Judaism Nov. 10. How is it a reaction to modernity? Wed. Reformers:

Judaism Nov. 10.
Wed. Reformers:
Be prepared to discuss why Reform Judaism arose and how.
How is it a reaction to modernity?
Others: be prepared to comment on Haskelah, Mendelssohn’s impact,
Friday: Ortho. Conservative, can describe their positions, etc.
Changes 18th - 20th century
Democracy Nation-states / citizenship
Human rights.
Economic: Capitalism / Communism
Biblical truths questioned
Religious leaders loose political power
What to do when the world changes?
Negotiate a compromise: Adaptation on certain terms
Resist change with your last dying breath
Life as a minority: choices:
Abandonment of identity as a minority
Abandonment of outside world.
Baruch Spinoza 1632-1677
Studied with Christians
Rejected Halakhah
Excommunicated (ostracized by Rabbis)
Proposed Radical discontinuity with the past.
Some of his primary beliefes about the Bible _____________________
The central points in Jewish Self Identity at the time:
How did these attitudes get entrenched in Jewish thought?
What are the implications of this for social change?
Spinoza’s new world: Spinoza on Religion and Government:
Mendelssohn 1729-1786
Hoped Jews would attain citizenship as individuals: equal to all other people.
Religion necessary to the state
Diversity is necessary
Traditional Jewish life valid
But, taught that Jews should reject Ghetto life and sense of superiority.
Jews should see themselves as full members of society
Jews should adopt customs of larger society.
Jews should retain Judaism at home.
Mendelssohn: from “Jerusalem”: “I do not understand how those who are part of
the household of Jacob can with a good conscience not fully observe the Jewish