Biology 1 Exam 1 (

Biology 1
Exam 1
(Chapters 1-4)
Name _____________________
Remote # ____
Date _______________
Multiple Choice.
1) Which of the following is/are
characteristic of living organisms?
A) organized structure
B) responsiveness to stimuli
C) maintenance of homeostasis
D) B and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
2) You drink a glass of lemonade, but
your body's pH does not change. This is
an example of how organisms
A) maintain homeostasis.
B) maintain organization.
C) adapt to their environment.
D) are immune to acid.
E) are what they eat.
3) What is metabolism?
A) the consumption of energy
B) the release of energy
C) the sum of all chemical reactions
taking place in an organism
D) the production of heat by chemical
E) the exchange of nutrients and waste
products with the environment
4) Which correctly indicates the
sequence of increasing organization?
A) molecule, cell, organelle, organ
B) organelle, tissue, cell, organ
C) atom, molecule, organelle, cell
D) organ, tissue, cell, molecule
E) cell, organ, tissue, organ system
5) You observe a plant on your
windowsill that is growing at an angle
toward the outside. This is an example
of a living thing
A) maintaining homeostasis.
B) responding to stimuli.
C) reproducing.
D) evolving.
6) A typical animal would be
characterized by all of the following
A) the presence of eukaryotic cells.
B) the ability to acquire nutrition through
C) the ability to grow and reproduce.
D) the ability to maintain homeostasis.
E) all of the above
7) To which kingdom would a
multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic
organism belong?
A) protista
B) fungi
C) plantae
D) animalia
E) none of the above
8) The basic difference between a
prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell is
that the prokaryotic cell
A) possesses membrane-bound
B) lacks DNA.
C) lacks a nuclear envelope.
D) is usually considerably larger.
E) is structurally more complex.
9) Which kingdom possesses
unicellular animal-like members as well
as unicellular plant-like members?
A) Kingdom Fungi
B) Kingdom Animalia
C) Kingdom Protista
D) Kingdom Plantae
E) all of the above
10) The main difference between an
autotroph and a heterotroph is
A) how they reproduce.
B) how they respond to stimuli.
C) the placement of their organelles.
D) how they obtain energy.
11) A cell that lacks organelles is a(n)
A) member of the Kingdom Plantae.
B) animal cell.
C) prokaryotic cell.
D) eukaryotic cell.
12) A scientific explanation that is
tentative and requires more
investigation is termed a/an
A) theory.
B) fact.
C) control.
D) hypothesis.
E) observation.
13) All the following are features of the
scientific method EXCEPT
A) hypothesis formulation.
B) observation and experimentation.
C) subjective data collection.
D) inductive and deductive reasoning.
E) forming conclusions.
14) Francesco Redi designed an
experiment to test the notion of
spontaneous generation. In his
experiment, he left the first jar of meat
open to the air and covered the second
jar. The first jar would be called the
A) experimental jar.
B) control jar.
C) conclusive jar.
D) hypothetical jar.
15) In a word, evolution means
A) selection
B) improvement
C) mutation
D) change
E) nature
16) A substance with specific properties
that cannot be broken down or
converted to another substance is a(n)
A) element.
B) molecule.
C) ion.
D) compound.
E) mixture.
17) What determines the atomic
number of an atom?
A) number of electrons in the outermost
energy level
B) total number of energy shells
C) arrangement of neutrons in the
atomic nucleus
D) number of protons in the atomic
E) the total number of electrons and
18) Which four elements make up
approximately 96% of living matter?
A) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
B) carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, hydrogen
C) carbon, sodium, chlorine, magnesium
D) carbon, oxygen, sulfur, calcium
E) oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium
19) An atom's nucleus is composed of
A) protons.
B) neutrons.
C) protons and electrons.
D) protons and neutrons.
E) neutrons and electrons.
20) How does one explain the formation
of ions?
A) sharing of electrons
B) gain or loss of electrons
C) gain or loss of protons
D) sharing of protons
E) gain or loss of neutrons
21) Biological molecules primarily are
joined by
A) peptide bonds.
B) ionic bonds.
C) hydrogen bonds.
D) disulfide bonds.
E) covalent bonds.
22) The element carbon has an atomic
number of six. Carbon would most likely
A) form an ionic bond.
B) form four covalent bonds.
C) form two covalent bonds.
D) donate two electrons to another
23) A single covalent chemical bond
represents the sharing of how many
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 6
24) Polar molecules
A) have an overall negative electric
B) have an equal distribution of electric
C) have an overall positive electric
D) have an unequal distribution of
electric charge.
E) are ions.
25) Which of the following is an
example of hydrogen bonding?
A) The bond between O and H in a
single molecule of water.
B) The bond between O of one water
molecule and H of a second water
C) The bond between O of one water
molecule and O of a second water
D) The bond between H of one water
molecule and H of a second water
E) The bond between the H of a water
molecule and the H of a hydrogen
26) If a substance measures 7 on the
pH scale, that substance
A) has equal concentration of H+ and
OH- ions.
B) may be lemon juice.
C) has greater concentration of OH- than
H+ ions.
D) probably lacks OH- ions.
E) is basic.
27) What is meant by saying water has
a high specific heat?
A) It can absorb a lot of energy without
changing temperature.
B) It grows hot very quickly.
C) The boiling point of water is very low.
D) Water can only heat up to a certain
E) Water freezes easily.
28) The fact that salt dissolves in water
is BEST explained by
A) the charged nature of water molecule
B) the polar nature of water molecules.
C) the hydrophobic nature of salt.
D) the ionic nature of water molecules.
E) the hydrophobic nature of the water.
29) What determines the cohesiveness
of water molecules?
A) hydrogen bonds
B) ionic bonds
C) covalent bonds
D) hydrophobic interactions
E) All of the above are correct.
30) In general, a substance that carries
an electrical charge can dissolve in
water. Given this fact, which of the
following would most likely NOT
dissolve in water?
A) ionic compounds
B) polar covalent molecules
C) nonpolar molecules
D) NaCl
31) Large biological molecules are
synthesized by removing
A) carbon.
B) covalent bonds.
C) water.
D) oxygen.
E) peptides.
32) What type of chemical reaction
results in the breakdown of organic
polymers into their respective subunits?
A) condensation
B) oxidation
C) hydrolysis
D) ionization
E) reduction
33) Which of the following correctly
matches an organic polymer with its
respective monomers?
A) protein and amino acids
B) carbohydrates and polysaccharides
C) hydrocarbon and monosaccharides
D) lipid and steroids
E) DNA and ATP
34) Hydrolysis could be correctly
described as the
A) heating of a compound in order to
drive off its excess water and to
concentrate its volume
B) the breaking of a long-chain
compound into its subunits by adding
water to its structure between the
C) constant removal of hydrogen atoms
from the surface of a carbohydrate.
D) None of the above are true.
35) The fiber in your diet is really
A) protein.
C) starch.
D) cartilage.
E) cellulose.
36) Where is glycogen stored in
vertebrate animals?
A) liver and muscles
B) brain and kidneys
C) heart and bones
D) pancreas and blood
E) liver and heart
37) Which of the following provides
long-term energy storage for plants?
A) glucose
B) glycogen
C) starch
D) cellulose
38) Which type of lipid is most
important in biological membranes?
A) fats
B) steroids
C) phospholipids
D) oils
E) triglycerides
39) Cholesterol, testosterone, estrogen
and ecdysone are all examples of
A) fatty acids.
B) proteins.
C) steroids.
D) hormones.
E) waxes.
40) All cells possess all the following
components EXCEPT
A) cytoplasm.
B) genetic material.
C) nuclear membrane.
D) plasma cell membrane.
E) ribosomes.
41) What is not characteristic of a
prokaryotic cell?
A) a plasma membrane
B) a nuclear membrane
C) ribosomes
D) enzymes
42) Which of the following correctly
identify components that are the same
in both plant cells and bacterial cells?
A) nucleus, DNA, plasma membrane,
B) cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum,
DNA, plasma membrane, ribosomes
C) cytoplasm, DNA, plasma membrane,
D) cytoplasm, nucleolus, DNA, plasma
E) cytoplasm, nucleoid, DNA, plasma
membrane, ribosomes
43) The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
A) water.
B) dissolved nutrients.
C) organelles.
D) enzymes.
E) all of these
44) A nucleolus is
A) an extra nucleus in the cell.
B) a darkly staining area in the nucleus
where ribosomes are made.
C) an area where the nucleus is
D) a membrane-bound organelle.
E) the area in a prokaryote where DNA
is concentrated.
45) The nuclei of eukaryotic cells are
characterized by
A) a single-layered membrane.
B) one or more nucleoids.
C) a double membrane.
D) a non-porous membrane.
E) all of these
46) What is the difference between
"free" and "attached" ribosomes?
A) Free ribosomes are in the cytoplasm
while attached ribosomes are anchored
to the endoplasmic reticulum.
B) Free ribosomes produce proteins that
remain in the cytosol while attached
ribosomes produce proteins that may be
exported from the cell.
C) Free ribosomes produce proteins that
are exported from the cell while
attached ribosomes make proteins for
mitochondria and chloroplasts.
D) A and C
E) A and B
47) If all the lysosomes within a cell
suddenly ruptured, what could occur?
A) The macromolecules in the cell
cytosol would begin to degrade.
B) The number of proteins in the cytosol
would begin to increase.
C) The DNA within the mitochondria
would begin to degrade.
D) The mitochondria and chloroplasts
would begin to divide.
E) There would be no change in the
normal function of the cell.
48) If you identified a cell with large
amounts of rough ER, which would NOT
be a logical conclusion about that cell?
A) Large quantities of enzymes for
biochemical processes are
manufactured by that cell.
B) Membrane proteins and
phospholipids are made to replace other
membranous components in the cell
C) Digestive enzymes for export are
manufactured by that cell.
D) Membrane lipids are produced by
that cell.
E) Large amounts of protein hormone
are exported by the cell.
49) Ribosomes synthesize _________.
C) proteins.
D) nucleoli.
E) glucose.
50) Which of the following is associated
with Rough E.R?
A) Lipid synthesis.
B) Plasma membrane.
C) Ribosomes
E) Chlorophyll.
51) An organelle associated with
carbohydrate synthesis is the
A) Golgi complex.
B) ribosome.
C) centriole.
D) nucleolus.
E) nucleus.
52) Which organelle extracts energy
from food molecules and stores it in the
high-energy bonds of ATP?
A) mitochondrion
B) chloroplast
C) ribosome
D) centriole
53) Which of the following is capable of
converting light energy to chemical
A) chloroplasts
B) mitochondria
C) amyloplasts
D) vacuoles
E) Golgi bodies
54) DNA is located in which of the
A) prokaryotic cells
B) plant cells
C) animal cells
D) chloroplasts
E) all of the above
55) Which of the following is NOT a
function of plastids?
A) store photosynthetic products
B) store pigments
C) carry out photosynthesis
D) extract energy from food and convert
it to ATP
E) All of the above
56) What primarily determines the
shape of cells that lack cell walls?
A) nucleus
B) cytosol
C) endoplasmic reticulum
D) cytoskeleton
E) ribosomes
57) DNA is located in which of the
A) plant cells
B) animal cells
C) chloroplasts
D) prokaryotic cells
E) all of the above
58) How does a cell rid itself of
defective or malfunctioning organelles?
A) Ribosomes play a significant role in
the removal of malfunctioning parts by
absorbing the parts.
B) Lysosomes assist in the removal of
defective organelles by digesting them
C) Defective parts accumulate until the
cell itself dies.
D) They are engulfed by plastids and
stored until export from cell is possible.
E) They are exported by exocytosis.
59) Which of the following does NOT
possess a double membrane?
A) ribosome.
B) mitochondrion
C) chloroplast.
D) plastid
E) nuclear envelope.
60) The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
A) Enzymes
B) Dissolved nutrients
C) Organelle
D) water
E) all of these
Match the following names to the proper functional group
a. -OH
d. -COOH
b. -SH
e. -NH2
c. -PO4
61. A sulfhydryl group ______
62. An amino group ______
63. A carboxyl group ______
64. A hydroxyl group ______
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Matching. Place the letter of the correct answer into the blank to the left of the term.
65. glucose ______
66. steroid _____
67. ATP _____
68. phospholipids _____
69. amino acid _____
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Label the parts of the microscope:
70. Objective _____
71. Fine adjustment knob _____
72. stage _____
For questions 73-76, go to next page and use the diagram of the plant cell:
73. Golgi apparatus _______
74. Endoplasmic reticulum ___
75. vacuole _________
76. nucleolus ______