Geometry - Mr. Hubarth

Geometry - Mr. Hubarth
Course Description
This course is a comprehensive Geometry course designed to prepare students for higher levels of math
and for college. Students will be expected to work hard, complete nightly homework assignments, and
focus their attention on all classroom activities.
The instruction in this course will center on the Geometry Content Standards and Benchmarks set forth by
the state of California. There are 22 Geometry standards.
Classroom Policies
General Class Rules
Major Offenses
Come prepared (book, notebook, pencil)
Do not talk while I am talking
Work only on current assignment
No food or drinks
No gum
Do not use profanity
No electronic devices
Leaving Classroom
Throwing objects
Conference, Call Home, or Detention
Immediate removal from class, Referral to Office,
Call Home
Verbal abuse of a student or teacher
Academic Policies
Nightly homework assignments will be listed each day on the board.
Homework assignments are due the following class day at the beginning of class.
If a student is absent, the assignment must be handed in on the next school day.
Absolutely no late work will be accepted.
Papers without names will not be accepted.
Incomplete Assignments will not be accepted. Students must complete every problem assigned or
the assignment will receive a zero.
You must show a complete solution for each problem with all steps shown and written
explanations when asked for. Just writing the answer will receive no credit.
Each assignment will be graded on a 10 point scale. Two problems will be selected at random and
graded. You will lose a point for a problem that is graded incorrect.
Quizzes will be given occasionally and may not be announced. They will cover material previously
assigned on the homework.
A test will be given at the end of each unit (2 or 3 per quarter) and may include any concepts
previously learned in the course.
If a student is absent for an individual test, he or she will have five school days to excuse the absence
and take the test.
If a student does not excuse the absence or retake the test in the allowed time, a zero grade will be
recorded .
A midterm and a final exam will also be given.
Grades will be assigned based on the following percentages:
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = Below 60%
Your grades will be weighted as follows:
Individual Tests: 60 %
Homework: 25 %
(including midterm and final)
Quizzes: 10 %
Participation: 5%
Extra Help
I am available in my room (room W213) most mornings at 6:45 and during most lunches. Students may
also make specific appointments with me if these times are not available for them.
Parent Contact
The most efficient way to contact me about the progress of your son or daughter is to e-mail me. My email address is: . Please include your e-mail address on the
acknowledgement sheet attached. If you cannot e-mail me, you may call the school and leave a message
on my voice mail (951) 894-5750 ext 6663. I will return phone calls within 24 hours. Please leave a
number where you can be reached between 3:00 and 5:00 pm. You may also meet with me in person by
Please sign and have your student return the included sheet.
Parent & Student Acknowledgement Sheet
Dear Geometry Parent and Student
Please print and sign your name below. Signing indicates that you have read these policies and understand the course
expectations. Also include an email address if that is your preferred way to be contacted. Thank you.
Student Name (print)
Student Name (signed)
Parent Name (print)
Parent Name (signed)
Email Address