Promotion via Ring-fenced Recruitment/Individual Regrading Statement

Promotion via Ring-fenced Recruitment/Individual Regrading Statement
Please note: that this form should only be used in promotion cases where:
a) a potential pool of candidates have been ring-fenced for a position which has
been identified as a suitable development opportunity as a substantive
appointment; or
b) a role has grown to the level of the next grade, and that there is an ongoing
business need for the post to operate at that level.
Important: This form should not be used where the promotion occurs as part of a wider
restructuring process.
PART 1: Business Case
Line Manager/Head of Department Statement - Business Case:
Action: COMPLETE/DELETE as applicable:
Outline the business need for the post to operate at a higher grade and how this
will support the Department to meet the strategic or operational priorities.
Explain the reason(s) for the additional duties and/or responsibilities and how
these establish the need to regrade the role taking into account the skills,
knowledge and level of responsibility required to fulfil the duties.
Outline the financial impact of regrading the position and how this will be
accommodated within the staffing budget beyond the first year.
Include any other information pertinent to the business case.
Statement from Head of Department (if not provided above):
HoD Signature:
PART 2: Supporting Information
Other Considerations (if not confirmed above):
Action: COMPLETE/DELETE as applicable:
Confirm why is this a case for promotion though regrading, and not any other
option e.g. special responsibility allowance (SRA) or open recruitment? (e.g. do the
additional duties and the development of this role fit into the longer-terms plans
for the department? Is this a new or replacement position? Is this part of a wider
Is there financial approval for this post at the recommended grade and point?
Will any additional training be required to support the member of staff to take on
the new responsibilities? Is there a cost associated with that training?
What impact will this post operating at a higher grade have on other
people/activities, specifically will all of the previous requirements of the role
continue if the role is regraded or will more routine elements of the role be
delegated to another colleague in the team?
How does this change fit within the Department’s people/succession plan?
Supporting Evidence:
1. Revised About the Job (ATJ) highlighting the changes;
2. An organisational chart showing how the role fits into the team and/or
department attached;
3. Any other supporting evidence e.g. financial information regarding the
affordability, strategic and/or operational priorities etc.
PART 3: Information about the Candidate
Please complete this section following the appointment of the successful candidate in cases
of promotion via ring-fenced recruitment or as part of the original considerations for
Payroll Number:
Current title:
Recommended title:
Current grade:
Recommended grade:
Current point:
Recommended point:
If approved effective date of the regrading
PART 4: Promotion Decision
Briefly outline below the reasons why this candidate should be promoted, including how
they have demonstrated the capabilities for the role.
Please note: completed forms should be returned to the HR Manager for your
Faculty/Professional Services.