October 15, 2007 - Draft
NEXT MEETING: November 19, 2007
Members Present: Colette Harris (faculty co-chair), Kathy McLain (executive secretary); DeWayne Apedaile; Ellen Arden-Ogle;
Carol Bernardo, Greg Beyrer, Patrick Blacklock; Marybeth Buechner; Kenneth Cooper, Nancy Edmonson; Cindy Erickson; Tina
Nguyen, Aselia Valadez; Olga Fanina (student representative)
Members Absent: Chou Chasengnou (classified co-chair); Lisa Abraham (Ex); Maricela Arevalo(Ex); Elizabeth Biggert (Ex); Paul
McCormick; Osman Mohammed (Ex); Debra Sharkey (Ex); Evelyn Silva
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Colette Harris and introductions were made.
Action Needed
2. Budget
Kathy McLain distributed the budget for the PD committee and noted
that we have several sources of funds: AB1725, RCON/VTEA vocational
funds, rollover funds; PDF funds; and LRCEA funds. She noted that 25%
of the CASSL Faculty Developer’s release time is paid out of our Rollover funds and future funding of this position is a big concern as it takes
a large portion of our PD funds. MBB asked how funding for events is
determined. Could we use our funds for speakers? Kathy noted that we
can determine how we expend our funds and that each campus in the
district funds its activities in different ways. She said that the committee
tries to leverage the dollars to get the maximum benefit to most people.
Marybeth Buechner updated the committee on the activities in the
CASSL (Center for Advancement of Staff & Student Learning) including
the outcomes assessment task force and an Institute scheduled for
January before flex. She noted that the Institute will be held at the
District Office training room to take advantage of the computers and
enable the participants to actually generate a product at the end of the
workshop. It was suggested that the Institute be set up to be two oneday workshops so that people can attend either day. Flex credit will be
given for the learning portion of the workshop, not the actual hands-on
generation of outcomes which is considered to be part of a faculty’s
workload. Marybeth noted that the CASSL continued to call students
who have dropped and the reasons given by students are: illness, work
changes; took on too many units and needed to drop some. Ellen asked
about the students who register and never show up? They were not
4. Approval of
5. Discussion
included in this survey as the CASSL has limited classified staff available
for calling. Ellen noted that she attended a very informative workshop
sponsored by the NFNRC. The speaker was Pamela Cox-Otto.
The minutes of the September meeting were approved by consensus
with a minor correction.
Travel Evaluation Form – Kathy distributed the current Travel Evaluation
form which is required to be submitted by employees who are granted
PD funds. The committee made several suggestions which Kathy will
incorporate and send out via e-mail for approval.
The discussion items: Increasing Attendance & Compressed Calendar
were postponed until the next meeting.
ex Planning
Kathy McLain and Colette Harris discussed past flex formats. It was
noted that convocation is intended to be both “nuts & bolts” and
inspirational. Various continuations of the past semester’s theme of
making connections were discussed including connecting what we do to
students; the student voice – connect back to what we do; teacher as
learner; building on our promise. Students seemed to be the main focus
so a flyer will be sent to students to see if anyone would like to speak at
convocation; Cindy and Colette may have students who would be
interested in speaking.
It was noted that past experience with hiring an outside speaker has
been poor. If we were to hire a speaker, the speaker would have to
KNOW about CRC and apply what they are speaking about to CRC and
our environment.
Ellen noted that convocation shouldn’t be a time when we suggest new
things to faculty as they have already planned/prepared their syllabus.
It should be a time when we do something to inspire creativity and to
highlight faculty who don’t normally get recognition.
Validation is
important in the Spring semester as we are ½ way through the academic
year and commitment/enthusiasm may be waning. She also note that
we could have a compressed calendar discussion – what’s working and
what’s not. Greg Beyrer suggested a “compressed convocation” theme
to go along with our compressed calendar. It would include all of the
convocation in ¾ of the time.
Next meeting: November 19, 2007
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30.
Respectfully submitted by: Kathy McLain, Executive Secretary