7 and 8 Grade Homework Policies

7th and 8th Grade Homework Policies
In order to help parents and students know what the expectations are in regards to
homework the 7/8 team adopted the following policy.
7th Grade Policy
7th graders have two weeks to complete and hand-in homework from the date that it is
due. Homework will not be accepted after two weeks. Parents and students can refer to
Home Access to help them see what assignments are due and when they are due.
8th Grade Policy
8th graders have one week to complete and hand-in homework from the date that it is due.
Homework will not be accepted after the one week. Parents and students can refer to
Home Access to help them see what assignments are due and when they are due.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and if you have any questions feel free to
contact any of the 7/8 grade team members.