September 17, 2007
NEXT MEETING: October 15, 2007
Members Present: Chou Chasengnou (classified co-chair), Colette Harris (faculty co-chair), Kathy McLain (executive secretary);
Carol Bernardo, Greg Beyrer, Marybeth Buechner; Kenneth Cooper, Nancy Edmonson; Osman Mohammed, Tina Nguyen, Aselia
Members Absent: Lisa Abraham (Ex); DeWayne Apedaile, Ellen Arden-Ogle (Ex); Maricela Arevalo(Ex); Elizabeth Biggert; Patrick
Blacklock (Ex); Cindy Erickson; Paul McCormick; Evelyn Silva
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by Colette Harris and introductions were made.
Action Needed
2. Committee
Colette distributed the Official Charge of the Committee (as approved by
the Shared Governance Committee). She noted Kathy McLain, the
Executive Secretary, and Chou Chasengnou, the classified co-chair, may
sometimes lead the meetings and that the committee itself is pretty
informal in its following of Robert’s Rules of Order. Colette discussed
the goals that she has planned for Fall 2007 and also noted that the PD
Strategic Plan is a living, changing document. Kathy McLain noted that
while the Strategic Plan contains many tasks related to professional
development, others may be responsible for actually performing the
tasks. The PD committee may be only assigned responsibility to make
sure the tasks occur by offering its assistance. Colette noted that this
happened recently related to our goal of promoting health & wellness.
This topic was discussed by PD last semester, but has now been
assumed by the interim dean of PE. A staff hour has been dedicated in
the gym from 7:00-8:00 on MWF. These grass roots movements are
great because they don’t feel so institutional.
3. Areas of
Kathy and Colette noted that the Committee has several areas of direct
responsibility and has two subcommittees. Our direct responsibilities are
tied to the planning of convocation and to the professional development
workshops offered during the semester. Our subcommittees are the
Proposal Review Subcommittee, which reviews proposals, and the
Newsletter Subcommittee, which is responsible for generating the
articles for the twice-per-semester newsletter. Participation on either of
4. Approval of
5. Discussion
these subcommittees is an excellent way for faculty assigned to this
committee to fulfill their shared governance obligation, which is five
hours per week. Nancy will send out an e-mail to the members not
present at today’s meeting to request their subcommittee preference. If
no response it received, then a subcommittee will be selected for them.
The minutes of the May minutes were approved by consensus.
Flex/Convocation Debriefing – Kathy distributed the summary of the
evaluations received from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday activities.
The numbers were generally good and at least 157 staff participated in
the Thursday workshop offerings.
It was noted that during the
introduction of new staff on Friday, more details on where a person
works should be given, not just their title. The evaluations returned
indicated a surprise a rating of “no opinion” on the question of student
success. One faculty noted that while filing out the evaluation she did
hesitate on that question to try to remember the link. It was felt that
this should have been made clearer during convocation.
CASSL Update – Marybeth provided a handout and discussed the
activities happening in the CASSL this semester. She recapped the 2nd
Annual College & Cultures Colloquium and noted that she will hold an
end of semester Outcomes Institute (probably on campus due to
technology needs). The CASSL will be offering innovation grants on the
scholarship of teaching and learning and Marybeth noted that she would
like to get a subcommittee formed to review the proposals. Kathy and
Marybeth reported on the project to call students who have recently
dropped to ask them why they dropped and if there is something that
CRC could have done different to stop them from dropping. Kenneth
asked if the person calling would be trained to offer help if student
requests it – financial aid, child care, transportation information, etc.
Marybeth noted that the CASSL Faculty Leader’s job description has
morphed since it was developed. Part of the time (20%) is funded by
professional development dollars should be dedicated to: 1) providing
training in the following areas: (a) implementing student learning
outcomes at the course, program and institutional levels; and (b)
effective course, program and institutional assessment strategies; 2)
supporting the ongoing development of teaching expertise at the
institution; 3) acquiring, disseminating and discussing articles (both
formally and informally) about instructional methods that meet the
needs of our diverse student population; and 4) consulting and providing
assistance to faculty as needed in order to enhance their teaching
6. Review of
PD Application
Kathy noted that we are reviewing/updating our PD application form to
reflect the college goals, new AB1725 criteria (since we are receiving
funding again) and adding the options of VTEA, CASSL, and TTIP funds
to the form. It was also noted that assessment of what we do is a
component of AB1725 funds which must be addressed and
accomplished. Suggestions were taken from the committee and Nancy
will e-mail the corrected document out the committee before we begin to
use it. It was asked if the information on the forms was automatically
collated, and it is not. It is done manually. It was also noted that
several other forms and our guidelines should be reviewed & updated.
7. Upcoming
Convocation – it was noted that it’s not too early to start planning for
convocation by soliciting workshops from colleagues. A theme needs to
be generated, and we’ve only got four meetings of the PD committee
this semester. Lots of work will need to be accomplished by e-mail.
Carol Bernardo volunteered to do a workshop on work experience &
internships during the semester. Trolling for workshops in the area of
past sabbatical recipients was questioned. It was noted that we’ve done
this in the past and some have declined the invitation as it’s not required
that the recipient report to the whole campus, only to the Professional
Standards Committee.
Needs Assessment – this topic was briefly discussed during Agenda Item
Next meeting: October 15, 2007
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:33.
Respectfully submitted by: Kathy McLain, Executive Secretary