape

MAPPP p.36

Sexual Victimization continued

55% (294) of the 535 adolescent mothers had been sexually molested

1. Average age of first molestation……....9.7 years

2. First molestation before 5 years old…..24% (71)

3. Average age of first perpetrator………28

4. More than one incident of abuse……...77% (226)

5. Sexually abused by a family member….54% (259)

MAPPP p.38


According to the 535 adolescent mothers:

Raped at least once…………………..44% (235)

• Raped more than once…………..50% (118)

• Physical force had been used…….94% (221)

Average age at first rape……………..13 years

Average age of perpetrator…………..23 years

MAPPP p.40

Responses to Sexual Abuse

1. Traumatic sexualization

-developmentally inappropriate attitudes towards sex

2. Feeling betrayed by the perpetrator and by those who did not protect them

3. Powerlessness- feeling unable to control negative events in their lives

4. Stigmatization- thinking that others blame them for the maltreatment

MAPPP p.42

Emotional Experiences

Linked to Abuse Trauma



•Dissociative responses

MAPPP p.44

Effects of Childhood Sexual

Abuse on School Behavior

• Inability to focus on teacher

• Reoccurring disruptive memories

• Irrational fears

• Excuses and justifications for incomplete work

• Anger and lashing out at others, including adults

MAPPP p.48

Effects on School Behavior continued

• Adopting an “I don’t care” attitude

• Significant gaps in learning

• Giving up easily

• Compulsive lying

• Chronic low self-esteem

MAPPP p.50

Effects of Childhood

Sexual Abuse Linked to

Adolescent Pregnancy

• Poor emotional development due to trauma

• Poor cognitive development due to trauma

• Poor physical condition due to trauma

MAPPP p.52

Sexual Abuse and

Emotional Development

• Attachment and Bonding

• Relationship Difficulties

– Promiscuity

– Distant or avoids of opposite sex

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Suicidal ideation or suicide attempts

Sexual Abuse and

Cognitive Development

Brain Development

Physical conditions

Heart Palpitations

Panic Attacks

Behavioral effects




Sexual Abuse and

Physical Condition

Eating Disorders

– Anorexia

– Obesity

Physical Appearance

– Oversized Clothes

– Personal Hygiene






Maltreatment During

Adolescent Pregnancy

Research Findings:

•One in five adolescents, compared with one in six adult women, report maltreatment during pregnancy

•Between 17% and 26% of adolescents report maltreatment during pregnancy

•Maltreatment prior to pregnancy is a primary predictor of maltreatment during pregnancy

MAPPP p.68

Maltreatment During Adolescent Pregnancy

Research Findings continued:

•When they report maltreatment, pregnant adolescents are more likely to report physical abuse

(i.e. hitting, slapping, etc.)

•Pregnant adolescents are subject to maltreatment from multiple perpetrators

•Pregnant adolescents enter prenatal care late in pregnancies

•Adolescents are at higher risk for poor pregnancy outcomes-this is compounded by maltreatment

MAPPP p.70

Signs of Intimate

Partner Violence

• 50% of injuries are to head, neck or face

• Multiple injuries at various stages of healing

• In pregnant women, injuries are generally to breast, abdomen or genitals

• Injuries may be inconsistent with explanation

• Time lag between actual injury and being seen

MAPPP p.78

Linda Bullock, University of Missouri, 1999


Maltreatment of Children of Adolescent


Child maltreatment is a complex phenomenon with multiple causes

• Not all adolescents maltreat their children

• Not all children of adolescents are maltreated

MAPPP p.96

A dolescents may not be able to deal effectively with the stressors in their lives and this can put their children at risk for maltreatment.

MAPPP p.98

Risk Factors for

Maltreatment of Children of Adolescent Mothers

• Family disorganization or disruption

• Lack of emotional support from an adult during childhood

• Violence in family of origin

MAPPP p.100

Risk Factors for

Maltreatment of Children of Adolescent Mothers continued

Economic Factors related to:

• Less education

• Unemployment or underemployment

• Number of children in the household

MAPPP p.102

Risk Factors for

Maltreatment of Children of Adolescent Mothers continued

• Lack of social support for the adolescent parent

• Changes in primary care-giver of the child

MAPPP p.104

Age of Mother and

Risk of Maltreatment for Her Child

Some researchers have found a relationship between the age of the mother and the risk for maltreatment of her child.

MAPPP p.106

Study I:

Of 2,031 substantiated cases of child maltreatment, 38% were attributed to women who gave birth to children prior to their 20th birthday.

Study 2:

Children born to women under 18 were twice as likely to suffer maltreatment as those born to older women.

MAPPP p.108

Study 3:

The younger the mother at the time of birth of the maltreated child, the higher the risk of maltreatment.

Study 4:

In a review of death records during the first year of almost 35 million children born between 1983 and 1991, the strongest risk factor for death during that year was maternal age less than 17.

MAPPP p.110

Adolescents as Mothers

Compared to women who are older when they become parents, adolescent mothers:

• Tend to be more punitive

• Tend to be more rigid

• May have more inappropriate expectations for their children

• May be prone to use physical discipline

MAPPP p. 112

Implications for


• Early intervention with those who show a negative attitude prenatally

• Parenting education

• Increased social support

MAPPP p.114