215 ESTIMATES 1996-97 MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FUND* _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Appropriation Revised Appropriation $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Agency 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Recurrent Services Capital Works and Services 402,904 405,039 466,376 7,743 7,743 17,067 _____________________________________ 410,647 412,782 483,443 _____________________________________ 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT Recurrent Services Capital Works and Services 579,808 588,936 618,575 26,138 138 2,133 _____________________________________ 605,946 589,074 620,708 _____________________________________ 28 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Recurrent Services Capital Works and Services 3,051 3,051 3,189 18 18 18 _____________________________________ 3,069 3,069 3,207 _____________________________________ 29 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE Recurrent Services Capital Works and Services 64,431 65,273 68,733 2,064 1,534 11,517 _____________________________________ 66,495 66,807 80,250 _____________________________________ 216 ESTIMATES 1996-97 MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FUND* _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Appropriation Revised Appropriation $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Agency 30 HOME CARE SERVICE Recurrent Services ... ... ... _____________________________________ ... ... ... _____________________________________ TOTAL, MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES Recurrent Services 1,050,194 Capital Works and Services 1,062,299 1,156,873 35,963 9,433 30,735 _____________________________________ 1,086,157 1,071,732 1,187,608 _____________________________________________________________________________________ * Summaries of payments from all funding sources, including the Consolidated Fund, are contained in the Appendices in Budget Paper No. 2 - "Budget Information" SUMMARY OF AVERAGE STAFFING _____________________________________________________________________________________ Agency Average Staffing (EFT) ____________________ 1995-96 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE HOME CARE SERVICE 7,327 7,404 135 143 35 37 1,027 1,000 2,417 2,339 ____________________ TOTAL, MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 10,941 10,923 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 217 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Other services 341,367 53,496 5,573 10,411 431,147 34,122 351,421 58,686 5,573 10,411 262,876 33,226 355,873 60,122 5,730 9,370 296,127 37,685 Total Expenses 876,116 722,193 764,907 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Other departmental revenue 15,409 391,784 15,409 237,747 16,230 235,685 Total Retained Revenue 407,193 253,156 251,915 ... (2,000) (500) 468,923 467,037 512,492 184 ... ... 184 233 2,000 190 ... 500 Plus: Loss/(Gain) on sale of non current assets Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in receivables Gain on sale of non current assets Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 10,411 10,411 9,370 34,722 34,722 35,779 ... ... 781 21,070 19,282 876 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 402,904 405,039 466,376 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 421,090 423,197 460,744 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 218 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Asset sale proceeds transferred to the State Less: Inflows Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Net Outflows Plus: Increase in agency cash balances 8,184 25 10,991 25 17,067 ... 26,723 31,633 7,915 (18,514) (20,617) 9,152 26,257 28,360 7,915 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 7,743 7,743 17,067 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Capital grants and advances 8,184 10,991 17,067 6,674 6,674 9,184 _____________________________________ Total Capital Program 14,858 17,665 26,251 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 219 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.1 Child and Family Support Program Objective(s): To provide support and assistance to children, adolescents and families under stress or in crisis. To assist in the protection of children from abuse and neglect. To reconcile and strengthen family relationships except where the child's safety is at risk. To provide transitional support and accommodation services to children, young people, women and men. Program Description: Notification, investigation and intervention in respect of children in need of protection. Provision of a range of care options for children separated from parents, including placement providing care - at home and out of home (foster care and residential care). Monitoring and review of placements. Licensing and management of carers. Provision of adoption services and related information. Provision of support for organisations that assist vulnerable children, young people, women and men. Units 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 thous thous thous thous thous thous 25.4 12.6 5.3 5.1 4.5 5.5 26.6 12.1 4.4 5.3 4.8 6.1 27.9 12.0 4.2 5.2 4.9 6.4 29.4 11.9 4.0 5.4 5.0 6.8 EFT 1,444 1,415 1,476 1,576 Outputs: Abused or neglected children notifications confirmed cases registered cases requiring on-going involvement Children entering the substitute care system Children exiting the substitute care system Children in substitute care at period end Average Staffing: _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation 69,178 22,834 1,164 2,517 76,292 25,323 1,164 2,517 82,826 27,258 1,176 2,266 220 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.1 Child and Family Support (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Grants and subsidies Refuges for men, women, youth, children and intoxicated persons Family and individual support Community based residential care St. Vincent de Paul - Homeless Persons Project Child protection Disaster welfare projects Other services Financial assistance for welfare Child sexual assault program Child support allowances and associated expenses for foster care Family group homes Supervised travel of children Professional reports, assessments and consultations Evaluation and research Child support and associated expenses for departmental residential care Disaster welfare relief Total Expenses 78,424 23,582 38,768 950 2,430 68 77,321 24,317 35,008 950 2,430 68 77,003 17,492 27,754 981 2,598 69 495 985 495 985 1,995 744 18,200 703 30 246 180 18,200 703 30 750 180 22,092 527 31 497 180 133 2,337 133 937 137 315 263,224 267,803 265,941 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Family Information Service Adoption fees Maintenance of children Accommodation and meals Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Interest Donations and industry contributions Grants from Budget Sector agencies Grants from other organisations 115 96 45 97 105 115 96 45 97 105 119 96 46 100 109 132 910 1,587 48 479 910 787 48 136 320 997 152 Total Retained Revenue 3,135 2,682 2,075 260,089 265,121 263,866 Net Cost of Services 221 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.1 Child and Family Support (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in receivables Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 32 ... 32 52 33 ... 2,517 2,517 2,266 7,632 7,950 8,179 ... ... 172 21,369 21,571 534 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 228,603 233,167 252,748 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 249,343 253,379 251,155 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 222 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.1 Child and Family Support (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Asset sale proceeds transferred to the State Less: Inflows Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Net Outflows Plus: Increase in agency cash balances 5,135 ... 5,135 25 10,908 ... 23,271 26,189 6,223 (18,136) (21,029) 4,685 22,830 25,831 6,223 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 4,694 4,802 10,908 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 5,135 5,135 10,908 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM RECEIPTS Commonwealth payments and dedicated funds paid into Consolidated Fund Commonwealth payment - Supported Accommodation 58,702 59,469 41,809 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 223 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.2 Children's Services Program Objective(s): To assist in the provision of child care and other services to meet the physical, cognitive and emotional needs of children aged 0-12 years. To ensure that child care and related services meet minimum standards and deliver agreed outcomes. Program Description: Planning and provision of funds toward the provision of child care and related services for children. Monitoring and evaluation of compliance with legislation and standards covering child care services. Units 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 thous n.a. 105.8 118.0 135.7 thous thous n.a. n.a. 42.3 13.9 46.0 15.2 46.0 15.2 EFT 99 99 87 86 Outputs: Total licensed places Total funded child care places (excluding vacation care) Total vacation care places Average Staffing: _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Pre-schools and day care centres Vacation care Early childhood projects Assistance for establishment of child care places 5,535 2,685 171 279 5,535 2,685 171 279 5,667 2,831 177 251 72,669 3,275 3,705 6,374 72,669 3,275 3,705 6,374 75,493 3,383 3,900 8,984 Total Expenses 94,693 94,693 100,686 224 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.2 Children's Services (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Interest Donations and industry contributions Grants from Budget Sector agencies Grants from other organisations Total Retained Revenue Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in receivables Increase in agency cash balances Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 16 16 16 24 ... 13 10 87 ... 13 10 25 16 18 10 63 126 85 94,630 94,567 100,601 7 ... 5 7 10 ... 7 ... ... 279 279 251 260 260 268 ... ... 32 ... 5 17 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 94,103 94,040 100,040 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 87,456 87,456 90,851 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 225 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.2 Children's Services (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Less: Inflows Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Net Outflows Plus: Increase in agency cash balances 1,023 963 2,477 ... 82 27 1,023 881 2,450 ... 130 27 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 1,023 1,011 2,477 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Capital grants and advances 1,023 963 2,477 6,374 6,374 8,984 _____________________________________ Total Capital Program 7,397 7,337 11,461 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM RECEIPTS Commonwealth payments and dedicated funds paid into Consolidated Fund Commonwealth payment - Children’s Services 2,119 2,119 2,183 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 226 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.3 Community Resources Program Objective(s): To provide support services and concessions which assist in reducing the effects of social disadvantage of local groups and communities and increase community self sufficiency. Program Description: Provision of support services to significantly disadvantaged groups and communities to minimise social, coping or functioning disadvantages. Funding of concession programs for people with special needs. State-wide coordination and provision of disaster welfare assistance to people who experience disadvantage due to disasters. Units 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 thous 82.0 79.3 77.9 76.6 thous 84.4 82.7 81.9 81.1 EFT 195 202 86 86 Outputs: Spectacles provided under NSW Spectacle Program Energy accounts payment assistance scheme Number of customers assisted Average Staffing: _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Pensioner electricity subsidy * Community development Community youth projects and adolescent support programs Energy accounts payment assistance ** Drought Electricity Account Payment Scheme Grant for capital purposes 9,666 3,503 352 396 5,823 3,503 352 396 6,183 2,562 364 356 5,126 15,485 5,126 15,485 42,417 16,549 11,408 3,440 1,000 300 11,408 3,440 1,000 300 12,197 7,107 ... 200 227 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.3 Community Resources (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Other services Financial assistance for welfare Community Welfare Advisory Council National Campaign Against Drug Abuse Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Interest Grants from Budget Sector agencies Grants from other organisations Total Retained Revenue Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in receivables Increase in agency cash balances Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 4,079 45 41 4,079 45 41 4,214 46 35 54,841 50,998 92,230 129 129 133 30 220 12 109 217 12 31 94 20 391 467 278 54,450 50,531 91,952 28 ... 28 28 11 17 29 ... ... 396 396 356 821 503 527 ... ... 38 ... ... 12 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 53,289 49,688 91,048 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 52,803 49,503 90,822 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 228 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.1 Child and Family Services 26.1.3 Community Resources (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Asset sale proceeds transferred to the State 706 25 586 ... 1,478 ... Less: Inflows Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 328 210 54 Net Outflows 403 376 1,424 Plus: Increase in agency cash balances 25 322 54 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 428 698 1,478 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Capital grants and advances 706 586 1,478 300 300 200 _____________________________________ Total Capital Program 1,006 886 1,678 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: * The increase in pensioner electricity subsidies mainly relates to corporatisation of the electricity distribution authorities. Previously the urban distributors funded the subsidies from internal sources. In regard to rural distributors, the Government contribution up to December 1995 is shown under the Department of Energy's payment estimates. ** Payments in 1995-96 up to December 1995 are shown under the Department of Energy. 229 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.2 Disability Services 26.2.1 Disability Services Program Objective(s): To assist people with disabilities and their carers. Program Description: Coordination and provision of community support services to individuals with disabilities who live independently in the community. Provision of accommodation and support services to people with disabilities who are unable to live independently in the community. Units 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 no. n.a. n.a. 1,768 1,768 no. n.a. n.a. 1,055 1,055 EFT 5,583 5,645 5,678 5,656 Outputs: Clients in large and mini residential institutions Clients in the 219 group homes operated by the Department Average Staffing: _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Assistance to disabled * Home and Community Care program * Other grants to Budget Sector agencies * Other services Child support and associated expenses for departmental residential care Total Expenses 256,988 24,474 3,886 7,219 263,771 27,175 3,886 7,219 261,197 27,471 4,013 6,497 103,795 59,300 1,048 ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,648 6,648 6,872 463,358 308,699 306,050 230 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.2 Disability Services 26.2.1 Disability Services (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Accommodation and meals Residential client fees Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Interest Donations and industry contributions Grants from Budget Sector agencies Grants from other organisations 2,445 12,118 243 2,445 12,118 243 2,522 12,500 589 414 420 384,534 3,430 1,515 420 229,710 3,430 438 290 229,960 3,178 Total Retained Revenue 403,604 249,881 249,477 ... (2,000) (500) 59,754 56,818 56,073 117 ... 266 ... 117 160 2,277 2,000 121 ... ... 500 Plus: Loss/(Gain) on sale of non current assets Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in receivables Increase in agency cash balances Gain on sale of non current assets Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 7,219 7,219 6,497 26,009 26,009 26,805 ... ... 539 ... ... 313 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 26,909 28,144 22,540 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 31,488 32,859 27,916 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 231 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 26 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES _____________________________________________________________________________________ 26.2 Disability Services 26.2.1 Disability Services (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 1,320 4,307 2,204 Less: Inflows Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 3,124 5,152 1,611 (1,804) (845) 593 Net Outflows Plus: Increase in agency cash balances 3,402 2,077 1,611 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 1,598 1,232 2,204 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 1,320 4,307 2,204 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: * Following determination of the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Community Services and the Ageing and Disability Department, payments associated with a number of projects are now shown under the latter agency. 232 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Other services 7,315 4,835 11 148 596,208 1,442 7,290 5,241 101 148 581,919 2,646 8,846 5,037 80 148 604,117 2,341 Total Expenses 609,959 597,345 620,569 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Other departmental revenue 32 230 46 925 33 566 Total Retained Revenue 262 971 599 ... (1) ... 609,697 596,373 619,970 70 ... ... 1 6 ... Plus: Loss/(Gain) on sale of non current assets Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Gain on sale of non current assets Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Increase in accrued expenses Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 148 148 148 652 652 883 ... 23 ... 30 30 ... 29,129 6,585 370 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 579,808 588,936 618,575 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 608,782 578,319 610,916 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 233 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 26,138 138 2,133 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 26,138 138 2,133 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Capital grants and advances 26,138 138 2,133 ... 15,629 8,200 _____________________________________ Total Capital Program 26,138 15,767 10,333 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 234 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27.1 Ageing and Disability 27.1.1 Ageing and Disability Program Objective(s): To provide strategic policy advice to government on ageing and disability matters with emphasis on improving the quality of services and opportunities available to older people and people with disabilities. To fund services that assist frail older people, people with a disability and their carers to maximise their independence and participation in the community. Program Description: Provision of strategic policy and planning advice on ageing and disability issues to the Minister. Provision of funding to government and non-government agencies (including the Department of Community Services and the Home Care Service) that deliver services to the aged and people with a disability and their carers. Monitoring of the effectiveness of services provided to the aged and disabled people. Average Staffing (EFT) __________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Activities: Strategic policy and planning Program policy, planning and operations Licensing Guardianship Board Disability Council Program support 30 18 8 50 5 24 ______ 135 31 23 8 49 5 27 ______ 143 _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation 7,315 4,835 11 148 7,290 5,241 101 148 8,846 5,037 80 148 235 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27.1 Ageing and Disability 27.1.1 Ageing and Disability (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Grants and subsidies Voluntary organisations Assistance to disabled Home and Community Care program Community care services Supported accomodation assistance Community support services Purchase of group homes for disabled people * Other services Special projects Expenses of community events and annual concerts Disability Council Total Expenses 4,156 178,440 193,082 1,053 183,811 35,666 ... 4,156 146,351 193,082 1,053 183,811 35,666 17,800 4,293 174,615 195,284 1,198 183,514 37,013 8,200 435 925 82 1,607 925 114 1,300 956 85 609,959 597,345 620,569 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Interest Donations and industry contributions Grants from Budget Sector agencies Other 32 46 33 30 70 ... 130 48 445 200 232 31 325 200 10 Total Retained Revenue 262 971 599 ... (1) ... 609,697 596,373 619,970 70 ... ... 1 6 ... Plus: Loss/(Gain) on sale of non current assets Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Gain on sale of non current assets 236 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27.1 Ageing and Disability 27.1.1 Ageing and Disability (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Increase in accrued expenses Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 148 148 148 652 652 883 ... 23 ... 30 30 ... 29,129 6,585 370 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 579,808 588,936 618,575 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 608,782 578,319 610,916 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 237 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 27 AGEING AND DISABILITY DEPARTMENT _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27.1 Ageing and Disability 27.1.1 Ageing and Disability (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment* 26,138 138 2,133 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 26,138 138 2,133 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Capital grants and advances* 26,138 138 2,133 ... 15,629 8,200 _____________________________________ Total Capital Program 26,138 15,767 10,333 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROGRAM RECEIPTS Commonwealth payments and dedicated funds paid into Consolidated Fund Commonwealth payment - Home and Community Care Program 114,930 114,930 118,829 Commonwealth payment - Assistance to Disabled 98,160 98,160 102,231 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: * Following determination of the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Community Services and the Ageing and Disability Department, payments associated with a number of projects are now identified as being the responsibility of the latter agency. Payment of grants for the purchase of group homes for people with a disability are shown in the operating statement. An amount of $2.171 million is being paid to the Department of Community Services in 1995-96 and appears in that Department’s Capital Program. 238 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 28 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation 2,410 889 10 60 2,390 904 15 93 2,635 850 15 100 Total Expenses 3,369 3,402 3,600 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Other departmental revenue 6 16 10 16 10 16 Total Retained Revenue 22 26 26 3,347 3,376 3,574 Net Cost of Services Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 60 93 100 208 208 285 ... 1 ... 28 23 ... _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 3,051 3,051 3,189 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 2,960 2,981 3,070 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 239 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 28 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 18 18 18 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 18 18 18 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 18 18 18 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 240 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 28 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28.1 Community Services Commission 28.1.1 Community Services Commission Program Objective(s): To provide an independent complaints handling, review, monitoring and appeals mechanism for community services provided or funded by the State Government. Program Description: Investigation and mediation of complaints, review of the situation of children and adults with disabilities who are in care and co-ordination of the community visitor scheme. Hearings and appeals against decisions of community service providers. Administrative support for the Community Services Review Council. Average Staffing (EFT) __________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Activities: Community Services Commission Community Services Appeals Tribunal 32 3 ______ 35 34 3 ______ 37 _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation 2,410 889 10 60 2,390 904 15 93 2,635 850 15 100 Total Expenses 3,369 3,402 3,600 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Interest 6 10 10 16 16 16 Total Retained Revenue 22 26 26 3,347 3,376 3,574 Net Cost of Services 241 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 28 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION _____________________________________________________________________________________ 28.1 Community Services Commission 28.1.1 Community Services Commission (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 60 93 100 208 208 285 ... 1 ... 28 23 ... _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 3,051 3,051 3,189 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 2,960 2,981 3,070 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 18 18 18 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 18 18 18 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 18 18 18 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 242 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 29 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Other services 47,215 11,535 2,085 2,556 1,800 5,742 51,137 10,976 2,064 2,548 782 3,708 49,635 11,621 3,034 2,662 1,950 7,464 Total Expenses 70,933 71,215 76,366 580 578 456 445 392 482 1,158 901 874 69,775 70,314 75,492 1,139 2,250 ... Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Other departmental revenue Total Retained Revenue Net Cost of Services Plus: Increase in agency cash balances Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Other 2,556 2,548 2,662 3,777 4,484 3,880 150 259 217 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 64,431 65,273 68,733 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 61,903 61,188 66,985 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 243 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 29 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Plus: Decrease in accrued capital works and services Less: Decrease in agency cash balances 2,334 1,534 11,517 ... 475 ... 270 475 ... _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 2,064 1,534 11,517 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 2,334 2,009 11,517 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 244 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 29 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29.1 Juvenile Justice 29.1.1 Juvenile Justice Program Objective(s): To serve the community by providing quality services for young people who have offended. Program Description: Establishment and maintenance of a range of programs and facilities for young people who have offended, including the provision of services to the courts, the management of Juvenile Justice Centres and the provision of community based services. Units 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 % % 1.0 18.9 1.1 14.6 0.7 14.0 0.7 14.0 no. no. no. 3,475 2,697 6,172 3,585 2,715 6,300 3,937 2,735 6,672 3,937 2,735 6,672 no. no. 5,183 428 6,260 466 6,732 480 6,732 480 no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 3,181 24 1,785 667 364 285 4,976 2,180 3,622 83 1,558 692 706 462 5,227 2,326 4,228 284 2,350 820 2,460 564 4,084 2,610 4,228 284 2,350 820 2,460 564 4,084 2,610 EFT 913 991 1,027 1,000 Outcomes: Juvenile Justice Centres (JJC's) Escapes (as a % of admissions) Recidivism (JJC to JJC) Outputs: Juvenile Justice Centres Unsentenced and appellants Committals Total admissions Total discharges Average detainees per week Community based services Total community based orders Parole/post release Probation/recognizance Community service orders Fine defaulters Clients of counselling services Court reports prepared Remand interventions Average Staffing: 245 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 29 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29.1 Juvenile Justice 29.1.1 Juvenile Justice (cont) _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation Grants and subsidies Clergy attending centres Grants to organisations Other services Supervised travel of children Professional reports, assessments and consultations Child support and associated expenses for departmental residential care Redundancies Total Expenses Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Sale of farm produce Minor user charges Other departmental revenue Donations and industry contributions Grants from Budget Sector agencies Grants from other organisations Other Total Retained Revenue Net Cost of Services Plus: Increase in agency cash balances 47,215 11,535 2,085 2,556 51,137 10,976 2,064 2,548 49,635 11,621 3,034 2,662 214 1,586 214 568 214 1,736 213 312 220 114 89 118 5,415 ... 3,157 150 5,626 1,500 70,933 71,215 76,366 180 400 167 289 186 206 5 107 167 299 ... ... 189 256 ... ... 173 309 1,158 901 874 69,775 70,314 75,492 1,139 2,250 ... 246 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 29 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29.1 Juvenile Justice 29.1.1 Juvenile Justice (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Crown acceptance of agency liabilities Other 2,556 2,548 2,662 3,777 4,484 3,880 150 259 217 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation 64,431 65,273 68,733 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 61,903 61,188 66,985 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Plus: Decrease in accrued capital works and services Less: Decrease in agency cash balances 2,334 1,534 11,517 ... 475 ... 270 475 ... _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation 2,064 1,534 11,517 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 2,334 2,009 11,517 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 247 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 30 HOME CARE SERVICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation 105,523 19,179 110 3,051 105,695 18,314 110 3,051 104,960 20,009 110 3,051 Total Expenses 127,863 127,170 128,130 Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Other departmental revenue 12,828 112,320 12,828 109,842 13,730 114,400 Total Retained Revenue 125,148 122,670 128,130 2,715 4,500 ... 2,180 ... 2,180 ... 665 3,551 Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in agency cash balances Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 3,051 3,051 3,051 1,000 1,000 1,165 844 2,629 ... _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation ... ... ... _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 18,712 18,347 17,299 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 248 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 30 HOME CARE SERVICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUMMARY (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Debt repayments Less: Decrease in agency cash balances 2,300 435 2,300 435 2,000 366 2,735 2,735 2,366 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation ... ... ... _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 2,300 2,300 2,000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 249 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 30 HOME CARE SERVICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30.1 Home Care Service 30.1.1 Home Care Service Program Objective(s): To assist frail older people and younger people with a disability, who, without assistance, would be unable to remain living at home. To help develop housing and care projects which promote greater flexibility, choice and independence for older people who have a low to moderate income. Program Description: Provision of home care services including personal care, general housework, respite care, live-in/overnight care, shopping, meal preparation and home maintenance. Provision of assistance in project management and financing for housing and care options for older people. Units 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 Total hours of service provided for the year thous General housework hours % Overnight care hours % Live-in care hours % Personal care hours % Handyperson hours % Respite care hours % Other care hours % Average number of households serviced per month thous Average hours per customer per month no. Number of new housing and care places established as a result of assistance provided by the Service no. 3,493 49.5 0.2 0.6 30.7 2.1 12.7 4.2 41.4 6.5 3,440 46.8 0.2 0.4 34.5 1.6 12.2 4.3 39.8 6.6 3,390 43.1 0.2 0.5 37.9 0.8 11.7 5.8 39.2 6.7 3,350 42.0 0.2 0.5 39.5 0.7 11.6 5.5 39.0 6.7 66 80 100 100 Average Staffing: 2,422 2,417 2,417 2,339 Outputs: EFT _____________________________________ 1995-96 1996-97 Budget Revised Budget $000 $000 $000 _____________________________________ OPERATING STATEMENT Expenses Operating expenses Employee related Other operating expenses Maintenance Depreciation 105,523 19,179 110 3,051 105,695 18,314 110 3,051 104,960 20,009 110 3,051 Total Expenses 127,863 127,170 128,130 250 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 30 HOME CARE SERVICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30.1 Home Care Service 30.1.1 Home Care Service (cont) OPERATING STATEMENT (cont) Less: Retained Revenue User charges revenue Home Care Service fees Other departmental revenue Interest Grants from Budget Sector agencies Grants from other organisations Other 12,828 12,828 13,730 500 108,280 3,390 150 1,050 107,952 690 150 600 108,445 5,205 150 Total Retained Revenue 125,148 122,670 128,130 2,715 4,500 ... 2,180 ... 2,180 ... 665 3,551 Net Cost of Services Plus: Decrease in accrued expenses Increase in agency cash balances Less: Non funded expenses Depreciation Decrease in receivables Decrease in agency cash balances 3,051 3,051 3,051 1,000 1,000 1,165 844 2,629 ... _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Recurrent Appropriation ... ... ... _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CURRENT PAYMENTS 18,712 18,347 17,299 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 251 ESTIMATES 1996-97 _____________________________________________________________________________________ MINISTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES, MINISTER FOR AGED SERVICES AND MINISTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES 30 HOME CARE SERVICE _____________________________________________________________________________________ 30.1 Home Care Service 30.1.1 Home Care Service (cont) INVESTING STATEMENT Outflows Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Debt repayments Less: Decrease in agency cash balances 2,300 435 2,300 435 2,000 366 2,735 2,735 2,366 _____________________________________ Consolidated Fund Capital Appropriation ... ... ... _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL PROGRAM Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 2,300 2,300 2,000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Budget support for the Home Care Service is provided by the Ageing and Disability Department from the Home and Community Care (HACC) program. The allocation from HACC for 1996-97 is a base figure because the distribution of funding for that year has not yet been determined. 252