Note Taking Guide KEY Topic # 3021 ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY

Note Taking Guide KEY
Topic # 3021
Ms. Blakeley
Anatomy – various parts of the body
Physiology – internal functions and vital processes of organs
Eight different systems:
Skeletal System – bones joined together by cartilage and ligaments
Purpose: provide support for the body and protection for the brain and other soft organs of the
Muscle System – the lean meat of the animal (used for human consumption)
Purpose: to provide for movement in cooperation with the skeletal system & support life
- Voluntary muscles: controlled by the animal (walk and eat)
- Involuntary muscles: operate without control by the animal
functions while the animal sleeps (breathe or heartbeat)
Circulatory System – heart, veins, arteries and lymph glands
Purpose: provides food and oxygen to the cells and filters waste
Respiratory System – nostrils, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea and lungs
Purpose: provides oxygen to the blood of the animal
Nervous System – soft tissues
Central nervous system: includes the brain and spinal cord
Purpose: responsible for coordinating movement
- (hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste)
Peripheral nervous system:
Purpose: controls functions of body tissues, including organs
- nerves transmit messages to the brain from other parts of the body
Urinary System – kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra
Purpose: to remove waste materials from the blood
Endocrine System – a group of ductless glands
Purpose: to release hormones into the body
Digestive System – three basic types
Purpose: provides food for the body and its systems
- stores food temporarily
- prepares food for use by the body
- removes waste products from the body
Polygastric (Ruminant): have a stomach with more than one compartment
-cows, sheep, deer
Monogastric: have a stomach with only one compartment
-horse, swine
Poultry (Avian): monogastric – no teeth, crop and gizzard
-little room for food storage
-chickens, geese, turkeys