COSUMNES RIVER COLLEGE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Minutes March 24, 2008 - Draft NEXT MEETING: April 21, 2008 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Members Present: Colette Harris (faculty co-chair), Chou Chasengnou (classified co-chair), Kathy McLain (executive secretary), Carol Bernardo, Greg Beyrer, Marybeth Buechner, Cindy Erickson, Olga Fanina (student representative); Pat Blacklock, Kenneth Cooper, Lee Miguel Members Absent: Lisa Abraham; DeWayne Apedaile; Ellen Arden-Ogle; Maricela Arevalo(Ex);Paul McCormick; Tina Nguyen (Ex); Debra Sharkey (Ex); Evelyn Silva; Aselia Valadez; Osman Mohammed; Nancy Edmonson (Ex); Elizabeth Biggert 1. The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Collette Harris who also led a discussion about what people had done over the spring break. Topic Discussion Action Needed 2. Approval of The minutes of the February meeting were approved by consensus. Minutes 3. Budget Update Kathy McLain reported on the district allocation for PD activities, which included approximately $16,500 in one time only dollars and $12,500 in a regular allocation. Kathy has confirmed that we have indeed received both of these allocations, because in the past we have received close to $16,500 dollars annually. However, the specificity of the one-time only dollars in the funding makes it seem likely that the allocation from the district may decrease next year. At this point we have reserves from the Staff Development allocation from the state and from unspent monies, which should allow us to maintain the current operating structures for the next two years. However, we may need to make changes in anticipation of the non-renewal of Staff Development monies from the state and the possible reduction in District Support dollars. 4. CASSL Update Marybeth Buechner reported on the activities of the CASSL (Center for the Advancement of Staff & Student Learning) which include the start of the second seminar series, ongoing support of the Innovation grants and ongoing work in support of the Outcomes Assessment Task Force. The first seminar series had 11-12 participants; the second has 6-8 participants, despite being a hybrid. She also mentioned that the second CASSL newsletter for Spring would be coming soon and that CRC was hosting a SLO coordinators meeting on April 11. In addition, she is working on a synopsis of CASSL activities in response to an accreditation self-study team request and has assumed a leadership position for the October Student Success Conference. 5. Convocation Discussion – OATF recommendation and Fall ideas 6. FLEX planning 7. Strategic Planning Discussion 8. Other The OATF recommendation was discussed and clarified. Concerns about structuring and preparing for the outcomes assessment discussion were raised and it was suggested that materials to structure be developed and that a training module and a “train the trainer” process be implemented, with perhaps a modeling of the conversation during convocation. Marybeth identified that a discussion prompt would be something like, “Define and discuss the most critical issues impacting the success of students in your program.” What outcomes are related to this? What will you do to help in this area and how will you assess the impact? The committee supported the OATF request to restructure the day and recommended Option B (which removed 45 minutes from the college wide and the area segments of the day). The day would be: Kathy was going to lead the same discussion with the Deans on Wednesday. Kathy will get more information on what PE wants to accomplish and what time is needed for their proposed segment. Collette had members brainstorm possible themes/ideas for convocation. Ideas generated include: basic skills as a focus, using student or faculty panels, having a panel of alumni present, having a panel of teachers share innovative teaching strategies they have used, building bridges to the future (or continuing the building on our promises), turning dreams into reality, connectedness, inspiring students, having the theme and day informed and centered around the new mission and vision statement. Kathy reminded the committee of PE’s interest in participating as part of the convocation program. One member also recommended having and awarding door prizes during or after transitions in the program (must be present to win!). This discussion was brief. It was recommended that Colette send out a request Colette will send out for proposals and volunteers as she has done in the past. an email requesting volunteers for presentations in the areas in our strategic plan (organizational effectiveness, technology, student success, crosscultural, health and wellness) Deferred to the next meeting Next meeting: April 21, 2008 The meeting was adjourned at 3:30. Respectfully submitted by: Kathy McLain, Executive Secretary