Teacher Name: Pamela Shaver Building: HAHS Subject: BIO 1A Start Date(s):03-14-16 End Dates(s):03-18-16 Grade Level(s): 9-10 Day Objective (s) Students will be able to: 1. Identify the following terms: symbiosis, commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, parasite and host. 2. Classify organisms into the three types of symbiotic relationships. 3. Investigate symbiotic relationships by completing the symbiosis lab. 4. Analyze the results of their lab activity to research conclusions based on symbiosis. DOK Level 4 Activities / Teaching Strategies 10 minute, PDN. 10 minutes, Anticipatory. 15 minutes, Mini lecture and notes on Symbiosis 5 minutes, Facilitate the symbiosis lab. Divide the class into three groups, giving each group a name (mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism). Explain to each group which type of symbiosis they are and what that means. 15 minutes, Within each group, shuffle and hand out the cards that correspond with that group (parasitism group gets parasite cards, etc.) Tell the class that each student has someone in their group that has a symbiotic relationship with them. One organism in each pair is using the other as a unique habitat in order to feed, survive, or reproduce. They are going to try to find their “symbiont” by talking to other group members about what each organism has and needs. Grouping DAILY PLAN S W I Materials / Resources Symbiont Cards Board Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- Whole group discussion, small group monitoring, check individual activity work. Summative-Upcoming comprehensive unit test. Student Self-AssessmentStudents check for understanding by categorizing symbiotic relationships into one of the three forms. When a pair of students has figured out that they share a symbiotic relationship, they will come to the teacher and ask if their pairing is correct. When a pair of students are correct, they will write their two organisms together on the board with a circle around them. They will all use the same color maker and place their pair randomly on the board. 14 15 minutes, Next students will work individually to guess what kind of symbiotic relationship the organisms on the board have. Students will create organization tools by dividing a piece of paper into 3 columns and label each parasitism, commensalism and mutualism. The teacher will read the cards aloud for each pair of organisms. Students will make their guess, explain why they think that and place the pair of organisms under one of the 3 category columns. 15 minutes, Once each pair of organisms has been read aloud and the students have guessed for each, students will pair with their partner and share their thoughts and answers. After pair sharing a class discussion will be conducted to check for correctness and understanding. 5 minutes, Clean up all lab materials. 15 Students will be able to: 1. Recall the following terms: symbiosis, commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, parasite and 3 10 min PDN 5 min Anticipatory 15 min mini lecture information recall 45 min facilitation of symbiotic relationship pocket organizer. W S I Formative- Whole group discussion, small group monitoring, check individual activity work. Summative-Upcoming comprehensive 16 17 18 host. 2. Classify organisms into the three types of symbiotic relationships. 3. Investigate symbiotic relationships by categorizing them into a 3 part pocket organizer. Students will be able to: 1 .Define the following terms: primary succession and secondary succession. 2. Relate to succession via real world examples. 3. Analyze levels of succession by using visual examples and picture descriptions. . 10 min pair and share 5 min classroom clean up 3 unit test. Student Self-AssessmentStudents check for understanding by categorizing symbiotic relationships into one of the three forms. 5 minute, PDN. 10 minutes, Anticipatory. 15 minutes, students will take notes on ecological success. The teacher will give examples of succession that the students can relate to or recognize. The teacher will mention environmental activities such as volcanic activity and forest fires. 40 minutes, students will complete a succession analysis that includes picture representations of succession. Students will analyze the pictures and read the paragraph descriptions of the pictures to make logical interpretations of the pictures and determine the stage of ecological succession. The teacher will visits each student as they work to check for understanding and keep students on task. 15 minutes, The teacher will facilitate a short discussion on the worksheet and check for understanding using formative assessment. 5 minutes, Exit ticket to check for understanding W I S Construction paper Scissors Colored pencils Glue whiteboard Formative-Whole group discussion, individual monitoring, collection and correction of work. Summative- Upcoming comprehensive unit test. Student Self-AssessmentExit ticket W S I Chalkboard Textbooks Review sheet FormativeWhole group discussion, Monitor individual work. SummativeUpcoming comprehensive unit test. Student Self-AssessmentStudents reflect on their answers to review questions. Unit Tests FormativeSummative- Unit Test Student Self-AssessmentStudents will reflect on test grade and what they can do to improve on Monday. Students will recall terms and concepts they learned in unit by organizing their own notes, constructing their own study guide using key terms and apply concepts to answer review questions that require critical thinking. 3 PDN review question on each testable topic. Class discussion and active inquiry on testable topics. Facilitate group multiple choice strategies Homework to study for test. Students will recall terms and concepts learned in unit 1 by way of multiple choice question, apply concepts to answer critical thinking questions, formulate verbal answers in response to open ended question and summarize concepts in short essay format. 2 Facilitation of Unit Test I