Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting July 24, 2014

Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
July 24, 2014
An open session of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School
Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mr. Grabowski present
Mrs. Meredith not present (arrived at 6:40)
Mrs. Riley
Mr. Serino
Ms. Reed
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was
VOTED: to adjourn the open session at 6:04 p.m. and to enter into executive session for
the purpose of discussing union and non-union negotiations, update on litigation, and
The open session was called back to order at 7:29 p.m. with a salute to the flag.
Roll Call:
Mr. Grabowski
Mrs. Meredith
Mrs. Riley
Mr. Serino
Ms. Reed
SCTV was recording the meeting. There were no other recordings.
Public Comment:
Student Representatives:
Kayla McKinnon, incoming senior, was present to give an update on fundraisers,
Founder’s Day, and Improv at the high school.
Sam Galin, class of 2015, was present and discussed fundraisers including a table at the
Revere Flea Market, car wash and Founder’s Day.
Kayla Kenney, class of 2016 was present and discussed Founder’s Day.
Minutes for Approval:
Mrs. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to approve the Minutes of June 26, 2014 open session as presented.
There were no warrants.
Superintendent’s Report:
Veteran’s Memorial Principal Search: The search committee met and interviewed today
and brought forward three finalists. They will be meeting again next week.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
July 24, 2014
Participation in Rotary Grant with YMCA Doug Currier: The Superintendent is working
with Doug Currier from the Saugus YMCA and Rotary to write a grant that will involve
promoting student leadership and providing training so that students can work
together, after they are trained, to help gain and augment their leadership skills to play
an active part in helping to make Saugus a better place to live.
Attendance at MASS Conference: The Superintendent attended the MASS Conference
and was able to connect with Jack McCarthy from MSBA and he reviewed the process
for all school districts who submitted SOI’s this year. Saugus will hear where they stand
in the selection process between November and January. The reimbursement rate
increased from 2.75 sf to 2.85 sf. Mr. McCarthy complimented Saugus on the SOI.
Other presentations during the conference included: legal updates, insights into social
media, speaker, Doris Kearns Goodwin, compliments and tribute from the Governor,
updates from Commissioner Chester, and a discussion that entreated the Commissioner
to promise a moratorium on unfunded mandates. His response was that there is
nothing new coming from his office this year.
Report of Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services:
Ms. Lisa Howard reported on the following:
Setting up programs and classes
Monitoring out of district placements
No students in unapproved programs
Grant Writing
Extended School Year Program
Getting students involved in community service
Student discipline
Mid-cycle review
Circuit breaker
Ms. Reed noted that it is important that the School Committee sees the reports for
budget purposes.
Report of Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment:
Ms. Lori Gallivan discussed the following:
K-8 Pilot
ELL Restructuring: adopt/create/adapt
DDM Submission
Kindergarten programming lottery: 23 names were submitted for ten slots. The
following numbers were chosen: 1,2,17,21,11,6,22,13,10,16. Letters will go out
to the families.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
July 24, 2014
Report of Subcommittees: There were no reports.
Old Business:
SHS Energy Savings Agreements:
Discussion was held regarding energy savings agreement. Ms. Reed noted that there is
a cost factor initially with an expected cost savings overall. They have already started
work on this. She asked if they want to approve the startup money to come from the
SHS utilities account. Mr. Grabowski would like a guarantee that the $63,000 would be
put back in our budget for utilities. Ms. Reed noted that the Town Manager said he was
willing to guarantee. Ms. Reed noted that they are expected to save $63,000 plus
another $88,000.
Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to take $63,000 out of the utility budget for energy savings agreement project.
FY14 Budget and FY15 Budget Reduction Update: Superintendent Tempesta said that
everything is as it was. He will have a list of things to restore from turnover savings. A
discussion was held regarding encumbrances. They plan to spend the money. A list will
be given to the School Committee.
Mr. Grabowski asked about cuts vs. encumbrances. Ms. Andrews explained.
Mr. Grabowski said he would not support $40,000 for a wheel chair van.
A discussion was held regarding the LEA budget, Athletic Revolving, and outstanding
payments for athletics, deficits in SHS athletics and the reduction in bussing by $42,000.
Mr. Grabowski asked that the budget reduction update be on the agenda for every
meeting. Discussion was held regarding prioritized list to restore.
Stipend Report: Discussion was held regarding stipends: recurring, non-recurring, and
Mr. Grabowski asked how an administrator receives a $10,000 stipend for doing
something else within the school district. Ms. Reed noted that it is negotiated. They
have asked that it be documented.
Mr. Grabowski read a job description “…..and performed all other duties.”
Mr. Serino asked for a list of positions that are paid stipends. Superintendent Tempesta
will get it for the Committee.
Update on consolidation of Admin duties/report with descriptions: Included in the
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
July 24, 2014
Update on Tennis Courts: Ms. Riley was disappointed in the repairs performed at the
BMS tennis courts. She asked that the Committee members go down to look at the
tennis courts. She also asked the athletic subcommittee to go down to look at them and
to address it. Ms. Reed suggested contacting Youth and Rec Committee. Ms. Riley will
contact them.
It will be added to the next agenda. Ms. Riley would like to see the courts better than
they are now.
Evans School: Mr. Grabowski would like to revisit the Evans School rental agreement to
ensure that the contract/lease is being followed. He would like to know who controls
the building.
Athletic User Fees and Refund Status: The refunds have been processed but not issued.
Student Obligations: Ms. Riley thanked Superintendent Tempesta for getting legal
counsel recommendation. She would like to bring it back to food service subcommittee.
Ms. Reed noted that it would be beneficial to have it in place before school starts.
Athletic User Fees: A discussion was held regarding athletic user fees. Mr. Grabowski
stated that they will be having an athletic subcommittee meeting and will have a
recommendation for user fees after reviewing the athletic budget, revenue, and
The Superintendent stated that he was in a meeting with the athletic director, SHS
principal, and Ms. Andrews and will have a report to bring to the subcommittee
Mr. Grabowski would like to get a list of food service obligations, athletic obligations,
and other obligations.
BMS Project Punch List: Discussion was held regarding the BMS punch list. Mr.
Grabowski noted that there is $18,000 on the punch list that has not been completed
yet. Discussion was held regarding recouping money for obligations in the contract and
for custodians. Mr. Grabowski asked about a cutoff date. Ms. Reed said the MSBA is
monitoring it and will be giving weekly updates.
New Business:
Gifts: None
Vending Machines: Mr. Grabowski asked who controlled the vending machines in the
schools and who collected the money. He asked for a report at the next meeting.
SHORE Collaborative at BMS: Discussion was held regarding the program held at the
BMS. There are no Saugus residents enrolled in the program at this time. Ms. Howard
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
July 24, 2014
will call SHORE to see who they are paying to have the program at the BMS. Ms. Riley
stated that she has not seen a rental fee. Mr. Grabowski would like to see a reduced
rate for Saugus students. Ms. Reed stated that there is a benefit for our students and
teachers having the program on site.
Ms. Howard stated that the integration is beneficial to both special education students
as well as the regular education students. Ms. Howard will find the answers for tuition
and rent for the School Committee.
Policy Review Updates: The School Committee was asked to review policies and bring
them to the meeting. A discussion was held regarding updating all policies to include
the Superintendent’s name.
Attendance Policy and Electronic Device Policy: Mr. Serino read each policy as a first
read. If anyone has comments they can be submitted to the superintendent’s office or
to subcommittee members. Policy subcommittee will meet again on August 7, 2014.
Mr. Grabowski reported that he has not received any new administrative contracts.
The Superintendent said they should all be included in the folder, but he will follow up.
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m.