NUS Sustainability Fund FAQ (as of November 2015) 1. What is the NUS Sustainability Fund? NUS Sustainability Fund (Sus Fund) is a fund derived from the NUS plastic bag tax. This was pioneered in NUS in 2008 to charge 10-cents for each plastic bag taken from NUS canteens or Co-op bookstores. NUS Sus Fund hopes to support green projects and initiatives coming from the NUS community (students and staff) to mould the NUS community towards a more sustainable future and culture. In particular, we value behavioural changes to adopt a low carbon footprint in NUS. 2. What are the objectives of the Sus Fund? The role of the Sus Fund is to inspire and empower students and staff to put their ideas into actions, so they can embark on projects which benefit their peers and the environment. The Sus Fund will provide funding and mentorship for projects which are environmental in their direction and nature, and have the student community as the primary target audience. The expected outcome is to enrich and diversify environmental experiences which undergraduates can participate in or benefit from, in addition to existing initiatives. 3. What kinds of projects are funded? ● Environmentally oriented with observable benefits to students. The theme this year is on carbon footprint and we strive to evoke behavioural change ● Have continuity and is able to have some degree of influence even after the project ends (for instance, project can be taken up by OCA/OFM/OED/NUS students/SAVE). ● Projects related to the theme of SAVE’s flagship event, NUS Goes Lite, will be given priority during our consideration of projects. 4. How much funds are granted for any project? Each project can receive grants up to a maximum of $5000 subject to panel’s decision and the scale of project. For example, a project that is faculty-wide may not receive more 1 than a project targeting a school-wide audience. The project will be assessed by SAVE’s financial cell before all other stakeholders. 5. Who are the stakeholders of Sus Fund? OCA, OSA, OES, SAVE and NUS Co-op. 6. Who are eligible to apply? All NUS undergraduates or graduates who are keen on environmental projects are eligible. Those with other sources of funding or are undertaking school environmental projects will be subjected to funding only on a discretionary basis as SAVE deems fit 7. When does application open? Application is open once a year. The application window will be from the start of winter vacation, 6th December 2015 of the semester. Application documents have to be submitted by the end of Week 2 to and at least 6 weeks before the execution of the project. 8. How do I apply? Download the application form from and email your completed application form to before the application deadline of Friday 22nd January 2016, 1800 hours. 9. How does communication between SAVE and the applicant occur? Any notifications will be sent through email. An officer-in-charge will be assigned to your project. 10. What is required in the budget? 2 The budget must be clear, thorough and its prices estimated reasonably. Grossly overpriced items will not be reimbursed. 11. What can be reimbursed? Only expenditures that justify the project’s green initiative can be reimbursed. 12. What will not be funded/reimbursed for? ● Overseas trips / sightseeing/ tours/ recreational costs. ● Coordination / administration / agent fees etc. 13. What should I take note for disbursement? ● Applicants will have to submit only original and non-faded receipts for claims to be accepted by SAVE. Applicants are advised to make photocopies of the receipts should they choose not to submit them immediately, in case it fades off. ● ● ● ● Submission of the post event report and statement of accounts are also needed in order to justify the expenditures. The receipts should be legible (cost of each item must be stated clearly). Do note that receipts kept up to 3 months from the budget review meeting can be claimed. Applicants are advised to keep the actual receipts for their own reference. No cash advancements will be given to the project group. There will only be reimbursements based on receipts submitted as mentioned in point 1 and 2. The final disbursement amount will be based on the statement of accounts, receipts for eligible/allowable costs and the amount will adjust accordingly to any change. If the team/project does not fulfil any requirements as stated in the guidelines, SAVE reserves the right to withhold, adjust or seek refund of the grant amount, 14. What should I do after the event/project? ● If photocopied receipts are to be submitted, applicants will have to number both the photocopied receipts and the original receipts at the top right hand corner of the original and photocopied respectively (for easier identification) and submit them to the officer-in-charge within 4 weeks of the completion of the project. 3 ● Applicants will also have to submit a post-project report and Statement of Accounts, to be emailed to These can be requested through the email given. 15. How can i apply for a publicity platform? Project groups work with the SUS-Fund officer to utilize avenues available: ● NUS email blast ● NUS message of the day ● NUS SAVE Facebook Page and Instagram 16. What are the requirements for publicity? All publicity posters must include NUS SAVE and NUS Goes Lite logo. Project groups are required to get poster clearance from NUS SAVE before publicity. 4