Issaquah School District Preliminary Evaluation Rating (PER): FOCUSED (Teacher-Librarian) NAME: _________________________ DATE: ___________________________________ POSITION: __________________________ SCHOOL: _______________________________ EVALUATOR NAME: __________________________ OBSERVATION DATES: _____________________ Evaluator: Mark on box in each area that summarizes your evaluation. 5. INVOLVEMENT IN ASSISTING PUPILS, PARENTS, AND EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Basic 3 = Proficient 4 = Distinguished 1 2 3 4 Comments: (2b) Establishing a culture for investigation through multi-media and love of literature (3a) Collaborating with staff in the design of instruction (4c) Communicating and fostering relationships with the families we serve Looking ahead toward our next meeting . . . At this time your PER Numeric Rating is: _(add criterion ranking from above versus scale below) ___________ As a result, if, as your evaluator, I had to mark your SER today, the snapshot of the overall rank would be: ______________ 1- Unsatisfactory 2 - Basic 3 - Proficient 4 - Distinguished Employee: ____________________________________ Date: ____________ Signing of this instrument acknowledges participation in, but not necessarily concurrence with, the evaluation conference. Evaluator: ____________________________________ Copy to Employee Completed in electronic tool UPDATED: AUGUST 2015 Date: ____________