November 19, 2007
NEXT MEETING: December 10, 2007
Members Present: Colette Harris (faculty co-chair), Chou Chasengnou (classified co-chair); Kathy McLain (executive secretary);
Carol Bernardo, Greg Beyrer, Elizabeth Biggert; Marybeth Buechner; Nancy Edmonson; Cindy Erickson; Osman Mohammed;
Olga Fanina (student representative)
Members Absent: Lisa Abraham; DeWayne Apedaile; Ellen Arden-Ogle; Maricela Arevalo(Ex); Patrick Blacklock; Kenneth Cooper;
Paul McCormick; Tina Nguyen (Ex); Debra Sharkey (Ex); Evelyn Silva; Aselia Valadez
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m. by Chou Chasengnou and introductions were made.
Action Needed
3. Approval of
The minutes of the October meeting were approved by consensus.
4. Budget Update
5. CASSL Update
5. Travel
Evaluation Form
Kathy McLain reported on the remaining funds available for professional
development activities. We have expended our allocation of AB1725 funds
and will hold $12K in reserve for next year. She noted that the CASSL
Faculty Developer’s release time may not have been taken out as Type B
replacement cost, so we may recoup some of our funds. We are now using
our rollover funds to fund incoming proposals.
Marybeth Buechner reported on the activities of the CASSL (Center for the
Advancement of Staff & Student Learning) including the request sent out
for Innovation Grant Funding through the CASSL.
The Outcomes
Assessment Task Force is still meeting and the dropped student calling will
continue. The deadline to drop classes is November 20.
Travel Evaluation Form – Kathy noted that several of the new travel
evaluation forms have been received following participation in a PD funded
event. The form seems to work well. Carol and Greg noted that it’s
difficult to determine how you will use the information gained at an event
so quickly after completing the PD activity.
Kathy noted that we could
change the wording on the form to encourage the participants to submit a
more specific action plan.
6. Discussion
Counselors Proposal – Kathy McLain noted that five counselors have applied
for funding to attend the same conference. In the past PD has only paid for
three people (or $1500) to attend the same conference. Last semester, the
PD committee changed the parameters and now is willing to fund several
employee attending the same conference as long as special stipulations are
met. The Dean of Counseling indicates that the stipulations are met with
this proposal. Discussion followed regarding the process of sending this out
to vote to the entire PD committee including the possibility of the adjunct
counselor attending a local event; that students are not impacted by the
event because it is held on a Friday; a secret ballot system should be used
next time. Kathy noted the results of the vote on the funding of the
counselor’s proposals to attend the same event were somewhat mixed.
However, it seems the committee didn’t want to between full-time and
adjunct faculty (meaning we should fund them at the same level). It was
decided to notify the counselors that they are approved at the $400 per
participant level (including the adjunct) and to let them know that this is a
special situation that funding for these types of events is not guaranteed in
the future.
Convocation – a draft of the flex brochure was distributed and the
committee discussed the agenda for Thursday adjunct meeting and Friday’s
convocation. It was noted that this is an important time for faculty and
staff to reconnect and that more time for networking would be nice. Other
suggestions for future events include having 1st year faculty and/or adjunct
faculty report on their experiences. Several of the titles were changed and
a box lunch/fountain ceremony was suggested. Colette will e-mail out to
the campus to see if we can fill some of the holes in workshop offerings
under cross cultural and student success categories. We’ve added a new
category, “Teaching Strategies,” which will have Maureen Moore’s Going
Green workshop.
Next meeting: December 10, 2007
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30.
Respectfully submitted by: Kathy McLain, Executive Secretary