Document 15796588

Making preparations
Read the memo below. Use your common sense or knowledge to complete it.
To: Staff
From: HRD (Human Resources Department)
Date: Nov. 23, 2015
Subject: Preparing for a speech
The most important thing to know about a speech is its purpose.
Before you do any other preparation, figure out exactly the purpose of
your speech. Are you going to persuade, entertain, build excitement, or
achieve another purpose? Once you know the purpose of your speech,
you can take the next steps to prepare.
1. Choose a key theme, if possible. Keep your speech as focused as
possible. Referring back to a key theme will help keep your speech
unified. To help you find your theme or goal, try to write one clear
sentence that can sum up the point of your speech.
2. Analyze your audience. Tailor your speech to their level of
knowledge and understanding.
3. Know your time limits. Design your speech to fit the amount of
time you have. Practice your speech to be sure it fits the allotted
4. Do your research. Make sure the information you present is correct
and significant.
5. Tell stories. Personal stories can draw listeners in. Quotes or
Question can also be a good way to add personal interest and
humor to a speech.
6. Make an outline and write your speech out. Don’t worry if you
write several versions. Make sure you know the outline of your
speech by heart even if you haven’t memorized every word.
7. Use your voice and your hands. Listening to a monotone speech is
boring. Use your voice to create excitement by pausing and rising
or falling in pitch as appropriate. Use your hands for emphasis.
8. Practice, practice, practice! Practice your speech, using gestures
and vocal changes. If you are using visual aids, make sure you do at
least one practice with them as well.
Sample sentences (jot down at least 2)
Sample sentences
Asking about
for a
presentation or
1.Are you ready for the presentation ?
2.Are you getting nervous or is this easy for you at this point ?
3.Are you all set up for this speech ?
4.Have you done the trial run yet ?
5.Are you going to use index cards or will they have
teleprompter(提字機) ?
6.Can I bounce a few ideas off of you ?
Talking about a
1.I’m a little nervous, but I know I worked hard on this . Once I
speech or
go over it one more , I will be fine
2.I just have to try not to stage fright
3.I hate public speaking , but I got used to it . I still get awful
butterflies in my stomach .
4.I want this to go perfectly, I’m pretty sure I have dotted all
the Is and crossed all the ts .
Talking about
visual aids for a
1.I think I’m going to use slight .
2.Is the projector set up ? Where is the projection screen ?
3.I’m going to use a flip chart I think .
Make a presentation like Steve Jobs
Go online and search for presentation appliances. Make a list.
1.Flip chart
2.projection screens
3.LCD projectors
4.Display panels
7.Telescoping hand Pointer
8.Remote pointer
10.Portable computer
12.Whiteboard marker