Name _______________________________________________ Period _____________ Ch. 8, Ancient Rome, Section 1, The Roman Republic, p. 228-235 1. _________________________ & ________________________ were twin boys, to the father __________________. 2. The king thought that someday would______________________ him and take his throne, so he had the boys left in a basket on the _______________________________ . 3. The boys were found by ______________________ and she raised him. a. Eventually some ___________________ found the twins and took them home to raise them. 4. Romulus wanted to build a city on top of _________________________________. 5. Remus preferred _____________________________. 6. They agreed to wait for a sign from the gods. Remus saw __________________________, but Romulus saw __________________________, each claiming to have won. 7. Romulus built a wall around __________________________. 8. Remus was jealous and began to _______________________ of Romulus’ wall; he even jumped over the wall to show how easy it was. 9. Romulus __________________________________________. 10. _____________________ officially founded the city making himself king and named it _________________. I. Rome’s Geography and Early Settlement 1. Romans valued ___________________ & ______________________. A. Geographical Advantages 1. The first settlers on ___________________________________ weren’t thinking about building an empire. 2. The site was chosen for: a. ______________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Rome’s other advantage: it was at the center of a ____________________________________ 4. Italy juts out into the _____________________________________ B. The Etruscans 1. We know very little about the people who founded ____________________. 2. A mysterious people, ____________________________ took power in Rome. 3. Etruscans ruled as _________ of Rome, but many people didn’t like being ruled by an all-powerful king and having no say in how they were ________________________. 4. Romans _____________ against the harsh reign of _____________________ _____________________ and drove the _____________________ from power. 5. II. The victors adapted ______________________ ideas. a. Many of the Roman ______________ were Etruscans gods. b. They also borrowed the Etruscan ___________________________. c. The Roman garment, the _____________, came from the Etruscans. Romans Form a Republic A. The Roman Senate 1. The most powerful part is the ___________________. 2. The senate is the same as our _______________________ branch of our govt. a. The branch that ____________ and _____________ on new laws. 3. The senate is made up of _____________________ men called __________________________. a. Patrician: __________________________________________________________________________ ‘4. ___________________ could not hold public office. a. Plebian: ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. The Romans vowed to never again put so much trust in ___________________________. 6. They wanted a govt. that didn’t rely on _____________________. 7. The Romans gained control of the entire __________________________ peninsula and established a new form of _____________________, __________________________. a. B. Republic: ___________________________________________________________________________ The Roman Consuls 1. Two chief officials led the govt. called ___________________________. a. 2. Consul: ____________________________________________________________________________ The consuls were like our _____________________, chief executives who ____________________ the Republics laws and policies. 3. ___________________________ couldn’t be consuls. 4. Ruled for _________________. 5. ________________ consuls had to agree before the govt. could take action. 6. If one consul _______________, the matter was dropped. a. C. Vetoed: __________________________________________________________________________ Other Important Officials 1. Romans new that their govt. wouldn’t work if both consuls disagreed so, their law held a ________________, who could be appointed and handled ______________________________. a. 2. Dictator: _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ were other important officials, _________________ consuls, who later served as judges in _____________________ trials that settled disputes about money, business, contracts, etc. D. Patricians Versus Plebeians 1. The expansion of Rome’s influence throughout Italy caused growing troubles between the _________________ and _____________________. 2. _____________________ were leaders who fought hard to keep control of the govt. 3. _____________________ believed they had a right to be ________________ and ______________ fairly. 4. Plebeians didn’t trust the ___________________________ senate and believed they were unfair. 5. _______________________ grew wealthy due to Rome’s ____________________. a. Explain conquests: ___________________________________________________________________ 6. The farms the Patricians bought were worked by ________________, who came from conquered lands. 7. Plebian ______________ found themselves without work. 8. Plebeians refused to fight in the Roman ________________. 9. One main demand of the Plebeians was for a written code of laws called _______________________________. 10. They were hung in marketplaces so that all ______________________________________________________. E. Master of the Mediterranean 1. While Plebeians and Patricians fought for power, Rome’s armies were _________________________________. 2. Rome’s armies invaded __________________, present day Tunisia, and completed destroyed its empire. 3. Other Roman armies finished the job of conquering _________________ (Philip and Alexander’s conquests.) 4. Then they turned to the land of _____________, present day France. III. The Decline of the Republic A. The Rise of Julius Caesar 1. ________________ was a smart leader, eager for power, which won him ________________ from his troops. 2. War broke out between ___________________ and Italy’s senate. 3. Caesar won the war and became _________________ of the Roman world. 4. Caesar ruled with great power, taking much of which belonged to the _______________. 5. Caesar took over important public offices for ____ years. 6. He became the only _________, making himself ______________ for life. 7. Caesar took many useful steps to reorganize the govt., but too many senators thought Rome once again had a ________, and they hated the idea. B. The Death of a Dictator 1. On _________________________, Caesar had plans to attend a meeting of the _____________. 2. _________________ sensed ___________ and urged him ___________________, but Caesar insisted. 3. A group of _______________ gathered around Caesar and stabbed him. 4. Although Caesar had been a strong ruler, many Romans felt he had gone _________________ and _________________ in gathering _________________. C. From Republic to Empire 1. ______________________ followed Caesar’s death. a. Explain civil war: ____________________________________________________________________ 2. When the war ended after _____ years, Caesar’s adopted son, ___________________ held power. 3. The senate award Octavian the title of ____________________, meaning _____________________________. 4. Octavian became the first __________________ of Rome. 5. The rule of ____________________ marked the beginning of the Roman ______________ and the end of the Roman _____________________. 6. The Roman Republic lasted __________ years, but ____________________ and powerful ____________________________ destroyed Rome’s republic forms of rule/govt. 7. For the next ____________ years, the great Roman civilization would be ruled not by ___________, but by an allpowerful _____________.