For HIM students: The following Domains/Competencies are covered in... 517. The column on the right indicates other courses...

For HIM students: The following Domains/Competencies are covered in BMI
517. The column on the right indicates other courses where these are also
Domain: Organization and Management
Subdomain: Human Resources Management
BMI 517, BMI 585
Manage human resources to facilitate staff recruitment,
retention, and supervision.
BMI 517, BMI 585
Ensure compliance with employment laws.
Develop and implement staff orientation and training
Develop and implement continuing education programs.
Develop productivity standards for health information functions.
Monitor staffing levels and productivity, and provide feedback to
staff regarding performance.
Benchmark staff performance data.
Develop, motivate, and support work teams.
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, 537, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 537, 517, BMI 585
Subdomain: Strategic Planning and Organizational
Develop strategic and operational plans for facility-wide
information systems.
Demonstrate and apply principles of organizational behavior to
facilitate team building, negotiation, and change
BMI 585, BMI585, BMI 517
BMI 517, 537, BMI 585
Subdomain: Project and Operations Management
Apply general principles of management in the administration of
health information services.
BMI 583, BMI 585, BMI 517
For HIM Students: The following Knowledge Cluster Content is covered in BMI 517. The right hand
column indicates other courses which also cover this content.
Knowledge Cluster Content
Organization and Management
Principles of management (5)
Negotiation techniques (4)
Communication and interpersonal
Team/consensus building (5)
Professional development for self and
staff (4)
Problem solving and decision making
processes (5)
List the Course Number(s) below that address
each knowledge cluster.
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, 537, BMI 585
BMI 517, 537, BMI 585
BMI 517, 537, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
Human Resources Management
Employment laws (4)
Principles of human resources
management (recruitment, supervision,
retention, counseling, disciplinary
action) (5)
Workforce education and training (4)
Performance standards (5)
Strategic Planning and Organizational
Strategic leadership, management and
planning (4)
Organizational behavior (4)
Change management (4)
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 517, BMI 585
BMI 537, BMI 585, BMI 517
BMI 537, BMI 585, BMI 517
BMI 537, BMI 585, BMI 517
Project and Operations Management
Project management (5)
BMI 583, 585, BMI 517