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Working in groups of two to four and armed with the definitions just provided in lecture a
textbook, or another reliable source answer the following questions about the cell (Chapter 4). This
assignment is worth 30 points with the possible points for each question in parenthesis.
1. (10) Draw and label a diagram of the arrangement of the molecules found in a plasma
2. (10) Label (or draw onto) the cell figure with the following cellular terms:
Membrane Bound Organelles: Nucleus, Nuclear Envelope, Nuclear Pore, Nucleolus,
Chromatin, Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough & smooth), Golgi apparatus, Lysosome, Peroxisome,
Mitochondria, Chloroplast, and Vacuoles (those found in either animal or plant cells).
Non-membrane Bound Organelles: Cytoskeletal elements (microfilaments, intermediate
filaments, & microtubules), Centrioles, free ribosome.
Cellular Extensions: Microvilli, Cilia, and Flagella
3. (10) Fill-in the table to show the function(s) of each labeled part and any uniqueness of the
organelles structure.
1. (10) Draw and label your plasma or cell membrane structure in the following space.
Biology& 100
Mr. Brumbaugh
Class Assignment 4
2. (10) Label this cell with the terms from the above lists of membrane and non-membrane bound
organelles plus the cellular extensions.
Biology& 100
Mr. Brumbaugh
Class Assignment 4
3. (10) Fill in this table with the structure names and their functions from the above lists of
membrane and non-membrane bound organelles plus the cellular extensions.
Cell Structure
Biology& 100
Mr. Brumbaugh
Class Assignment 4