Student Report Name of the University: Tecnologico de Monterrey Exchange semester: Fall 2015 I. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Before leaving Norway - When and how did you receive information from the exchange university, and did you encounter any difficulties? We received information from the school by email in May. They told us that we were accepted to Tecnologico de Monterrey, we just had to send over a copy of our passport and give some information about our self to the school. They were very helpful and quick with answering the emails. Applying for a visa (if applicable) - How did you apply for your visa, what did it cost and did you have difficulties? We just needed a student visa because we only stayed for one semester. That is something that they give you at the airport. We had heard that it was important to have the acceptance letter from the school and the proof from “lånekassen” ready to show in the airport. It was no problem to get the visa, but something important is to not loose it caused it is needed when exiting Mexico. Travel - How did you travel to your destination? We travelled in airplane. It took around 17 hours. We transferred in Dallas. Housing - Was housing provided by the university? If not, did you receive support from the school? We came in contact with a student organization called ISE (international student embassy). They helped us with finding an apartment in “Villas Tec”. ISE helps a lot of exchange students with housing, mostly in “Villas Tec” or “Torres Tec”. That is apartments which is located around 15 minutes walking distance from Tec and almost all the exchange students live there, and also a lot of Mexicans who are not from Monterrey. You can also rent from Costs - Approximately how much per month did you spend on rent, books, food, transportation, and other personal expenses? Rent Books Food Transport Other 2500 NOK 0 NOK 2000 NOK 300 NOK NOK Culture and language - Did you have any language problems with the faculty or other students? In Tec, almost all the students, the people who work in the international office and teachers know English. - How were the possibilities to experience the country and the culture? It was very easy to get in contact with the Mexican people and therefore also experience the Mexican culture. The school also had many events that we could attend and we took a course called “Mexican culture” where we learned more about the history of the country and also about Mexico today. People outside of TEC do not speak a lot of English, so it is a good idea to know some words before arriving. II. ABOUT THE SCHOOL Please describe: - The school The school is huge. There are many different buildings, but you get a map when you arrive so you don’t get lost. There is a main cafeteria as well as various other places to hang out and eat like for example Starbucks and Supersalad. The school area is fenced in, and you get a student card, which you need to be able to get in to the area. All of the entrances are employed with guards. Course registration - When and how did you register for courses? We had to submit the courses within 30 July. You do this through the account you create on Tec’s webpages. Don’t worry, you will receive a detailed e-mail with all the necessary information. The course selection process opens at 1 July. - When did the add/drop period end? During the first week you can add and drop courses as you wish. The only requirement is that the course is not full. If you want to add Spanish courses you need to be sure that your Spanish level is right, and you have to take a test through Tec to find out your level. The Spanish classes get quickly full, so I would recommend to select classes early. Academic calendar Arrival date: First day of the semester: Last day of classes: Examination period: Any special events/holidays: 1.08-2015 10.08.2015 5.12-2015 20.11-15 – 5.12-15 16.9 independence day, 16.11 public holiday Other: Arrival - Describe the introduction week During the introduction week there is several events. One event from Hi Tec and a lot from ISE (student embassy). You get to know the school yard, how the Tec system works, and there is a lot of parties where you get to meet all of the exchange students. The International Office - As an exchange student, did you receive sufficient and relevant information? There was no lack of information. We got all necessary information through e-mail and through Facebook groups. Promoting BI and Norway - What kind of activities were you involved in to promote exchange to Norway at your exchange university? We were part of the flag hoisting ceremony, and in general we promoted BI and exchange to Norway to everybody. After this semester there were a lot of Mexicans applying for exchange to Norway. Social activities - How was the relationship with native students and that among exchange students? The social activities was one of the experiences that made this semester so great. Due to the fact that all of us lived at Villas or Torres Tec (really close to each other) made it even better. The student organization ISE arranges a lot of great parties and you get to know all the exchange students. The natives you get most contact with is the persons living in Villas Tec or Torres Tec and in general are part of the ISE. - Are there any special activities, student organisations, and gatherings for exchange students? There are several different activities to be part of. There is a lot of activities organized by Tec but also from the ISE. There are several trips exploring México, which is great. You get to se how the locals live in different parts of México and experience the culture. III. ACADEMICS In the classroom - Describe the teaching style The teaching style is very different from BI. Most classes consist of 20-40 students and the classrooms are small. Most of the lecture is a combination of PowerPoint’s and writing on the board. In almost all of the classes there is 3 exams and projects to hand in with a following presentation. It depends on the teacher, but during the week you have to write reports and do homework that have to be delivered before class. You grade is being evaluated with a combination between exams, projects, homework and class participation. One big difference between Tec and BI is that the teachers take absence at Tec. The classes can either be 2X1,5hours or 1X3hours during a week. You can have total 6 absences of the 1,5hours classes and total 3 absences of the 3 hours classes. Some teachers are strict and you will fail the course if you exceed the absence but others does not care. - How is the level and workload compared to that at BI? The workload is really different from BI. At BI you can choose yourself if you want to study during the whole semester or study hard before your final exam. At Tec you have to study during the whole semester due to the fact that you have 3 partial exams and homework/cases that have to be delivered. Course materials - Describe the course materials used At Tec you don’t have to buy any books. All of the lectures is based on Powerpoint, which will be posted on Blackboard (similar to Its´learning). The exam is based on the Powerpoints. For the projects you are applying the theory from the classes and contribute by your own research. Library and technology - Describe the facilities We never used the library, but we have heard from other students that it was good. The facilities are really good at Tec, and there is wifi all over campus. Description of courses Please list below all the courses you took while on exchange. Course code & name Example:FIN123 Finance Project Evaluation, FZ2016 Master/ Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Exam form Prerequisites Approved as Elective Comments 4-hour written exam 4 Partial exams, 1 project None Finance from BI Elective Good teacher, not to heavy workload. No lectures only final project. Self study course Easy course, not to heavy workload, but one big project. The teacher was difficult to understand. Heavy workload. Heavy workload, and difficult materials. Very advanced English. The teacher went way too fast International Strategic Management NI3010 Bachelor No exam 1 Project None Elective Management and Business Model Innovation AD1005 Bachelor 3 Partial exams, 1 Project None Elective Doing Business in Latin America NI3029 Bachelor 3 Partial exams, 2 Projects None Elective Introduction to Mexican Culture H1011 Bachelor 3 Presentations, 3 papers to be delivered None Elective Spanish as a Foreign Language 1A HI 1007 Bachelor 3 exams, 3 oral exams None Elective through Spanish if you don’t know anything from before. Not heavy workload and easy exams. On a final note, how will you sum up the exchange experience? It has been a great experience coming to another country, Mexico, to see how they live and study. The study experience here is vastly different from the Norwegian way. In Tec de Monterrey you have to go to class to not fail the course, and you also get loads of homework that all affect your final grade. This was really a challenge to get used to, and to be honest I prefer the way its done at BI at home. Because there you can focus on one thing, instead of a hundred assignments that all seem kind of small and meaningless. The social aspect of studying here is amazing, we have got to know so many new people from all over the world. A big part in this has been the International Student Embassy (ISE) as they create events, trips and parties for the students and it helps you create friends for life. I highly recommend for new exchange students to contact ISE on their webpage as they provide help with housing and airport pickup completely for free. All in all this has been a great semester that we will never forget, and it has helped us create a wider network of people for future job opportunities.