252y0541s 5/7/05 ECO252 QBA2, Final EXAM, May 4, 2005 Preparatory Computations Part I Regression problem. ————— 4/28/2005 6:18:32 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. Results for: 252x0504-4.MTW MTB > Stepwise 'MPG' 'Horsepower' 'Length' 'Width' 'Weight' 'Cargo Volume' & CONT> 'Turning Circle' 'SUV_D' 'Fuel_D' 'SUVwt' 'HPsq' 'AWD_D' & CONT> 'FWD_D' 'RWD_D' 'SUV_L'; SUBC> AEnter 0.15; SUBC> ARemove 0.15; SUBC> Best 0; SUBC> Constant. Stepwise Regression: MPG versus Horsepower, Length, ... Alpha-to-Enter: 0.15 Alpha-to-Remove: 0.15 Response is MPG on 14 predictors, with N = 119 N(cases with missing observations) = 2 N(all cases) = 121 Step Constant Weight T-Value P-Value 1 38.31 2 36.75 3 41.59 4 50.06 5 50.15 6 59.00 -0.00491 -15.34 0.000 -0.00436 -11.87 0.000 -0.00578 -12.82 0.000 -0.00495 -9.31 0.000 -0.00424 -6.74 0.000 -0.00339 -5.61 0.000 -1.72 -2.84 0.005 -33.71 -4.99 0.000 -35.29 -5.36 0.000 -35.12 -5.40 0.000 -18.68 -2.71 0.008 0.180 4.75 0.000 0.185 5.04 0.000 0.182 5.01 0.000 0.088 2.26 0.026 -0.285 -2.79 0.006 -0.292 -2.90 0.004 -0.255 -2.75 0.007 -0.0124 -2.01 0.046 -0.1619 -5.04 0.000 SUV_D T-Value P-Value SUV_L T-Value P-Value Turning Circle T-Value P-Value Horsepower T-Value P-Value HPsq T-Value P-Value S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Mallows C-p 0.00040 4.73 0.000 2.50 66.78 66.50 71.5 2.43 68.94 68.40 61.4 2.23 74.04 73.36 34.8 2.17 75.70 74.85 27.4 2.14 76.55 75.51 24.7 1.96 80.45 79.41 4.8 More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> y 1 252y0541s 5/7/05 Step Constant 7 58.50 Weight T-Value P-Value -0.00342 -5.74 0.000 SUV_D T-Value P-Value -19.0 -2.79 0.006 SUV_L T-Value P-Value 0.090 2.36 0.020 Turning Circle T-Value P-Value -0.210 -2.24 0.027 Horsepower T-Value P-Value -0.175 -5.43 0.000 HPsq T-Value P-Value 0.00042 5.03 0.000 Fuel_D T-Value P-Value 0.92 2.11 0.037 S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Mallows C-p 1.93 81.21 80.02 2.5 More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> y No variables entered or removed More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> n 2 252y0541s 5/7/05 MTB > Correlation 'Horsepower' 'Length' 'Width' 'Weight' 'Cargo Volume' & CONT> 'Turning Circle' 'SUV_D' 'Fuel_D' 'SUVwt' 'SUVtc' 'HPsq' 'AWD_D' & CONT> 'FWD_D' 'RWD_D' 'SUV_L'. Correlations: Horsepower, Length, Width, Weight, Cargo Volume, ... Horsepower 0.648 0.000 Length Width 0.660 0.000 0.825 0.000 Weight 0.673 0.000 0.634 0.000 0.780 0.000 Cargo Volume 0.296 0.001 0.395 0.000 0.546 0.000 0.716 0.000 Turning Circ 0.497 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.658 0.000 0.650 0.000 SUV_D 0.160 0.080 -0.102 0.265 0.180 0.049 0.535 0.000 Fuel_D 0.321 0.000 -0.013 0.886 -0.042 0.645 0.057 0.540 SUVwt 0.182 0.045 -0.077 0.403 0.206 0.023 0.562 0.000 SUVtc 0.185 0.042 -0.062 0.502 0.211 0.020 0.577 0.000 HPsq 0.989 0.000 0.632 0.000 0.645 0.000 0.668 0.000 AWD_D 0.059 0.523 -0.118 0.199 -0.037 0.691 0.065 0.483 FWD_D -0.370 0.000 -0.001 0.994 -0.163 0.076 -0.453 0.000 RWD_D 0.334 0.000 0.070 0.445 0.151 0.101 0.351 0.000 SUV_L 0.197 0.030 -0.053 0.564 0.219 0.016 0.582 0.000 Cargo Volume 0.486 0.000 Turning Circ SUV_D Fuel_D 0.459 0.000 0.139 0.127 -0.245 0.007 -0.069 0.456 -0.147 0.110 SUVwt 0.473 0.000 0.161 0.078 0.999 0.000 -0.141 0.125 SUVtc 0.484 0.000 0.196 0.031 0.996 0.000 -0.142 0.121 Length Turning Circ SUV_D Fuel_D Width Weight 3 252y0541s 5/7/05 HPsq 0.289 0.001 0.480 0.000 0.173 0.058 0.296 0.001 AWD_D 0.021 0.823 -0.068 0.461 0.185 0.043 0.218 0.017 FWD_D -0.165 0.071 -0.027 0.771 -0.517 0.000 -0.280 0.002 RWD_D 0.108 0.239 0.015 0.874 0.364 0.000 0.098 0.288 SUV_L 0.487 0.000 0.181 0.047 0.996 0.000 -0.145 0.114 SUVwt 0.998 0.000 SUVtc HPsq AWD_D HPsq 0.198 0.030 0.200 0.028 AWD_D 0.184 0.044 0.174 0.057 0.040 0.667 FWD_D -0.522 0.000 -0.526 0.000 -0.369 0.000 -0.366 0.000 RWD_D 0.367 0.000 0.374 0.000 0.347 0.000 -0.137 0.135 SUV_L 0.999 0.000 0.998 0.000 0.215 0.018 0.176 0.054 FWD_D -0.810 0.000 RWD_D -0.529 0.000 0.381 0.000 SUVtc RWD_D SUV_L Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value PRESS Assesses your model's predictive ability. In general, the smaller the prediction sum of squares (PRESS) value, the better the model's predictive ability. PRESS is used to calculate the predicted R 2. PRESS, similar to the error sum of squares (SSE), is the sum of squares of the prediction error. PRESS differs from SSE in that each fitted value, i, for PRESS is obtained by deleting the ith observation from the data set, estimating the regression equation from the remaining n - 1 observations, then using the fitted regression function to obtain the predicted value for the i th observation. Predicted R2 Similar to R2. Predicted R2 indicates how well the model predicts responses for new observations, whereas R 2 indicates how well the model fits your data. Predicted R2 can prevent overfitting the model and is more useful than adjusted R2 for comparing models because it is calculated with observations not included in model calculation. Predicted R2 is between 0 and 1 and is calculated from the PRESS statistic. Larger values of predicted R 2 suggest models of greater predictive ability. 4 252y0541s 5/7/05 MTB > Regress 'MPG' 6 'Weight' 'SUV_D' 'SUV_L' 'Turning Circle' CONT> 'Horsepower' 'HPsq'; SUBC> Constant; SUBC> Brief 2. & MTB > Regress 'MPG' 6 'Weight' 'SUV_D' 'SUV_L' 'Turning Circle' CONT> 'Horsepower' 'HPsq'; SUBC> GNormalplot; SUBC> NoDGraphs; SUBC> RType 1; SUBC> Constant; SUBC> VIF; SUBC> Press; SUBC> Brief 2. & Regression Analysis: MPG versus Weight, SUV_D, ... The regression equation is MPG = 63.1 - 0.00303 Weight - 14.8 SUV_D + 0.0653 SUV_L - 0.264 Turning Circle - 0.213 Horsepower + 0.000522 HPsq Predictor Constant Weight SUV_D SUV_L Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq Coef 63.105 -0.0030345 -14.812 0.06527 -0.2639 -0.21251 0.00052249 SE Coef 3.978 0.0006859 7.957 0.04478 0.1050 0.03575 0.00009459 T 15.86 -4.42 -1.86 1.46 -2.51 -5.94 5.52 P 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.148 0.013 0.000 0.000 VIF 5.6 282.1 307.9 2.0 63.5 61.3 S = 2.27485 R-Sq = 77.5% R-Sq(adj) = 76.4% PRESS = 752.906 R-Sq(pred) = 71.34% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 6 2037.34 Residual Error 114 589.95 Total 120 2627.29 Source Weight SUV_D SUV_L Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 MS 339.56 5.17 F 65.62 P 0.000 Unusual Observations Obs Weight MPG 16 5590 13.000 34 7270 10.000 40 5590 13.000 62 4065 19.000 108 2150 38.000 111 2750 41.000 114 2935 41.000 115 2940 24.000 Seq SS 1605.19 47.29 132.83 52.31 41.83 157.89 Fit 15.361 6.856 15.361 14.633 30.489 33.473 29.806 29.791 SE Fit 1.137 1.461 1.137 0.654 0.632 1.133 0.777 0.778 Residual -2.361 3.144 -2.361 4.367 7.511 7.527 11.194 -5.791 St Resid -1.20 X 1.80 X -1.20 X 2.00R 3.44R 3.82RX 5.24R -2.71R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. MTB > Regress 'MPG' 5 'Weight' 'SUV_D' CONT> 'HPsq'; SUBC> GNormalplot; SUBC> NoDGraphs; SUBC> RType 1; 'Turning Circle' 'Horsepower' & 5 252y0541s 5/7/05 SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> Constant; VIF; Press; Brief 2. Regression Analysis: MPG versus Weight, SUV_D, ... The regression equation is MPG = 63.1 - 0.00250 Weight - 3.25 SUV_D - 0.250 Turning Circle - 0.239 Horsepower + 0.000593 HPsq Predictor Constant Weight SUV_D Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq Coef 63.137 -0.0025020 -3.2492 -0.2501 -0.23928 0.00059313 SE Coef 3.998 0.0005834 0.6272 0.1051 0.03082 0.00008163 T 15.79 -4.29 -5.18 -2.38 -7.76 7.27 P 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.000 0.000 VIF 4.0 1.7 1.9 46.7 45.2 S = 2.28595 R-Sq = 77.1% R-Sq(adj) = 76.1% PRESS = 744.047 R-Sq(pred) = 71.68% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 5 2026.35 Residual Error 115 600.94 Total 120 2627.29 Source Weight SUV_D Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq DF 1 1 1 1 1 MS 405.27 5.23 F 77.56 P 0.000 Seq SS 1605.19 47.29 46.32 51.65 275.90 Unusual Observations Obs 16 34 40 108 111 114 115 Weight 5590 7270 5590 2150 2750 2935 2940 MPG 13.000 10.000 13.000 38.000 41.000 41.000 24.000 Fit 14.381 5.945 14.381 30.081 33.910 30.060 30.047 SE Fit 0.921 1.328 0.921 0.570 1.098 0.761 0.762 Residual -1.381 4.055 -1.381 7.919 7.090 10.940 -6.047 St Resid -0.66 X 2.18RX -0.66 X 3.58R 3.54RX 5.08R -2.81R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. MTB > Stepwise 'MPG' 'Horsepower' 'Length' 'Width' 'Weight' 'Cargo Volume' & CONT> 'Turning Circle' 'SUV_D' 'Fuel_D' 'SUVwt' 'HPsq' 'AWD_D' & CONT> 'FWD_D' 'RWD_D' 'SUV_L'; SUBC> AEnter 0.15; SUBC> ARemove 0.15; SUBC> Best 0; SUBC> Constant. 6 252y0541s 5/7/05 Stepwise Regression: MPG versus Horsepower, Length, ... Alpha-to-Enter: 0.15 Alpha-to-Remove: 0.15 Response is MPG on 14 predictors, with N = 119 N(cases with missing observations) = 2 N(all cases) = 121 Step Constant Weight T-Value P-Value 1 38.31 2 36.75 3 41.59 4 50.06 5 50.15 6 59.00 -0.00491 -15.34 0.000 -0.00436 -11.87 0.000 -0.00578 -12.82 0.000 -0.00495 -9.31 0.000 -0.00424 -6.74 0.000 -0.00339 -5.61 0.000 -1.72 -2.84 0.005 -33.71 -4.99 0.000 -35.29 -5.36 0.000 -35.12 -5.40 0.000 -18.68 -2.71 0.008 0.180 4.75 0.000 0.185 5.04 0.000 0.182 5.01 0.000 0.088 2.26 0.026 -0.285 -2.79 0.006 -0.292 -2.90 0.004 -0.255 -2.75 0.007 -0.0124 -2.01 0.046 -0.1619 -5.04 0.000 SUV_D T-Value P-Value SUV_L T-Value P-Value Turning Circle T-Value P-Value Horsepower T-Value P-Value HPsq T-Value P-Value 0.00040 4.73 0.000 S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Mallows C-p 2.50 66.78 66.50 71.5 2.43 68.94 68.40 61.4 2.23 74.04 73.36 34.8 2.17 75.70 74.85 27.4 2.14 76.55 75.51 24.7 1.96 80.45 79.41 4.8 More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> remove c20. Step Constant 7 59.15 8 59.00 9 58.50 Weight T-Value P-Value -0.00267 -5.10 0.000 -0.00339 -5.61 0.000 -0.00342 -5.74 0.000 SUV_D T-Value P-Value -3.13 -5.51 0.000 -18.68 -2.71 0.008 -18.95 -2.79 0.006 0.088 2.26 0.026 0.090 2.36 0.020 SUV_L T-Value P-Value Turning Circle T-Value P-Value -0.236 -2.51 0.013 -0.255 -2.75 0.007 -0.210 -2.24 0.027 Horsepower T-Value P-Value -0.199 -7.09 0.000 -0.162 -5.04 0.000 -0.175 -5.43 0.000 0.00050 0.00040 0.00042 HPsq 7 252y0541s 5/7/05 T-Value P-Value 6.75 0.000 4.73 0.000 Fuel_D T-Value P-Value S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Mallows C-p 5.03 0.000 0.92 2.11 0.037 2.00 79.56 78.66 7.8 1.96 80.45 79.41 4.8 1.93 81.21 80.02 2.5 More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> enter c17 c18 c19. Step Constant 10 60.14 11 59.11 12 58.50 13 58.50 Weight T-Value P-Value -0.00355 -5.75 0.000 -0.00346 -5.72 0.000 -0.00344 -5.72 0.000 -0.00342 -5.74 0.000 SUV_D T-Value P-Value -19.5 -2.82 0.006 -19.1 -2.77 0.007 -18.8 -2.74 0.007 -19.0 -2.79 0.006 SUV_L T-Value P-Value Turning Circle T-Value P-Value 0.092 2.37 0.020 -0.207 -2.10 0.038 0.090 2.32 0.022 -0.205 -2.09 0.039 0.089 2.30 0.023 -0.202 -2.07 0.041 0.090 2.36 0.020 -0.210 -2.24 0.027 Horsepower T-Value P-Value -0.175 -5.33 0.000 -0.177 -5.42 0.000 -0.176 -5.41 0.000 -0.175 -5.43 0.000 HPsq T-Value P-Value 0.00042 4.98 0.000 0.00043 5.04 0.000 0.00042 5.02 0.000 0.00042 5.03 0.000 Fuel_D T-Value P-Value 0.73 1.49 0.139 0.80 1.66 0.099 0.87 1.92 0.057 0.92 2.11 0.037 AWD_D T-Value P-Value -1.1 -0.76 0.451 FWD_D T-Value P-Value -1.36 -0.98 0.331 -0.51 -0.62 0.535 -0.17 -0.32 0.752 RWD_D T-Value P-Value -1.23 -0.93 0.353 -0.42 -0.55 0.586 S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Mallows C-p 1.95 81.37 79.65 7.6 1.95 81.27 79.73 6.1 1.94 81.22 79.86 4.4 1.93 81.21 80.02 2.5 More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> no 8 252y0541s 5/7/05 Results for: 252x0504-41.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x050441.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-41.MTW' MTB > erase c21 MTB > Regress 'MPG' 6 'Weight' 'SUV_D' 'SUV_L' 'Turning Circle' & CONT> 'Horsepower' 'HPsq' ; SUBC> GNormalplot; SUBC> NoDGraphs; SUBC> RType 1; SUBC> Constant; SUBC> VIF; SUBC> Press; SUBC> Brief 2. Regression Analysis: MPG versus Weight, SUV_D, ... The regression equation is MPG = 64.4 - 0.00284 Weight - 15.8 SUV_D + 0.0694 SUV_L - 0.305 Turning Circle - 0.214 Horsepower + 0.000524 HPsq Predictor Constant Weight SUV_D SUV_L Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq Coef 64.364 -0.0028431 -15.843 0.06943 -0.3045 -0.21444 0.00052386 SE Coef 3.973 0.0006832 7.867 0.04423 0.1055 0.03528 0.00009332 T 16.20 -4.16 -2.01 1.57 -2.89 -6.08 5.61 P 0.000 0.000 0.046 0.119 0.005 0.000 0.000 VIF 5.7 276.4 301.7 2.0 63.1 61.0 S = 2.24427 R-Sq = 78.3% R-Sq(adj) = 77.2% PRESS = 725.963 R-Sq(pred) = 72.34% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 6 2055.21 Residual Error 113 569.15 Total 119 2624.37 Source Weight SUV_D SUV_L Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 MS 342.54 5.04 F 68.01 P 0.000 Unusual Observations Obs Weight MPG 16 5590 13.000 34 7270 10.000 36 2715 24.000 40 5590 13.000 107 2150 38.000 110 2750 41.000 113 2935 41.000 114 2940 24.000 Seq SS 1602.61 49.58 135.39 61.04 47.88 158.71 Fit 15.259 6.907 28.432 15.259 30.543 33.747 30.000 29.985 SE Fit 1.123 1.442 0.493 1.123 0.624 1.126 0.772 0.774 Residual -2.259 3.093 -4.432 -2.259 7.457 7.253 11.000 -5.985 St Resid -1.16 X 1.80 X -2.02R -1.16 X 3.46R 3.74RX 5.22R -2.84R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. MTB > Regress 'MPG' 5 'Weight' 'SUV_D' CONT> 'HPsq' ; SUBC> GNormalplot; SUBC> NoDGraphs; 'Turning Circle' 'Horsepower' & 9 252y0541s 5/7/05 SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> RType 1; Constant; VIF; Press; Brief 2. Regression Analysis: MPG versus Weight, SUV_D, ... The regression equation is MPG = 64.4 - 0.00228 Weight - 3.53 SUV_D - 0.288 Turning Circle - 0.243 Horsepower + 0.000599 HPsq Predictor Constant Weight SUV_D Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq Coef 64.352 -0.0022848 -3.5330 -0.2884 -0.24278 0.00059879 SE Coef 3.999 0.0005871 0.6366 0.1057 0.03051 0.00008071 T 16.09 -3.89 -5.55 -2.73 -7.96 7.42 P 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 VIF 4.2 1.8 2.0 46.6 45.0 S = 2.25865 R-Sq = 77.8% R-Sq(adj) = 76.9% PRESS = 720.507 R-Sq(pred) = 72.55% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 5 2042.80 Residual Error 114 581.57 Total 119 2624.37 Source Weight SUV_D Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq DF 1 1 1 1 1 MS 408.56 5.10 F 80.09 P 0.000 Unusual Observations Obs Weight MPG 16 5590 13.000 34 7270 10.000 40 5590 13.000 107 2150 38.000 110 2750 41.000 113 2935 41.000 114 2940 24.000 Seq SS 1602.61 49.58 52.45 57.33 280.82 Fit 14.223 5.938 14.223 30.108 34.201 30.262 30.251 SE Fit 0.914 1.312 0.914 0.563 1.095 0.759 0.760 Residual -1.223 4.062 -1.223 7.892 6.799 10.738 -6.251 St Resid -0.59 X 2.21RX -0.59 X 3.61R 3.44RX 5.05R -2.94R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. MTB > Regress 'MPG' 8 'Weight' 'SUV_D' 'Turning Circle' 'Horsepower' CONT> 'HPsq' 'AWD_D' 'FWD_D' 'RWD_D'; SUBC> GNormalplot; SUBC> NoDGraphs; SUBC> RType 1; SUBC> Constant; SUBC> VIF; SUBC> Press; SUBC> Brief 2. & Regression Analysis: MPG versus Weight, SUV_D, ... The regression equation is MPG = 66.4 - 0.00248 Weight - 3.83 SUV_D - 0.254 Turning Circle - 0.251 Horsepower + 0.000618 HPsq - 1.21 AWD_D - 2.10 FWD_D - 1.70 RWD_D Predictor Coef SE Coef T P VIF 10 252y0541s 5/7/05 Constant Weight SUV_D Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq AWD_D FWD_D RWD_D 66.435 -0.0024795 -3.8302 -0.2541 -0.25082 0.00061833 -1.213 -2.103 -1.697 4.400 0.0006077 0.6814 0.1116 0.03122 0.00008244 1.620 1.490 1.434 15.10 -4.08 -5.62 -2.28 -8.03 7.50 -0.75 -1.41 -1.18 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.455 0.161 0.239 4.4 2.0 2.2 48.6 46.7 3.4 11.2 8.6 S = 2.26416 R-Sq = 78.3% R-Sq(adj) = 76.8% PRESS = 727.840 R-Sq(pred) = 72.27% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 8 2055.33 Residual Error 111 569.03 Total 119 2624.37 Source Weight SUV_D Turning Circle Horsepower HPsq AWD_D FWD_D RWD_D DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MS 256.92 5.13 F 50.12 P 0.000 Seq SS 1602.61 49.58 52.45 57.33 280.82 2.00 3.36 7.17 Unusual Observations Obs 34 57 72 107 109 110 113 114 Weight 7270 4735 4720 2150 5435 2750 2935 2940 MPG 10.000 14.000 15.000 38.000 14.000 41.000 41.000 24.000 Fit 5.609 13.622 15.901 30.231 13.477 34.346 30.341 30.329 SE Fit 1.377 1.447 1.374 0.574 1.338 1.106 0.765 0.766 Residual 4.391 0.378 -0.901 7.769 0.523 6.654 10.659 -6.329 St Resid 2.44RX 0.22 X -0.50 X 3.55R 0.29 X 3.37RX 5.00R -2.97R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. 11 252y0541s 5/7/05 Part II 1. Time series problem. ————— 4/28/2005 6:18:32 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05045.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-5.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 29 2005 Results for: 252x0504-5.MTW MTB > let c3=c2*c2 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05045.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-5.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > Execute "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252OLS2.mtb" 1. Executing from file: C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252OLS2.mtb Regression Analysis: Y versus T The regression equation is Y = 56.7 + 1.54 T Predictor Constant T Coef 56.659 1.5377 S = 2.36169 SE Coef 1.283 0.1411 T 44.15 10.89 R-Sq = 90.1% P 0.000 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 89.4% Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total DF 1 13 14 SS 662.05 72.51 734.56 Unusual Observations Obs T Y Fit 1 1.0 53.430 58.196 MS 662.05 5.58 SE Fit 1.161 F 118.70 Residual -4.766 P 0.000 St Resid -2.32R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. Regression Analysis: Y versus T, TSQ The regression equation is Y = 52.4 + 3.04 T - 0.0939 TSQ Predictor Constant T TSQ Coef 52.401 3.0405 -0.09392 S = 1.73483 SE Coef 1.545 0.4444 0.02701 R-Sq = 95.1% T 33.91 6.84 -3.48 P 0.000 0.000 0.005 R-Sq(adj) = 94.3% 12 252y0541s 5/7/05 Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total Source T TSQ DF 1 1 DF 2 12 14 SS 698.44 36.12 734.56 MS 349.22 3.01 F 116.03 P 0.000 Seq SS 662.05 36.39 Unusual Observations Obs 5 T 5.0 Y 68.650 Fit 65.255 SE Fit 0.605 Residual 3.395 St Resid 2.09R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. Executing from file: 252OLS2namer.MTB Executing from file: 252OLS2sumer.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Y 53.43 59.09 59.58 64.75 68.65 65.53 68.44 70.93 72.85 73.60 72.93 75.14 73.88 76.55 79.05 T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TSQ 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 C4 x1sq 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 * NOTE * One or more variables are undefined. Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 x2sq 1 16 81 256 625 1296 2401 4096 6561 10000 14641 20736 28561 38416 50625 ysq 2854.76 3491.63 3549.78 4192.56 4712.82 4294.18 4684.03 5031.06 5307.12 5416.96 5318.78 5646.02 5458.25 5859.90 6248.90 x1y 53.43 118.18 178.74 259.00 343.25 393.18 479.08 567.44 655.65 736.00 802.23 901.68 960.44 1071.70 1185.75 x2y 53.4 236.4 536.2 1036.0 1716.3 2359.1 3353.6 4539.5 5900.9 7360.0 8824.5 10820.2 12485.7 15003.8 17786.3 x1x2 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000 1331 1728 2197 2744 3375 13 252y0541s 5/7/05 Data Display sumy sumx1 sumx2 n smx1sq smx2sq smysq smx1y smx2y smx1x2 1034.40 120.000 1240.00 15.0000 1240.00 178312 72066.8 8705.75 92011.7 14400.0 Executing from file: 252OLS2mean.MTB Data Display ybar x1bar x2bar 68.9600 8.00000 82.6667 Executing from file: 252OLS2ss.MTB Data Display SSx1 SSx2 SSy Sx1y Sx2y Sx1x2 280.000 75805.3 734.556 430.550 6501.33 4480.00 MTB > print c1-c3 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Y 53.43 59.09 59.58 64.75 68.65 65.53 68.44 70.93 72.85 73.60 72.93 75.14 73.88 76.55 79.05 T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 TSQ 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 MTB > 14 252y0541s 5/7/05 Problem 4 - ANOVA etc ————— 4/28/2005 6:18:32 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > SUBC> SUBC> MTB > MTB > SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> MTB > Stack 'x1' 'x2' 'x3' 'x4' c10; Subscripts c11; UseNames. Rank c10 c12. Unstack (c12); Subscripts c11; After; VarNames. print c1-c5 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 Student Loopy Percival Poopsy Dizzy Booger x1 8.75 9.50 9.25 9.50 9.25 x2 9.5 4.0 5.5 8.5 4.5 x3 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 x4 11.5 11.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 MTB > print c1 c2 c6 c3 c7 c4 c8 c5 c9 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 Student Loopy Percival Poopsy Dizzy Booger x1 8.75 9.50 9.25 9.50 9.25 r1 13.0 17.0 14.5 17.0 14.5 x2 9.5 4.0 5.5 8.5 4.5 r2 17 1 3 11 2 x3 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 r3 11.0 11.0 5.5 5.5 8.5 x4 11.5 11.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 r4 20.0 19.0 5.5 5.5 8.5 MTB > let c13 = c2+c3+c4+c5 MTB > let c14 = (c2*c2) + (c3*c3) + (c4*c4) + (c5*c5) MTB > sum c2 Sum of x1 Sum of x1 = 46.25 MTB > ssq c2 Sum of Squares of x1 Sum of squares (uncorrected) of x1 = 428.188 MTB > sum c3 Sum of x2 Sum of x2 = 32 MTB > ssq c3 Sum of Squares of x2 Sum of squares (uncorrected) of x2 = 229 MTB > sum c4 Sum of x3 Sum of x3 = 40 MTB > ssq c4 Sum of Squares of x3 Sum of squares (uncorrected) of x3 = 321 MTB > sum c5 Sum of x4 Sum of x4 = 45.5 15 252y0541s 5/7/05 MTB > ssq c5 Sum of Squares of x4 Sum of squares (uncorrected) of x4 = 429.75 MTB > print c13 c14 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 C13 38.25 33.00 29.75 33.00 29.75 C14 371.313 299.500 228.313 275.000 233.813 Results for: 252x0504-6.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05046.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-6.MTW' MTB > ————— 5/5/2005 6:38:07 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05046a.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-6a.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Thu May 05 2005 Results for: 252x0504-6a.MTW MTB > print c1-c4 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 C1 8.75 9.50 9.25 9.50 9.25 C2 9.5 4.0 5.5 8.5 4.5 C3 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 C4 11.5 11.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 MTB > exec '2522way4' Executing from file: 2522way4.MTB Executing from file: 2522onw4.MTB One-way ANOVA: C1, C2, C3, C4 Source Factor Error Total DF 3 16 19 S = 1.606 Level C1 C2 C3 C4 N 5 5 5 5 SS 25.96 41.28 67.23 MS 8.65 2.58 F 3.35 R-Sq = 38.61% Mean 9.250 6.400 8.000 9.100 StDev 0.306 2.460 0.500 1.981 P 0.045 R-Sq(adj) = 27.10% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev -------+---------+---------+---------+-(---------*---------) (---------*---------) (---------*---------) (---------*---------) 16 252y0541s 5/7/05 -------+---------+---------+---------+-6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 Pooled StDev = 1.606 Executing from file: 2522onme4.MTB Executing from file: 2522osme4.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 C1 8.75 9.50 9.25 9.50 9.25 C2 9.5 4.0 5.5 8.5 4.5 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 x1sq 76.5625 90.2500 85.5625 90.2500 85.5625 C3 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 x2sq 90.25 16.00 30.25 72.25 20.25 C4 11.5 11.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 x3sq 72.25 72.25 56.25 56.25 64.00 x4sq 132.25 121.00 56.25 56.25 64.00 Data Display sumx1 sumx2 sumx3 sumx4 n1 n2 n3 n4 smx1sq smx2sq smx3sq smx4sq 46.2500 32.0000 40.0000 45.5000 5.00000 5.00000 5.00000 5.00000 428.188 229.000 321.000 429.750 Executing from file: 2522omea4.MTB Data Display x1bar x2bar x3bar x4bar 9.25000 6.40000 8.00000 9.10000 Data Display smxsq n sumx srss gdmn srmsq x1bsq x2bsq x3bsq x4bsq sxbsq K26 SSR SSC SST 1407.94 20.0000 163.750 1407.94 8.18750 338.199 85.5625 40.9600 64.0000 82.8100 273.333 1340.70 12.0938 25.9594 67.2344 17 252y0541s 5/7/05 Data Display Row C1 1 8.75 2 9.50 3 9.25 4 9.50 5 9.25 Executing Executing Executing Executing Executing C2 9.5 4.0 5.5 8.5 4.5 from from from from from C3 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 file: file: file: file: file: C4 rsum 11.5 38.25 11.0 33.00 7.5 29.75 7.5 33.00 8.0 29.75 2522wr1.MTB 2522wr1.MTB 2522wr1.MTB 2522wr1.MTB 252-2W1O.MTB rmn 9.5625 8.2500 7.4375 8.2500 7.4375 rss 371.313 299.500 228.313 275.000 233.813 rmnsq 91.4414 68.0625 55.3164 68.0625 55.3164 Tabulated statistics: C41, C42 Rows: C41 Columns: C42 1 2 3 4 All 1 2 3 4 5 All 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 Cell Contents: 4 4 4 4 4 20 Count Tabulated statistics: C41, C42 Rows: C41 1 1 8.75 2 9.50 3 9.25 4 9.50 5 9.25 Columns: C42 2 3 4 9.50 8.50 11.50 4.00 8.50 11.00 5.50 7.50 7.50 8.50 7.50 7.50 4.50 8.00 8.00 Cell Contents: C40 : DATA Tabulated statistics: C41, C42 Rows: C41 1 2 3 4 5 All Columns: 2 9.500 4.000 5.500 8.500 4.500 6.400 1 8.750 9.500 9.250 9.500 9.250 9.250 Cell Contents: C40 C42 3 8.500 8.500 7.500 7.500 8.000 8.000 : 4 11.500 11.000 7.500 7.500 8.000 9.100 All 9.563 8.250 7.438 8.250 7.438 8.188 Mean Two-way ANOVA: C40 versus C41, C42 Source C41 C42 Error Total DF 4 3 12 19 S = 1.559 SS 12.0938 25.9594 29.1813 67.2344 MS 3.02344 8.65312 2.43177 R-Sq = 56.60% F 1.24 3.56 P 0.344 0.048 R-Sq(adj) = 31.28% 18 252y0541s 5/7/05 Executing from file: 2522wfo4.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C31 8.750 9.500 9.250 9.500 9.250 46.250 5.000 9.250 428.188 85.563 C32 9.50 4.00 5.50 8.50 4.50 32.00 5.00 6.40 229.00 40.96 C33 8.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 40.0 5.0 8.0 321.0 64.0 C38 11.50 11.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 45.50 5.00 9.10 429.75 82.81 C34 38.25 33.00 29.75 33.00 29.75 163.75 20.00 8.19 1407.94 273.33 C35 9.5625 8.2500 7.4375 8.2500 7.4375 8.1875 C36 371.31 299.50 228.31 275.00 233.81 1407.94 C37 91.441 68.063 55.316 68.063 55.316 338.199 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 SS. 12.0938 25.9594 29.1813 67.2344 DF. 4 3 12 19 MS. 3.02344 8.65312 2.43177 3.53865 F. 1.24331 3.55836 1.00000 1.45517 MTB > 19 252y0541s 5/7/05 Problem 5 - Chisquared Effectiveness Very Effective Effective Ineffective Total < 1 mo. 15 9 5 29 D u r a 1-2 mo. 28 26 2 56 t i o n 2-4 mo. 24 33 3 60 >4 mo. 6 19 5 30 Total 73 87 15 175 ————— 5/5/2005 10:42:53 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05047.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-7.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 29 2005 Results for: 252x0504-8.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05048.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-8.MTW' MTB > let c14 = c10 + c11 + c12 +c13 MTB > sum c14 Sum of totO Sum of totO = 175 MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB > > > > > > > > > > > let let let let let let let let let let let c15=c14/175 k10= sum (c10) c20 = c15* k10 k11 = sum (c11) c21 = c15* k11 k12 = sum (c12) c22 = k12 * c15 k13 = sum (c13) c23 = k13 * c15 c24 = c20 + c21 + c22 + c23 k20 = sum c20 MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB > > > > > let k20 = let k21 = let k22 = let k23 = print k10 sum(c20) sum(c21) sum (c22) sum (c23) k21 k11 k21 k12 k22 k13 k23 Data Display K10 K20 K11 K21 K12 K22 K13 K23 MTB MTB MTB MTB 29.0000 29.0000 56.0000 56.0000 60.0000 60.0000 30.0000 30.0000 > > > > let let let let c30 c31 c30 c31 = = = = c20 c21 100 * c20 100 * c21 20 252y0541s 5/7/05 MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB > > > > > > > > > > > > let c32 = let c33 = round c30 round c31 round c32 round c33 let c30 = let c31 = let c32 = let c33 = let c34 = sum c30 100 * c22 100 * c23 c30 c31 c32 c33 c30/100 c31/100 c32/100 c33/100 c30 + c31+ c32 + c33 Sum of 1moE1 Sum of 1moE1 = 29.01 MTB > sum c31 Sum of 2moE1 Sum of 2moE1 = 56 MTB > sum c32 Sum of 4moE1 Sum of 4moE1 = 60 MTB > sum c33 Sum of momoE1 Sum of momoE1 = 29.99 MTB > print c10 - c14 Data Display Row 1 2 3 1mo 15 9 5 2mo 28 26 2 4mo 24 33 3 momo 6 19 5 totO 73 87 15 MTB > print c10 - c15 Data Display Row 1 2 3 1mo 15 9 5 2mo 28 26 2 4mo 24 33 3 momo 6 19 5 totO 73 87 15 pr 0.417143 0.497143 0.085714 MTB > print c20 - c24 Data Display Row 1 2 3 1moE 12.0971 14.4171 2.4857 2moE 23.36 27.84 4.80 4moE 25.0286 29.8286 5.1429 momoE 12.5143 14.9143 2.5714 totE 73 87 15 MTB > print c30 - c34 Data Display Row 1 2 3 1moE1 12.10 14.42 2.49 2moE1 23.36 27.84 4.80 4moE1 25.03 29.83 5.14 momoE1 12.51 14.91 2.57 C34 73 87 15 MTB > Stack c10 c11 c12 c13 c1. MTB > stack c30 c31 c32 c33 c2. MTB > sum c1 Sum of C1 Sum of C1 = 175 MTB > sum c2 21 252y0541s 5/7/05 Sum of C2 Sum of C2 = 175 MTB > exec '252chisq' Executing from file: 252chisq.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O 15 9 5 28 26 2 24 33 3 6 19 5 E 12.10 14.42 2.49 23.36 27.84 4.80 25.03 29.83 5.14 12.51 14.91 2.57 C3 -2.90 5.42 -2.51 -4.64 1.84 2.80 1.03 -3.17 2.14 6.51 -4.09 -2.43 C4 8.4100 29.3764 6.3001 21.5296 3.3856 7.8400 1.0609 10.0489 4.5796 42.3801 16.7281 5.9049 C5 0.69504 2.03720 2.53016 0.92164 0.12161 1.63333 0.04239 0.33687 0.89097 3.38770 1.12194 2.29763 C6 18.5950 5.6172 10.0402 33.5616 24.2816 0.8333 23.0124 36.5069 1.7510 2.8777 24.2119 9.7276 O-Esq 8.4100 29.3764 6.3001 21.5296 3.3856 7.8400 1.0609 10.0489 4.5796 42.3801 16.7281 5.9049 O-esq/E 0.69504 2.03720 2.53016 0.92164 0.12161 1.63333 0.04239 0.33687 0.89097 3.38770 1.12194 2.29763 Osq/E 18.5950 5.6172 10.0402 33.5616 24.2816 0.8333 23.0124 36.5069 1.7510 2.8777 24.2119 9.7276 Data Display n 175.000 K2 175.000 K3 -0.000000000 chisq1 16.0165 chisq 16.0165 K6 191.016 MTB > print c1-c6 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O 15 9 5 28 26 2 24 33 3 6 19 5 E 12.10 14.42 2.49 23.36 27.84 4.80 25.03 29.83 5.14 12.51 14.91 2.57 O-E -2.90 5.42 -2.51 -4.64 1.84 2.80 1.03 -3.17 2.14 6.51 -4.09 -2.43 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05048.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-8.MTW' Existing file replaced. 22 252y0541s 5/7/05 Problem 5 - 2 proportions. ————— 5/6/2005 1:14:09 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. Results for: 252x0504-8a.MTW MTB > erase k1 -k200 MTB > erase c1-c100 MTB > exec '252-2p1' Executing from file: 252-2p1.MTB Executing from file: 252-2prp.MTB Data Display x1 n1 p1 x2 n2 p2 7.00000 65.0000 0.107692 8.00000 90.0000 0.0888889 Data Display p0 n sdp2 q0 q1 q2 K213 K214 K215 sdp1 K217 K218 0.0967742 155.000 0.0487672 0.903226 0.892308 0.911111 0.00147838 0.000899863 0.00231596 0.0481245 0.0188034 0.00237824 Data Display 1 poold 0 delp 0.0188034 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05048a.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-8a.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > 23 252y0541s 5/7/05 Problem 5 - Poisson problem e) (Anderson et. al.) The number of emergency calls our Fire department receives is believed to have a Poisson distribution with a parameter of 3. Test this against data for a period of 120 days: 0 calls on 9 days, 1 call on 12 days, 2 calls on 30 days, 3 calls on 27 days, 4 calls on 22 days. 5 calls on 13 days and 7 calls on 6 days. (5) This is the Poisson 3 table. k P(x=k) P(xk) 0 0.049787 0.04979 1 0.149361 0.19915 2 0.224042 0.42319 3 0.224042 0.64723 4 0.168031 0.81526 5 0.100819 0.91608 6 0.050409 0.96649 7 0.021604 0.98810 8 0.008102 0.99620 9 0.002701 0.99890 10 0.000810 0.99971 11 0.000221 0.99993 12 0.000055 0.99998 13 0.000013 1.00000 14 0.000003 1.00000 15 0.000001 1.00000 16 0.000000 1.00000 17 0.000000 1.00000 P(x=k) 0.049787 0.149361 0.224042 0.224042 0.168031 0.100819 0.050409 0.021604 0.008102 0.002701 0.000810 0.000221 0.000055 0.000013 0.000003 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 P(xk) 0.04979 0.19915 0.42319 0.64723 0.81526 0.91608 0.96649 0.98810 0.99620 0.99890 0.99971 0.99993 0.99998 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 ————— 5/6/2005 1:14:09 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05048b.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-8b.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri May 06 2005 Results for: 252x0504-8b1.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05048b1.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-8b1.MTW' MTB > let c1 = c10 MTB > let c2 = c11 MTB > exec '252chisq' Executing from file: 252chisq.MTB 24 252y0541s 5/7/05 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O 9 12 30 27 22 13 7 E 5.9744 17.9233 26.8850 26.8850 20.1637 12.0983 10.0704 C3 -3.02556 5.92332 -3.11496 -0.11496 -1.83628 -0.90172 3.07040 C4 9.1540 35.0857 9.7030 0.0132 3.3719 0.8131 9.4274 C5 1.53220 1.95755 0.36091 0.00049 0.16723 0.06721 0.93615 E1 5.9744 17.9233 26.8850 26.8850 20.1637 12.0983 6.0491 2.5925 0.9722 0.3241 0.0972 0.0265 0.0066 0.0016 0.0004 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 Fcum 0.04979 0.19915 0.42319 0.64723 0.81526 0.91608 0.96649 0.98810 0.99620 0.99890 0.99971 0.99993 0.99998 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 C6 13.5578 8.0342 33.4759 27.1155 24.0035 13.9689 4.8657 Data Display n K2 K3 chisq1 chisq K6 120.000 120.000 0.000240000 5.02148 5.02172 125.021 MTB > print c10-c14 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 O1 9 12 30 27 22 13 7 E2 5.9744 17.9233 26.8850 26.8850 20.1637 12.0983 10.0704 f 0.049787 0.149361 0.224042 0.224042 0.168031 0.100819 0.050409 0.021604 0.008102 0.002701 0.000810 0.000221 0.000055 0.000013 0.000003 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 ————— 5/6/2005 1:14:07 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05048b2.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-8b2.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri May 06 2005 Results for: 252x0504-8b2.MTW MTB > exec '252KSO' Executing from file: 252KSO.MTB Executing from file: 252ksc.MTB 25 252y0541s 5/7/05 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O 9 12 30 27 22 13 7 O/n 0.075000 0.100000 0.250000 0.225000 0.183333 0.108333 0.058333 FO 0.07500 0.17500 0.42500 0.65000 0.83333 0.94167 1.00000 Data Display n 120.000 MTB > exec '252ks' Executing from file: 252ks.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 FE 0.04979 0.19915 0.42319 0.64723 0.81526 0.91608 0.96649 0.98810 0.99620 0.99890 0.99971 0.99993 0.99998 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 D 0.0252100 0.0241500 0.0018100 0.0027700 0.0180733 0.0255867 0.0335100 0.0119000 0.0038000 0.0011000 0.0002900 0.0000700 0.0000200 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 Data Display max D 0.0335100 MTB > print c1 c6 c3 c4 c5 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 O 9 12 30 27 22 13 7 O/n 0.075000 0.100000 0.250000 0.225000 0.183333 0.108333 0.058333 FO 0.07500 0.17500 0.42500 0.65000 0.83333 0.94167 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 FE 0.04979 0.19915 0.42319 0.64723 0.81526 0.91608 0.96649 0.98810 0.99620 0.99890 0.99971 0.99993 0.99998 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 D 0.0252100 0.0241500 0.0018100 0.0027700 0.0180733 0.0255867 0.0335100 0.0119000 0.0038000 0.0011000 0.0002900 0.0000700 0.0000200 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 MTB > 26 252y0541s 5/7/05 Problem 6 ————— 4/29/2005 4:38:10 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. Results for: 252x0504-7.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05047.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-7.MTW' MTB > let d = c2-c3 MTB > sum c2 Sum of 2001 Sum of 2001 = 2860.46 MTB > ssq c2 Sum of Squares of 2001 Sum of squares (uncorrected) of 2001 = 953941 MTB > sum c3 Sum of 2002 Sum of 2002 = 2954.56 MTB > ssq c3 Sum of Squares of 2002 Sum of squares (uncorrected) of 2002 = 999629 MTB > sum c4 Sum of d Sum of d = -94.104 MTB > ssq c4 Sum of Squares of d Sum of squares (uncorrected) of d = 3724.97 MTB > print c1-c4 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Location Alexandria Boston Decatur Kirkland New York Philadephia Phoenix Raleigh San Bruno Tampa 2001 245.795 391.750 205.270 326.524 545.363 185.736 170.413 210.015 385.387 194.205 2002 293.266 408.803 227.561 333.569 531.098 197.874 175.030 196.094 391.409 199.858 d -47.471 -17.053 -22.291 -7.045 14.265 -12.138 -4.617 13.921 -6.022 -5.653 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05047.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-7.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > ————— 5/6/2005 6:05:38 AM ———————————————————— 27 252y0541s 5/7/05 Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05047.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-7.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 29 2005 Results for: 252x0504-7.MTW MTB > Rank 'd' c5. MTB > print c1-c5 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MTB MTB MTB MTB Location 2001 2002 Alexandria 245.795 293.266 Boston 391.750 408.803 Decatur 205.270 227.561 Kirkland 326.524 333.569 New York 545.363 531.098 Philadephia 185.736 197.874 Phoenix 170.413 175.030 Raleigh 210.015 196.094 San Bruno 385.387 391.409 Tampa 194.205 199.858 > let c6 = c4 > let c5 = absolute(c4) > rank c5 c6 > print c1-c6 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Location Alexandria Boston Decatur Kirkland New York Philadephia Phoenix Raleigh San Bruno Tampa MTB > SUBC> SUBC> MTB > MTB > SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> MTB > 2001 245.795 391.750 205.270 326.524 545.363 185.736 170.413 210.015 385.387 194.205 2002 293.266 408.803 227.561 333.569 531.098 197.874 175.030 196.094 391.409 199.858 d -47.471 -17.053 -22.291 -7.045 14.265 -12.138 -4.617 13.921 -6.022 -5.653 C5 1 3 2 5 10 4 8 9 6 7 d -47.471 -17.053 -22.291 -7.045 14.265 -12.138 -4.617 13.921 -6.022 -5.653 C5 47.471 17.053 22.291 7.045 14.265 12.138 4.617 13.921 6.022 5.653 C6 10 8 9 4 7 5 1 6 3 2 Stack c2 c3 c10; Subscripts c11; UseNames. Rank c10 c12. Unstack (c12); Subscripts c11; After; VarNames. print c1 c2 c13 c3 c14 28 252y0541s 5/7/05 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Location Alexandria Boston Decatur Kirkland New York Philadephia Phoenix Raleigh San Bruno Tampa 2001 245.795 391.750 205.270 326.524 545.363 185.736 170.413 210.015 385.387 194.205 C12_2001 11 17 8 13 20 3 1 9 15 4 2002 293.266 408.803 227.561 333.569 531.098 197.874 175.030 196.094 391.409 199.858 C12_2002 12 18 10 14 19 6 2 5 16 7 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05047.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-7.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > 29 252y0541s 5/7/05 Part III 252x0541 4/22/05 ECO252 QBA2 Final EXAM May 2-6, 2004 TAKE HOME SECTION Name: _________________________ Student Number: _________________________ Class days and time : _________________________ Please Note: computer problems 2,3 and 4 should be turned in with the exam (2). In problem 2, the 2 way ANOVA table should be checked. The three F tests should be done with a 5% significance level and you should note whether there was (i) a significant difference between drivers, (ii) a significant difference between cars and (iii) significant interaction. In problem 3, you should show on your third graph where the regression line is. Check what your text says about normal probability plots and analize the plot you did. Explain the results of the t and F tests using a 5% significance level. (2) 4th computer problem (4+) This is an internet project. You are trying to answer the question, ‘how well does manufacturing explain differences in income?’ You should use some measure of income per person or family in each state as your dependent variable and try to explain it as a function of (to start with) percent of output or labor force in manufacturing. This should start out as a simple regression. Then you should try to see whether there are other variables that explain the differences as well. One possibility is the per cent of the adult population with college or high school diplomas. Possible sources of data are below, but think about what you use, and try to find some other sources. Total income of a state, for example is a very poor choice, rather than some per capita measure because it is simply going to be high for places with a lot of people without indicating how well off they are. Similarly the fraction of the workforce with a certain education level is far better then the number. For instructions on how to do a regression, try the material in Doing a Regression. http://www.nam.org/s_nam/sec.asp?CID=5&DID=3 Manufacturing share in state economies (http://www.nam.org/Docs/IEA/26767_20002001ManufacturingShareandChangeinStateEconomies.pdf?DocTypeID=9&TrackID=&Param=@CategoryI D=1156@TPT=2002-2001+Manufacturing+Share+and+Change+in+State+Economics) http://www.nemw.org/data.htm Per capita income by state. http://www.nemw.org/data.htm State personal income per capita. http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/regional/data.htm Personal income per capita by state. http://www.census.gov/statab/www/ Many state statistics, including persons with bachelor’s degrees. http://www.epinet.org/content.cfm/datazone_index Income inequality, median income, unemployment rates. Anyway, your job is to add whatever variable you think ought to explain your income measure. Consider all 50 states your sample. Your report should tell what numbers you used, from where and from what years. What coefficients were significant and do you think on the basis of your results that manufacturing is an important predictor of a state’s prosperity? Mark all significant F and t coefficients using a 5% significance level. Explain VIFs. Of course, if you don’t like this assignment, get approval to research something else on the internet. For example, does the per cent of the population in prison affect the crime rate (maybe with a few years’ lag)? Or are there better predictors? And get out the Durbin-Watson, prison vs. crime rate is a time series project. [8] 30 252y0541s 5/7/05 old x1 y Row INC 1 39.0 2 43.7 3 62.6 4 42.8 5 55.0 6 60.6 7 59.4 8 57.1 9 56.5 10 53.5 11 55.7 12 58.8 13 64.1 14 58.8 15 62.5 16 60.0 17 72.9 18 56.1 19 67.1 20 82.3 1168.5 EDUC 2 4 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 21 241 x2 x12 x 22 SEX 0 4 1 16 0 64 1 64 0 64 0 100 0 144 0 144 0 144 1 144 1 144 0 169 0 196 1 196 0 225 1 225 0 256 1 256 0 289 0 441 7 3285 y2 x1 y x2 y 0 1521.00 78.0 0.0 1 1909.69 174.8 43.7 0 3918.76 500.8 0.0 1 1831.84 342.4 42.8 0 3025.00 440.0 0.0 0 3672.36 606.0 0.0 0 3528.36 712.8 0.0 0 3260.41 685.2 0.0 0 3192.25 678.0 0.0 1 2862.25 642.0 53.5 1 3102.49 668.4 55.7 0 3457.44 764.4 0.0 0 4108.81 897.4 0.0 1 3457.44 823.2 58.8 0 3906.25 937.5 0.0 1 3600.00 900.0 60.0 0 5314.41 1166.4 0.0 1 3147.21 897.6 56.1 0 4502.41 1140.7 0.0 0 6773.29 1728.3 0.0 7 70091.67 14783.9 370.6 x1 x 2 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 0 81 Part III Original Regression ————— 4/22/2005 12:30:46 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05042.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-2.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 22 2005 Results for: 252x0504-2.MTW MTB > echo MTB > Execute "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252OLS2.mtb" 1. Executing from file: C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252OLS2.mtb MTB > #252OLS2 #Does spare parts for a regression problem with 2 #independent #v > ariables. Put y in C1, x1 in C2, x2 in #c3. MTB > Regress c1 1 c2 Regression Analysis: INC versus EDUC The regression equation is INC = 36.2 + 1.85 EDUC Predictor Constant EDUC S = 5.39031 Coef 36.173 1.8466 SE Coef 3.539 0.2762 R-Sq = 71.3% T 10.22 6.69 P 0.000 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 69.7% 31 252y0541s 5/7/05 old Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total DF 1 18 19 SS 1299.1 523.0 1822.1 MS 1299.1 29.1 F 44.71 P 0.000 Unusual Observations Obs 1 3 EDUC 2.0 8.0 INC 39.00 62.60 Fit 39.87 50.95 SE Fit 3.03 1.64 Residual -0.87 11.65 St Resid -0.19 X 2.27R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. MTB > Regress c1 2 c2 c3 Regression Analysis: INC versus EDUC, SEX The regression equation is INC = 39.4 + 1.78 EDUC - 7.12 SEX Predictor Constant EDUC SEX Coef 39.420 1.7840 -7.121 S = 4.15717 SE Coef 2.872 0.2137 1.955 R-Sq = 83.9% T 13.73 8.35 -3.64 P 0.000 0.000 0.002 R-Sq(adj) = 82.0% Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total Source EDUC SEX DF 1 1 DF 2 17 19 SS 1528.26 293.79 1822.06 MS 764.13 17.28 F 44.22 P 0.000 Seq SS 1299.06 229.20 Unusual Observations Obs 3 EDUC 8.0 INC 62.600 Fit 53.692 SE Fit 1.475 Residual 8.908 St Resid 2.29R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. MTB > execute '252OLS2namer' #Names Columns and Constants. Executing from file: 252OLS2namer.MTB MTB > #252OLS2namer Names columns and constants MTB > #Part of 252OLS2 MTB > name c5 'x1sq' MTB > name c6 'x2sq' MTB > name c7 'ysq' MTB > name c8 'x1y' MTB > name c9 'x2y' MTB > name c10 'x1x2' MTB > name k1 'sumy' 32 252y0541s 5/7/05 Old MTB > name k2 'sumx1' MTB > name k3 'sumx2' MTB > name k4 'n' MTB > name k5 'smx1sq' MTB > name k6 'smx2sq' MTB > name k7 'smysq' MTB > name k8 'smx1y' MTB > name k9 'smx2y' MTB > name k10 'smx1x2' MTB > name k11 'ybar' MTB > name k12 'x1bar' MTB > name k13 'x2bar' MTB > name k15 'SSx1' MTB > name k16 'SSx2' MTB > name k17 'SSy' MTB > name k18 'Sx1y' MTB > name k19 'Sx2y' MTB > name k20 'Sx1x2' MTB > end MTB > execute '252OLS2sumer' #Sums Columns. Executing from file: 252OLS2sumer.MTB MTB > #252OLS2sumer Fills columns and sums them MTB > #Part of 252OLS2 MTB > let k1=sum(c1) #Sum of y MTB > let k2=sum(c2) #Sum of x1 MTB > let k3=sum(c3) #Sum of x2 MTB > let k4=count(c1) #n MTB > let c5=c2*c2 MTB > let k5= sum(c5) #Sum of x1 squared MTB > let c6=c3*c3 MTB > let k6=sum(c6) #Sum of x2 squared MTB > let c7=c1*c1 MTB > let k7= sum(c7) #Sum of y squared MTB > let c8=c2*c1 MTB > let k8=sum(c8) #Sum of x1*y MTB > let c9=c3*c1 MTB > let k9=sum(c9) #Sum of x2*y MTB > let c10=c2*c3 MTB > let k10=sum(c10) #Sum of x1*x2 MTB > end MTB > print c1-c5 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INC 39.0 43.7 62.6 42.8 55.0 60.6 59.4 57.1 56.5 53.5 55.7 58.8 64.1 58.8 62.5 60.0 72.9 56.1 67.1 82.3 EDUC 2 4 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 21 SEX 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 C4 x1sq 4 16 64 64 64 100 144 144 144 144 144 169 196 196 225 225 256 256 289 441 33 252y0541s 5/7/05 * NOTE * One or more variables are undefined. MTB > print c6-c10 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 x2sq 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ysq 1521.00 1909.69 3918.76 1831.84 3025.00 3672.36 3528.36 3260.41 3192.25 2862.25 3102.49 3457.44 4108.81 3457.44 3906.25 3600.00 5314.41 3147.21 4502.41 6773.29 x1y 78.0 174.8 500.8 342.4 440.0 606.0 712.8 685.2 678.0 642.0 668.4 764.4 897.4 823.2 937.5 900.0 1166.4 897.6 1140.7 1728.3 x2y 0.0 43.7 0.0 42.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.5 55.7 0.0 0.0 58.8 0.0 60.0 0.0 56.1 0.0 0.0 x1x2 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 0 MTB > print k1-k10 Data Display sumy sumx1 sumx2 n smx1sq smx2sq smysq smx1y smx2y smx1x2 1168.50 241.000 7.00000 20.0000 3285.00 7.00000 70091.7 14783.9 370.600 81.0000 MTB > execute '252OLS2mean' #Computes means. Executing from file: 252OLS2mean.MTB MTB > #252OLS2mean Computes means MTB > #Part of 252OLS2 MTB > let k11=k1/k4 #Mean of y MTB > let k12=k2/k4 #Mean of x1 MTB > let k13=k3/k4 #Mean of x2 MTB > end MTB > print k11-k13 Data Display ybar x1bar x2bar 58.4250 12.0500 0.350000 MTB > execute '252OLS2ss' #Computes spare parts. Executing from file: 252OLS2ss.MTB MTB > #252OLS2ss Computes spare parts MTB > #Part of 252OLS2 MTB > let k15=k4*k12*k12 34 252y0541s 5/7/05 Old MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB > > > > > > > > > > > > > let k15=k5-k15 #SSx1 let k16=k4*k13*k13 let k16=k6-k16 #SSx2 let k17=k4*k11*k11 let k17=k7-k17 #SSy let k18=k4*k12*k11 let k18=k8-k18 #Sx1y let k19=k4*k13*k11 let k19=k9-k19 #Sx2y let k20=k4*k12*k13 let k20=k10-k20 #Sx1x2 end print k15-k20 Data Display SSx1 SSx2 SSy Sx1y Sx2y Sx1x2 380.950 4.55000 1822.06 703.475 -38.3750 -3.35000 MTB > end MTB > MTB > print c1 c2 c3 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 INC 39.0 43.7 62.6 42.8 55.0 60.6 59.4 57.1 56.5 53.5 55.7 58.8 64.1 58.8 62.5 60.0 72.9 56.1 67.1 82.3 EDUC 2 4 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 21 SEX 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 x1sq 4 16 64 64 64 100 144 144 144 144 144 169 196 196 225 225 256 256 289 441 x2sq 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 ysq 1521.00 1909.69 3918.76 1831.84 3025.00 3672.36 3528.36 3260.41 3192.25 2862.25 3102.49 3457.44 4108.81 3457.44 3906.25 3600.00 5314.41 3147.21 4502.41 6773.29 x1y 78.0 174.8 500.8 342.4 440.0 606.0 712.8 685.2 678.0 642.0 668.4 764.4 897.4 823.2 937.5 900.0 1166.4 897.6 1140.7 1728.3 x2y 0.0 43.7 0.0 42.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.5 55.7 0.0 0.0 58.8 0.0 60.0 0.0 56.1 0.0 0.0 x1x2 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 0 MTB > 35 252y0541s 5/7/05 Part III Modified Regression ————— 5/6/2005 7:06:37 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05041.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-1.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Thu Apr 21 2005 Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-2.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 22 2005 Results for: 252x0504-2a.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05042a.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-2a.MTW' MTB > Execute "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252OLS2.mtb" 1. Executing from file: C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252OLS2.mtb Regression Analysis: INC versus EDUC The regression equation is INC = 38.7 + 1.84 EDUC Predictor Constant EDUC Coef 38.657 1.8403 S = 12.4779 SE Coef 8.169 0.6393 R-Sq = 30.4% T 4.73 2.88 P 0.000 0.010 R-Sq(adj) = 26.7% Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total DF 1 19 20 SS 1290.2 2958.3 4248.5 Unusual Observations Obs EDUC INC Fit 1 2.0 39.00 42.34 21 12.0 108.90 60.74 MS 1290.2 155.7 SE Fit 6.98 2.72 F 8.29 P 0.010 Residual -3.34 48.16 St Resid -0.32 X 3.95R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. Regression Analysis: INC versus EDUC, SEX The regression equation is INC = 38.7 + 1.84 EDUC - 0.18 SEX Predictor Constant EDUC SEX Coef 38.747 1.8387 -0.184 S = 12.8195 SE Coef 8.854 0.6588 5.778 R-Sq = 30.4% T 4.38 2.79 -0.03 P 0.000 0.012 0.975 R-Sq(adj) = 22.6% 36 252y0541s 5/7/05 Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total Source EDUC SEX DF 1 1 DF 2 18 20 SS 1290.4 2958.1 4248.5 MS 645.2 164.3 F 3.93 P 0.038 Seq SS 1290.2 0.2 Unusual Observations Obs EDUC INC Fit 21 12.0 108.90 60.63 SE Fit 4.54 Residual 48.27 St Resid 4.03R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. Executing from file: 252OLS2namer.MTB Executing from file: 252OLS2sumer.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 INC 39.0 43.7 62.6 42.8 55.0 60.6 59.4 57.1 56.5 53.5 55.7 58.8 64.1 58.8 62.5 60.0 72.9 56.1 67.1 82.3 108.9 EDUC 2 4 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 21 12 SEX 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 C4 x1sq 4 16 64 64 64 100 144 144 144 144 144 169 196 196 225 225 256 256 289 441 144 * NOTE * One or more variables are undefined. Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 x2sq 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 ysq 1521.0 1909.7 3918.8 1831.8 3025.0 3672.4 3528.4 3260.4 3192.3 2862.3 3102.5 3457.4 4108.8 3457.4 3906.3 3600.0 5314.4 x1y 78.0 174.8 500.8 342.4 440.0 606.0 712.8 685.2 678.0 642.0 668.4 764.4 897.4 823.2 937.5 900.0 1166.4 x2y 0.0 43.7 0.0 42.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.5 55.7 0.0 0.0 58.8 0.0 60.0 0.0 x1x2 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 14 0 15 0 37 252y0541s 5/7/05 18 19 20 21 1 0 0 1 3147.2 4502.4 6773.3 11859.2 897.6 1140.7 1728.3 1306.8 56.1 0.0 0.0 108.9 16 0 0 12 Data Display sumy sumx1 sumx2 n smx1sq smx2sq smysq smx1y smx2y smx1x2 1277.40 253.000 8.00000 21.0000 3429.00 8.00000 81950.9 16090.7 479.500 93.0000 Executing from file: 252OLS2mean.MTB Data Display ybar x1bar x2bar 60.8286 12.0476 0.380952 Executing from file: 252OLS2ss.MTB Data Display SSx1 SSx2 SSy Sx1y Sx2y Sx1x2 380.952 4.95238 4248.46 701.071 -7.12857 -3.38095 MTB > MTB > print c1 c2 c3 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 INC 39.0 43.7 62.6 42.8 55.0 60.6 59.4 57.1 56.5 53.5 55.7 58.8 64.1 58.8 62.5 60.0 72.9 56.1 67.1 82.3 108.9 EDUC 2 4 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 21 12 SEX 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 x1sq 4 16 64 64 64 100 144 144 144 144 144 169 196 196 225 225 256 256 289 441 144 x2sq 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 ysq 1521.0 1909.7 3918.8 1831.8 3025.0 3672.4 3528.4 3260.4 3192.3 2862.3 3102.5 3457.4 4108.8 3457.4 3906.3 3600.0 5314.4 3147.2 4502.4 6773.3 11859.2 x1y 78.0 174.8 500.8 342.4 440.0 606.0 712.8 685.2 678.0 642.0 668.4 764.4 897.4 823.2 937.5 900.0 1166.4 897.6 1140.7 1728.3 1306.8 x2y 0.0 43.7 0.0 42.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.5 55.7 0.0 0.0 58.8 0.0 60.0 0.0 56.1 0.0 0.0 108.9 x1x2 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 0 12 MTB > 38 252y0541s 5/7/05 Kruskall – Wallis Problem ————— 4/22/2005 1:58:53 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05042.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-2.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 22 2005 Results for: 252x0504-3.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05043.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-3.MTW' MTB > erase c1-c10 MTB > describe c1-c3 Descriptive Statistics: A, B, C Variable A B C N 7 6 7 N* 0 0 0 Mean 86.29 73.00 75.86 SE Mean 3.15 2.78 4.38 StDev 8.34 6.81 11.58 Minimum 70.00 65.00 60.00 Q1 82.00 65.75 61.00 Median 88.00 73.00 79.00 Q3 91.00 79.75 85.00 Maximum 96.00 82.00 88.00 MTB > Stack c1 c2 c3 c7; SUBC> Subscripts c8; SUBC> UseNames. MTB > Kruskal-Wallis c7 c8. Kruskal-Wallis Test: C7 versus C8 Kruskal-Wallis Test on C7 C8 A B C Overall N 8 7 8 23 H = 8.43 H = 8.48 Median 88.00 73.00 79.00 DF = 2 DF = 2 Ave Rank 17.4 7.7 10.3 12.0 P = 0.015 P = 0.014 Z 2.81 -2.00 -0.87 (adjusted for ties) MTB > AOVOneway c1 c2 c3. One-way ANOVA: A, B, C Source Factor Error Total DF 2 20 22 S = 8.560 Level A B C N 8 7 8 SS 761.8 1465.5 2227.3 MS 380.9 73.3 R-Sq = 34.20% Mean 86.500 73.000 76.250 StDev 7.746 6.218 10.780 F 5.20 P 0.015 R-Sq(adj) = 27.62% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+---(--------*--------) (--------*---------) (--------*--------) -----+---------+---------+---------+---70.0 77.0 84.0 91.0 39 252y0541s 5/7/05 Pooled StDev = 8.560 MTB > MTB > print c1-c3 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 96 82 88 70 90 91 87 88 B 65 74 72 66 79 82 73 C 60 73 85 61 79 85 88 79 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05043.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-3.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > MTB > sum c1 Sum of A Sum of A = 692 MTB > ssq c1 Sum of Squares of A Sum of squares (uncorrected) of A = 60278 MTB > sum c2 Sum of B Sum of B = 511 MTB > ssq c2 Sum of Squares of B Sum of squares (uncorrected) of B = 37535 MTB > Vartest c7 c8; SUBC> Confidence 95.0. Test for Equal Variances: C7 versus C8 95% Bonferroni confidence intervals for standard deviations C8 A B C N 8 7 8 Lower 4.70735 3.66497 6.55135 StDev 7.7460 6.2183 10.7803 Upper 18.9708 16.8724 26.4022 Bartlett's Test (normal distribution) Test statistic = 1.88, p-value = 0.391 Levene's Test (any continuous distribution) Test statistic = 0.82, p-value = 0.453 Test for Equal Variances: C7 versus C8 MTB > NormTest 'A' ; SUBC> KSTest. 40 252y0541s 5/7/05 Probability Plot of A MTB > NormTest 'B'; SUBC> KSTest. Probability Plot of B MTB > NormTest 'C'; SUBC> KSTest. Probability Plot of C MTB > Test for Equal Variances for C7 Probability Plot of A Normal Bartlett's Test Test Statistic P-Value A 99 1. 88 0.391 Mean 86.5 StDev 7.746 N 8 KS 0.276 P-Value 0.073 Levene's Test 0. 82 0.453 90 Percent C8 Test Statistic P-Value B 50 10 C 5 10 15 20 1 25 70 80 90 95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for StDevs Probability Plot of B Probability Plot of C Normal Normal 99 50 10 Mean 76.25 StDev 10.78 N 8 KS 0.171 P-Value >0.150 90 Percent Percent 99 Mean 73 StDev 6.218 N 7 KS 0.156 P-Value >0.150 90 1 100 A 50 10 60 70 80 B 90 1 60 72 84 96 108 C 41 252y0541s 5/7/05 Kruskall – Wallis Problem – Modified Data ————— 5/7/2005 12:04:57 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05043.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-3.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Apr 22 2005 Results for: 252x0504-3a.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05043a.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0504-3a.MTW' MTB > describe c1-c3 Descriptive Statistics: A, B, C Variable A B C MTB > SUBC> SUBC> MTB > N 8 7 9 N* 0 0 0 Mean 86.50 73.00 70.33 SE Mean 2.74 2.35 6.80 StDev 7.75 6.22 20.41 Minimum 70.00 65.00 23.00 Q1 83.25 66.00 60.50 Median 88.00 73.00 79.00 Q3 90.75 79.00 85.00 Maximum 96.00 82.00 88.00 stack c1 c2 c3 c7; subscripts c8; usenames. Kruskal-Wallis C7 c8 Kruskal-Wallis Test: C7 versus C8 Kruskal-Wallis Test on C7 C8 A B C Overall H = 8.63 H = 8.67 MTB > MTB > SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> MTB > MTB > MTB > SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> MTB > N 8 7 9 24 DF = 2 DF = 2 Ave Rank 18.4 8.7 10.2 12.5 P = 0.013 P = 0.013 Z 2.91 -1.68 -1.25 (adjusted for ties) rank c11 c13 Unstack (c13); Subscripts c12; After; VarNames. rank c7 c9 erase c11-c16 Unstack (c9); Subscripts c8; After; VarNames. print c1 c10 c2 c11 c3 c12 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Median 88.00 73.00 79.00 A 96 82 88 70 90 91 87 88 C9_A 24.0 14.5 20.0 6.0 22.0 23.0 18.0 20.0 B 65 74 72 66 79 82 73 C9_B 4.0 10.0 7.0 5.0 12.0 14.5 8.5 C 60 73 85 61 79 85 88 79 23 C9_C 2.0 8.5 16.5 3.0 12.0 16.5 20.0 12.0 1.0 42 252y0541s 5/7/05 MTB > sum c10 Sum of C9_A Sum of C9_A = 147.5 MTB > sum c11 Sum of C9_B Sum of C9_B = 61 MTB > sum c12 Sum of C9_C Sum of C9_C = 91.5 MTB > Execute "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252aov1w3.mtb" 1. Executing from file: C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252aov1w3.mtb One-way ANOVA: A, B, C Source Factor Error Total DF 2 21 23 SS 1228 3986 5214 S = 13.78 Level A B C N 8 7 9 MS 614 190 F 3.23 R-Sq = 23.55% Mean 86.50 73.00 70.33 StDev 7.75 6.22 20.41 P 0.060 R-Sq(adj) = 16.27% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev ---------+---------+---------+---------+ (----------*---------) (----------*----------) (--------*---------) ---------+---------+---------+---------+ 70 80 90 100 Pooled StDev = 13.78 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A 96 82 88 70 90 91 87 88 B 65 74 72 66 79 82 73 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 C101 692.0 8.0 86.5 60278.0 C 60 73 85 61 79 85 88 79 23 C102 511 7 73 37535 C103 633.0 9.0 70.3 47855.0 MTB > vartest c7 c8 Test for Equal Variances: C7 versus C8 95% C8 A B C Bonferroni confidence intervals for standard deviations N Lower StDev Upper 8 4.7074 7.7460 18.9708 7 3.6650 6.2183 16.8724 9 12.7262 20.4145 46.2301 Bartlett's Test (normal distribution) Test statistic = 10.63, p-value = 0.005 Levene's Test (any continuous distribution) Test statistic = 1.61, p-value = 0.223 43 252y0541s 5/7/05 Test for Equal Variances: C7 versus C8 Test for Equal Variances for C7 Bartlett's Test Test Statistic P-Value A 10.63 0.005 Lev ene's Test C8 Test Statistic P-Value 1.61 0.223 B C 0 10 20 30 40 95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for StDevs 50 MTB > normtest 'A'; SUBC> KSTest. Probability Plot of A Probability Plot of A Normal 99 Mean StDev N KS P-Value 95 90 86.5 7.746 8 0.276 0.073 Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 A 44