Today: Microscopes (Ch. 3), begin Prokaryotic cells (Ch. 4)


Today: Microscopes (Ch. 3), begin Prokaryotic cells (Ch. 4)

Ch. 3 - Microscopes

Total magnification: calculated by multiplying the objective lens magnification by the ocular lens magnification

Resolution: ability to distinguish between two points a specified distance apart micrometer: 10

-6 m nanometer: 10

-9 m

Light Microscopy

 Bright-field microscope: dark image against a brighter background

 Dark-field microscope: only refracted light enters objective, making specimen bright, background dark (useful for observing living cells, particularly spirochetes)

 Phase-contrast: converts slight changes in refraction into easily detected

 variations of light intensity (useful in observing living cells)

Fluorescence: specimen exposed to ultraviolet light, compounds in the sample fluoresce, giving off visible light

Electron Microscopy

Uses electrons as illumination source (shorter wavelength allows greater resolution)

Two types: o Transmission (TEM): electrons pass through thin section of specimen o Scanning (SEM): image produced by electrons which are emitted from the surface of an object


 Fixation: process by which internal and external structures of cells are preserved o Heat-fixation - fix an air-dried thin film (smear) by passing through flame

 Dyes: have chromophore groups (give color) and bind to cells by ionic, covalent, or hydrophobic bonding o Ionic stains

Basic dyes

Acid dyes o Hydrophobic - Sudan black, stains lipids


 Simple Stain: uses one staining agent

 Differential Stain: divides bacteria into separate groups based on different staining

 properties

Gram stain o

 most important staining procedure

Dr. Christian Gram, 1884


Crystal Violet - 1 minute

Gram's Iodine - 1 minute

Decolorize with 95% ethanol (5-10 sec), Rinse

Safranin - 1 minute

Stains (continued)

 Gram stain (continued) o Gram positive - traps crystal violet-iodine complex, due to thick layer of o peptidoglycan in cell wall


Gram negative - large amount of lipids in cell wall are dissolved by the

95% ethanol, allowing crystal violet-iodine complex to escape, must add counterstain to colorless cells


Stains (continued)

 Acid-fast stain: o used to stain


Mycobacterium , which have high mycolic acid content

 o Must use steam heat to force carbolfuchsin stain into cells o Acid-alcohol decolorizer removes stain from non-acid fast cells o counterstain with methylene blue

Negative/Capsular stain: o o o reveals capsule layer around cells mix bacteria with nigrosin, spread on clean slide, dry useful to observe Klebsiella pneumonia

Stains (continued)

Spore stain: used to stain endospores of Clostridium and Bacillus o endospores do not readily take up dye, but once it penetrates the stain is o o not easily decolorized heat smear over steam, rinse with water counterstain with safranin o Endospores - Green; Vegetative cells - Red

Flagellar stain: flagella of bacteria are coated with tannic acid or potassium alum and stained with basic fuchsin (Gray Method)

Ch. 4 - Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells

 General Differences o Procaryotes

 generally smaller (0.2 - 2 microns diameter and from 2-8 microns in length) no nucleus or other membrane bound organelles one circular chromosome (most) no histone proteins associated with DNA cell wall generally contains peptidoglycan (complex

 polysaccharide) divide by binary fission

Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells (continued)

 General Differences (cont.) o Eucaryotes

 large cells

"true nucleus" and other membrane bound organelles multiple linear chromosomes histone proteins always associated with DNA cell wall does not contains peptidoglycan) divide by mitosis (complex process)

Prokaryotic Cells: Shape and Arrangement

Cell (Plasma) membrane

 Structure: o phospholipid bilayer (hydrophilic head and hydrophobic core) o o contains embedded proteins fluid mosaic model

 o some infoldings related to photosynthesis (known as thylakoids or chromatophores)

Permeability: o semi-permeable layer

 small molecules and water pass freely charged molecules and larger ones cannot pass

Moving materials across the membrane:


Osmosis: diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane

Osmotic pressure: internal pressure which equalizes water movement in and out of a cell

 Solutions relative to cell solute concentration: o o o isotonic: equal solute concentration hypotonic: lower concentration of solutes hypertonic: higher concentration of solutes


 Passive: o simple diffusion o Facilitated diffusion: protein mediated, no energy involved

 Active: o o

Active transport: energy used to bring in molecules

Group translocation: active transport where molecule is modified during transport (example: phosphorylation)
