Russian Revolution Screen Play

Russian Revolution Screen Play
Demonstrate an understanding of important events and leaders in the Russian Revolution.
You should have a total of three acts in your screen play, each about 3 minutes in length.
Your group will create a script for a role play (each act roughly three minutes in length) that explains and portrays some
of the major events and leaders of the Russian Revolution. Follow these steps:
1) Read the list of events. Assign people in your group to act out certain roles or events. Each person is responsible for
thoroughly understanding and explaining the characters/events which s/he represents.
2) You must add THREE key facts to your role play using the text as support.
3) Each ACT should be at least 3 minutes in length.
ACT 1: March Revolution:
 Czar Nicholas II is absolute ruler, despite the Duma being an elected legislature.
 Secret societies assassinate government officials.
 Most Russians are living in poverty. Spontaneous food/bread riots break out due to the poverty.
 Russian soldiers in WWI are poorly equipped due to poor transportation and production levels.
 The Ottoman Empire cuts off Russia’s port from receiving supplies from its allies.
 Millions of Russian soldiers are killed or taken prisoner.
 March revolution (1917): Peasants and workers strike and riot in Petrograd (St. Petersburg).
 The Duma demands government reforms. Czar Nicholas II orders the Duma to disband, but it refuses.
 Soldiers join the rioters, and many soldiers desert from the army.
 March 1917: Czar Nicholas II abdicates. He and his family are arrested. (Later, they are killed)
ACT II: October Revolution / Bolshevik Revolution
 A provisional government is set up in to rule Russia until a permanent system can be set up. Alexander Kerensky is
leader of a liberal democratic government.
 April 16, 1917: Lenin, a revolutionary in exile, returns to Russia with help from the Germans.
 Lenin becomes the leader of the Bolsheviks, and rallies people behind the slogan “Peace, land, and bread.”
 The “Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies” is unhappy with the provisional government and works for
radical change.
 Mensheviks (socialists) and Bolsheviks (radical socialists) organize other Soviets throughout Russia. They call for
immediate peace, land reforms, and turning factories over to the workers.
 The provisional government pledges to continue the war, and calls for lesser reforms than the soviets.
 Popular councils called “Soviets” (socialist councils) seize control of local governments.
 October Revolution (Nov 1917): Bolsheviks overthrow the provisional government.
ACT III: Civil War
 March 1918: Russia withdraws from the war. Lenin signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central Powers, giving
up much Russian territory to the Germans.
 Spring 1918: The Bolsheviks rename themselves the “Communist Party”
 Civil war begins. Communists fight with liberals, Mensheviks, and reactionaries for power.
 November 11, 1918: The Allies and Central Powers organize an armistice to stop the fighting in WWI.
 The Red Army (Communists) battles the White Army (reactionaries), causing further devastation in Russia.
 The Allies (not wanting Communism to spread) send money, weapons, and troops to the White forces.
 1921: The Communists defeat all rivals, and rename Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).