Review Chapter 7: Cellular Structure and Function Review Sheet

Review Chapter 7: Cellular Structure and Function Review Sheet
Section 1- Cell Discovery and Theory
 Robert Hook Discovered the cell while looking at cork under a compound light
 When did the 1st compound light microscope first appear? -1600s
 What is the difference between a light microscope and an electron microscope?
 What is the Cell Theory?
 What scientists where involved in creating cell theory?
 Prokaryote vs Eukaryote
Section 2 - The Plasma Membrane
 What is the function of the plasma membrane?
 Fluid Mosaic Model
o Phospholipid Bilayer (Phospholipids = Polar heads and Nonpolar tails)
o Proteins
o Carbohydrates
o Cholesterol (Non-polar)
Section 3 - Structures and Organelles
 Be able to label the organelles on both the diagrams of Plant and Animal cells
o Cell Membrane
o Cell Wall
o Cytoplasm
o Ribosomes
o Golgi Apparatus
o Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
o Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
o Central Vacuole
o Chloroplast
o Mitochondria
o Nucleus
o Nuclear membrane
o Lysosomes
o Microtubules
o Microfilaments
o Nuclear Pores
o Cilia/Flagella
 Be able to tell the function of those organelles
Section 4 - Cellular Transport
 Transport of molecules across the plasma membrane
 Passive Transport – Movement from a high concentration to a low concentration (No
o Diffusion - Define
o Osmosis - Define
o Facilitated Diffusion - Define
 Be able to determine if a solution is Hypotonic, Hypertonic, or Isotonic when compared
to another solution.
 What is dynamic equilibrium?
 Active Transport – Movement from low concentration to high concentration (Energy
o Pumps (Sodium/Potassium Pump)
o Endocytosis
o Exocytosis