Publications for Roger Magnusson Publications for Roger Magnusson 2016 Magnusson, R. (2016). Time to raise the minimum purchasing age for tobacco in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 204(6), 220-221. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> 2015 Magnusson, R. (2015). Case studies in nanny state name-calling: what can we learn? Public Health, 129(8), 1074-1082. <a href=" 23">[More Information]</a> Reeve, B., Magnusson, R. (2015). Food reformulation and the (neo)-liberal state: new strategies for strengthening voluntary salt reduction programs in the UK and USA. Public Health, 129(8), 1061-1073. <a href=" 21">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R., Reeve, B. (2015). Food Reformulation, Responsive Regulation, and "Regulatory Scaffolding": Strengthening Performance of Salt Reduction Programs in Australia and the United Kingdom. Nutrients, 7(7), 5281-5308. <a href="">[M ore Information]</a> Kaldor, J., Magnusson, R., Colagiuri, S. (2015). Government action on diabetes prevention: time to try something new. Medical Journal of Australia, 202(11), 578-581. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Magnusson, R., Patterson, D. (2015). How Can We Strengthen Governance of Non-communicable Diseases in Pacific Island Countries and Territories? Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies, 2(2), 293-309. <a href="">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R., Griffiths, P. (2015). Public Health. Public Health, 129(8). Swinburn, B., Kraak, V., Rutter, H., Vandevijvere, S., Lobstein, T., Sacks, G., Gomes, F., Marsh, T., Magnusson, R. (2015). Strengthening of accountability systems to create healthy food environments and reduce global obesity. The Lancet, 385(9986), 2534-3545. <a href=" 61747-5">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R., Griffiths, P. (2015). Who's afraid of the nanny state? Introduction to a symposium. Public Health, 129(8), 1017-1020. <a href=" 35">[More Information]</a> 2014 Magnusson, R., Reeve, B. (2014). 'Steering' Private Regulation? A New Strategy for Reducing Population Salt Intake in Australia. Sydney Law Review, 36(2), 255-289. Magnusson, R. (2014). Bloomberg, Hitchens, and the Libertarian Critique. Hastings Center Report, 44(1), 3-4. <a href=" /hast.242/pdf">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2014). The association between tobacco plain packaging and Quitline calls. Medical Journal of Australia, 200(6), 314-315. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2014). The legal environment of sexual healthcare practice. In Meredith Temple-Smith (Eds.), Sexual Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, (pp. 198-217). Melbourne, Australia: IP Communications. Magnusson, R., Patterson, D. (2014). The role of law and governance reform in the global response to non-communicable diseases. Globalization and Health, 10(44), 1-18. <a href=" 4">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2014). The role of the law in promoting sexual health in Australia. In Meredith Temple-Smith (Eds.), Sexual Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, (pp. 380-407). Melbourne, Australia: IP Communications. 2013 Reeve, B., Magnusson, R. (2013). 'Legislative scaffolding': a new approach to prevention. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 37(5), 494-496. <a href=" 4">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R., Currow, D. (2013). Could a scheme for licensing smokers work in Australia? Medical Journal of Australia, 199(3), 181-184. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> Bonita, R., Magnusson, R., Bovet, P., Zhao, D., Malta, D., Geneau, R., Suh, I., Thankappan, K., McKee, M., Hospedales, J., et al (2013). Country actions to meet UN commitments on non-communicable diseases: a stepwise approach. The Lancet, 381(9866), 575-584. <a href=" 61993-X">[More Information]</a> Publications for Roger Magnusson Magnusson, R., Reeve, B. (2013). Regulation and the prevention agenda: Laws should scaffold food and alcohol industry self-regulation to improve unhealthy environments and prevent disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 199(2), 89-89. <a href="">[ More Information]</a> 2012 Baur, L., Twigg, S., Magnusson, R. (2012). A Modern Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and Diabetes. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. Magnusson, R. (2012). How law and regulation can add value to prevention strategies for obesity and diabetes. In Louise A. Baur, Stephen M. Twigg, Roger S.Magnusson (Eds.), A Modern Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and Diabetes, (pp. 207-244). Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press. 2011 Magnusson, R., Gostin, L., Studdert, D. (2011). Can law improve prevention and treatment of cancer? Public Health, 125(12), 813-820. <a href=" 02">[More Information]</a> Beaglehole, R., Bonita, R., Magnusson, R. (2011). Global Cancer Prevention: An Important Pathway to Global Health and Development. Public Health, 125(12), 821-831. <a href=" 29">[More Information]</a> Beaglehole, R., Bonita, R., Horton, R., Adams, C., Alleyne, G., Asaria, P., Baugh, V., Bekedam, H., Billo, N., Casswell, S., Colagiuri, R., Colagiuri, S., Leeder, S., Magnusson, R., et al (2011). Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. The Lancet, 377(9775), 1438-1447. <a href=" 60393-0">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R., Patterson, D. (2011). Role of law in global response to non-communicable diseases. The Lancet, 378(9794), 859-860. <a href=" 60975-6">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2011). Using a Legal and Regulatory Framework to Identify and Evaluate Priorities for Cancer Prevention. Public Health, 125(12), 854-875. <a href=" 03">[More Information]</a> 2010 Magnusson, R. (2010). Global Health Governance and the Challenge of Chronic, Non-Communicable Disease. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 38(3), 490-507. <a href=" 0.00508.x">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2010). International Expert Consultation on the Development of a Public Health Law Manual, (pp. 5 - 23). Cario, Egypt: World Health Organization. Magnusson, R. (2010). Obesity Prevention and Personal Responsibility: The Case of Front-of-Pack Food Labelling in Australia. BMC Public Health, 10(662), 1-16. <a href=" 62">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2010). Review of the Human Pituitary Trust Account. 2009 Magnusson, R. (2009). Book Review, "Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint, 2nd ed.", University of California Press, Berkeley, 2008. Medical Law Review, 17, 477-501. Magnusson, R. (2009). Can NGOs and INGOs be Public Health Policy Entrepreneurs? Diabetes Voice, 54(3), 34-37. Bennett, B., Gostin, L., Magnusson, R., Martin, R. (2009). Health Governance: Law, Regulation and Policy. Public Health, 123(3), 207-212. Magnusson, R. (2009). International Expert Consultation On Public Health Law, (pp. 4 - 17). Rome, Italy: World Health Organization. Magnusson, R. (2009). Personal Responsibility, Obesity Prevention, and Front-of-Pack Food Labelling. Public Health Bulletin South Australia, 6(3), 12-18. Bennett, B., Gostin, L., Magnusson, R., Martin, R. (2009). Public Health. Public Health, 123(3). Magnusson, R. (2009). Rethinking Global Health Challenges: Towards a ''Global Compact'' for Reducing the Burden of Chronic Disease. Public Health, 123(3), 265-274. <a href=" 23">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2009). The Traditional Account of Ethics and Law at the End of Life - and Its Discontents. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 6(3), 307-324. <a href=" 9-y">[More Information]</a> Alexander, S., Baur, L., Magnusson, R., Tobin, B. (2009). When Does Severe Childhood Obesity Become a Child Protection Issue? Medical Journal of Australia, 190(3), 136-139. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=19203311">[More Information]</a> Publications for Roger Magnusson 2008 Magnusson, R. (2008). Book Review - A Good Death: An Argument for Voluntary Euthanasia by Rodney Syme, Melbourne University Publishing: Melbourne (2008). Weekend Australian. Magnusson, R. (2008). Conceptualising Policy Options for Obesity Prevention - Response to "Counteracting Obesity: Developing a Policy Framework to Guide Action". International Journal of Public Health, 53, 317-319. Magnusson, R. (2008). Developing a Global Framework to Address Non-Communicable Diseases. Diabetes Voice, 53, 9-12. Magnusson, R. (2008). Obesity: Should There Be a Law Against It? Introduction to a Symposium. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 5(9), 1-3. Magnusson, R., Colagiuri, R. (2008). The law and chronic disease prevention: possibilities and politics. Medical Journal of Australia, 188(2), 104-105. <a href=" fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract &list_uids=18205584">[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2008). What's law got to do with it part 1: A framework for obesity prevention. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 5(10), 1-12. <a href="" >[More Information]</a> Magnusson, R. (2008). What's law got to do with it Part 2: Legal strategies for healthier nutrition and obesity prevention. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 5(11), 1-17. <a href="" >[More Information]</a> 2007 Magnusson, R. (2007). Legal Issues in Teamwork: Liability within Medical Teams and Hierarchies in NSW. Precedent, 79, 10-17. Magnusson, R. (2007). Mapping the Scope and Opportunities for Public Health Law in Liberal Democracies. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 35(4), 571-587. Magnusson, R. (2007). Non-communicable Diseases and Global Health Governance: Enhancing Global Processes to Improve Health Development. Globalization and Health, 3(2), 1-16. 2006 Magnusson, R. (2006). Law, Religion and Biomedicine: Consensus or Conflict? Macquarie Law Symposium, 1(May 2006), 59-66. Magnusson, R. (2006). Mad Cows and Prions: Legal, Ethical and Operational Challenges in Responding to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and Variant CJD. In Ian Freckelton and Kerry Peterson (Eds.), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, (pp. 134-164). Sydney, Australia: The Federation Press. Magnusson, R. (2006). The Devil's Choice: Re-thinking Law, Ethics, and Symptom Relief in Palliative Care. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 34(3), 559-569. 2005 Magnusson, R. (2005). Promoting Sexual Health: the Role of Law. In Meredith Temple-Smith & Sandra Gifford (Eds.), Sexual Health: An Australian Perspective, (pp. 286-316). Melbourne: IP Communications. 2004 Magnusson, R. (2004). "Underground Euthanasia" and the Harm Minimization Debate. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 32(3), 486-495. Magnusson, R. (2004). Euthanasia: Above Ground, Below Ground. Journal of Medical Ethics, 30(5), 441-446. Magnusson, R. (2004). The 'Euthanasia Underground' And Its Implications For The Harm Minimisation Debate: An Australian Perspective. In Andrew Fagan (Eds.), Making Sense of Death and Dying, (pp. 175-195). Amsterdam: Rodopi. Magnusson, R. (2004). The Changing Legal And Conceptual Shape Of Health Care Privacy. American Journal of Law and Medicine, 32(4), 680-691. 2003 Magnusson, R. (2003). A Short History of the Next Thirty Years: Genetic testing, clinical care and personal choices. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 26(3), 743-754. Magnusson, R. (2003). Assisted Suicide, Suffering and the Meaning of a Life: Commentary. In Kerridge, Jordens, Sayers (Eds.), A Miles Little Reader - Restoring humane values to medicine, (pp. 71-74). Sydney: Desert Pea Press. Magnusson, R. (2003). Book Review. Hillyard, D & Dombrink, J: Dying Right: The Death with Dignity Movement. Medical Law Review, 11(3), 408-412. Magnusson, R. (2003). Commentary on: "Euthanasia and the meaning of life" by Miles Little. In Kerridge, Jordens, Sayers (Eds.), A Miles Little Reader - Restoring humane values to medicine, (pp. 71-74). Sydney: Desert Pea Press. Publications for Roger Magnusson Magnusson, R. (2003). HIV in Pregnancy: Commentary on legal issues. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 39(1). Magnusson, R. (2003), Moralist Church views reinforce the need to protect secular society's rights. Magnusson, R. (2003). The researcher as criminal: The case of Russel Ogden. Monash Bioethics Review, 22(2), 27-33. Magnusson, R. (2003). Will the law override a mother's choices for the sake of her foetus? Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 39. 2002 Magnusson, R. (2002). Angels of Death: Exploring the Euthanasia Underground. Australia: Melbourne University Press. Magnusson, R. (2002). Data Linkage, Health Research and Privacy: Regulating Data Flows in Australia's Health Information System. Sydney Law Review, 24(1), 5-55. Clarke, C., Magnusson, R. (2002). Data Registers in Respiratory Medicine: A Pilot Project Evaluating Compliance with Privacy Laws and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans. Journal of Law and Medicine, 10(1), 69-83. Magnusson, R. (2002), Euthanasia is happening, legal or not. Magnusson, R. (2002). Issue That Won't Die. The Courier-Mail. Magnusson, R. (2002). Regulating genetic privacy in the online health information era. Health Information Management Journal, (July), 1-18. 2001 Magnusson, R. (2001). Book review - "Human rights and Biomedicine" G.P.Smith II. Sydney Law Review, 23, 630-635. Magnusson, R. (2001). Book review - "Media Law: Commentary and Materials", S Walker. Torts Law Journal, 9, 223-227. Magnusson, R. (2001). Challenges and Dilemmas in the 'Aging & Euthanasia' Policy Cocktail. In D.Weisstub, D.Thomasma, S.Gauthier, G. Tomossy (Eds.), Aging: End-of-Millenium reflections in a changing world - III Decisions at the End of Life, (pp. 107-137). Dordrecht: Sage Publications. Magnusson, R. (2001). Freedom of Speech in Australian Defamation Law: Ridicule, Satire and Other Challenges. Torts Law Journal, 9(3), 269-297. Magnusson, R. (2001). Regulating Genetic Privacy in the On-line Health Information Era. Regulating the New Frontiers: Legal Issues in Biotechnology Symposium (2001), Hobart, Tasmania: University of Tasmania - Centre for Law and Genetics. Bennett, B., Magnusson, R. (2001). Sydney Law Review. Sydney Law Review, 23. 2000 Magnusson, R. (2000). The Use of Human Tissue Samples in Medical Research: Legal Issues for Human Research Ethics Committees. Journal of Law and Medicine, 7(4), 390-403. 1998 Allars, M., Carney, T., Magnusson, R., McMahon, K., Opeskin, B. (1998). Reform of Public Health in New South Wales.