Table 1: Maltreatment Trend by State, rates per 10,000 youth (<18) Sexual Abuse % Change U.S. Total 2004 11.8 1992- 20032004 2004 -49% -6% Physical Abuse % Change 2004 20.8 19922004 20032004 -43% -11% Neglect± % Change 2004 74.4 19922004 20032004 -6% -5% Alabama 20.7 -52% 0% 34.8 -51% 8% 37.5 -67% 13% Arizona 2.8 -91% 45% 9.7 -54% 37% 36.4 -45% 54% Arkansas 29.9 -2% -3% 19.8 -52% -1% 64.4 -11% 6% California 8.3 -73%* -21%* 14.3 -70%* -23%* 69.4 . 12%* Colorado 8.7 -60% 7% 15.4 -49% 2% 44.9 -16% 32% Connecticut 7.5 -46% 14% 16.4 -68% -3% 116.6 -20% 12% Delaware 10.7 -8% -5% 21.4 -13% 38% 26.7 -42% 6% District of Columbia 10.0 256% 29% 33.2 -10% -27% 186.3 -31% -3% Florida 13.4 -52% -15% 42.7 -10% -13% 102.0 -30% -10% Georgia 10.5 -65% 9% 24.4 -43% 29% 167.4 0% 4% Hawaii 6.6 -35% -15% 13.4 -56% -17% 20.2 -14% -20% Idaho 3.1 -91% 0% 9.4 -84% 36% 35.5 -65% 20% Illinois 18.3 2% 8% 25.4 66% -17% 59.9 -33% 11% Indiana 24.5 -51% -9% 17.3 -65% -26% 86.4 -21% -6% Iowa 12.5 -37% -3% 28.8 -27% -3% 155.7 165% 8% Kansas 11.9 -6% -4% 18.1 61% -14% 20.1 121% -15% Kentucky 9.5 -65% -12% 29.2 -59% -9% 162.0 3% 12% Louisiana 6.7 -39% -7% 27.6 -15% 30% 69.9 -17% -6% Maine 18.5 -11% -22% 40.3 25% -10% 106.1 101% -10% Maryland 13.5 . -10% 33.1 . -14% 64.4 . -8% Massachusetts 7.2 -60% -5% 36.6 -23% -8% 220.3 66% 0% Michigan 5.7 -45% -8% 21.7 -6% -5% 82.1 80% 0% Minnesota 6.8 -40% -10% 11.8 -69% -19% 50.6 -13% -8% Mississippi 12.1 -51% 3% 17.1 -57% -4% 42.3 -44% -7% Missouri 18.9 -11% -6% 20.0 -19% -1% 37.2 -52% -4% Montana 7.3 -80% -7% 10.6 -89% -80% 59.8 -59% 64% Nebraska 8.8 -47% 0% 20.0 -48% 7% 87.3 20% 36% Nevada 2.8 -77% -7% 13.0 -71% 3% 61.0 -59% -7% New Hampshire 5.8 -68% -19% 6.6 -33% 0% 20.4 40% -8% New Jersey 3.1 -64% -13% 10.1 -72% 3% 24.2 -50% -1% New Mexico 6.9 -60% -10% 37.3 -1% -7% 89.2 1% 3% New York 6.3 -60% -6% 19.8 -58% -8% 154.3 74% -2% North Carolina 5.6 -37% -2% 5.5 -26% 12% 124.4 -22% -14% North Dakota 11.2 -12% -6% 21.1 -71% -6% 105.4 1% 17% Ohio 27.1 -32% 4% 33.0 -37% -15% 86.9 -17% -4% Oklahoma 10.1 -27% -4% 27.6 -25% 3% 131.9 100% 3% Oregon 13.5 -67% 3% 13.4 -56% -1% 43.3 -3% 18% Pennsylvania 9.9 -35% 8% 5.6 -56% -5% 0.8 -46% -26% Rhode Island 6.7 -74% -27% 24.4 -66% 1% 99.2 -16% -9% South Carolina 8.3 -58% -2% 31.4 29% -17% 69.1 -8% -8% South Dakota 4.0 -85% -57% 14.6 -46% -68% 79.3 -9% -51% Tennessee 25.7 13% 55% 33.8 53% 53% 57.7 49% 66% Texas 10.9 -48% -8% 21.2 -46% -3% 57.6 -15% 4% Utah 34.5 -11% 6% 23.1 -37% -2% 39.2 21% 10% Vermont 38.5 -31% 2% 41.7 42% -12% 7.0 -74% -1% Virginia 6.1 -59% 2% 9.5 -59% 7% 24.8 -58% 9% Washington 3.1 -83%** 2% 8.6 -79%** 8% 36.3 -47%** 14% West Virginia 11.7 . -22% 60.7 . -16% 123.5 . -1% Wisconsin 30.8 -43% -2% 10.0 -77% -5% 20.5 -60% 4% Wyoming 6.2 -78% -16% 4.8 -88% -50% 37.9 -62% -12% 1 ±Neglect totals include medical neglect. *Due to missing data for 1992+2003, the 1991+2002 rates, respectively, are used instead for California. ** Due to data missing prior to 1995, the 1995 rate is used in place of 1992 for Washington. 2004 data for Alaska is missing and therefore excluded Source: NCANDS with additional calculations by CCRC; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families. Child Maltreatment 1992-2004 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992-2006). 2