Saugus School Committee Time Place: Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 An open budget hearing of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School Building. The budget hearing was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Ms. Riley was not present for the meeting due to a family matter. Ms. Reed noted that the meeting was being recorded by SCTV. There were no other recordings at this meeting. Ms. Reed reported that the 6:00 p.m. start was to have the public hearing for the FY15 budget presentation. She noted that there were two nights of presentations last week by principals and other administrators and now the Superintendent will present the budget. Superintendent Tempesta explained the budget process and stated that it has been ongoing for the last two months. He thanked his team for their collaborative work to come up with a budget focused on the instructional core and a budget that is good for the students in order for them to compete with neighboring districts. Superintendent Tempesta reviewed a level service budget which included: Summer programs Elementary paraprofessionals Out of district tuition Elementary adjustment counselor Consumables 3 BMS paraprofessionals 3 BMS special education teachers Speech language pathologist Veterans Special Ed teachers Increase in bus contract Restoration of athletics Restoration of custodian at BMS $28,293,533 Superintendent also presented Critical Educational Needs for FY15 Scissor List at BMS 4 wheel drive truck Summer help Elementary – chrome books Elementary BCBA Elementary evaluation team facilitator Elementary librarian/media specialist –Veterans 1 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 BMS – Computer Lab – New Desktops Adobe Creative Suite Social Study Texts Dropout prevention teacher Guidance Counselor/Adjustment Counselor New math series textbook series Security camera system Social study texts Tech Integration specialist $680,200 Total Budget: $28,973.733 Ms. Meredith was concerned that she did not see a request for the BMS wellness teacher. Superintendent Tempesta knew it was one of the requests but others were put in ahead of it. Ms. Meredith feels very strongly that this position is needed and that not enough wellness is offered to the kids at this age level. She pointed out that they may only have health for one trimester of their three years at the middle school. She stated that they are not doing enough to educate these kids. This would be a way of prevention. She is surprised it is not on the list. Mr. Bruno added that everyone has at least one trimester and some will have a second trimester. It was noted that guidance counselors have also been working with students. Ms. Reed stated that the wellness advisory committee would need to make a recommendation to the Superintendent for another teacher. The Superintendent said he knows it is on the administration’s radar. Mr. Serino asked if there is a way to teach the curriculum. Ms. Meredith noted that they have the curriculum there but they need another teacher to teach it. Mr. Serino asked if there would be a way to teach it with the three paraprofessionals and the three special ed teachers on the list for the BMS. Mr. Grabowski felt they would not be getting the full amount they are asking for in the budget. He also stated that he is not happy about projecting budget turnover savings and allocating the money. Ms. Andrews assured him that these are the known retirees right now. 2 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 Mr. Grabowski is also disappointed with the $101,000 allocated for non-union. Ms. Andrews noted that it is for non-union and wage adjustments. Ms. Reed added substitute pay adjustments Is included as well. The finance committee met on substitute pay. Mr. Grabowski asked about bussing cuts. Ms. Andrews noted that the difference will have to be made up with the revolving account. Mr. Grabowski does not feel a $40,000 truck is a critical need. He also asked about the human resource director. Superintendent Tempesta said they are going to hire one; they are just trying to reconfigure the position. Mr. Grabowski does not like coming up with a budget and then having tiered reductions. He thought they would have a more down to earth budget so we would not have to go through tiered reductions. Ms. Reed asked if he was suggesting they advocate for a level service budget. Mr. Grabowski does not like requesting a budget that they will not get. Ms. Reed noted that it is the School Committee’s job to advocate for what SPS needs to educate the students. The public needs to know what we need so that if money becomes available they will have priorities. Mr. Grabowski thinks the public wants the school committee and the Superintendent to be the best advocate for their tax dollars and do the best that we can possibly offer. He feels tiered reductions are not good for morale. Mr. Serino and Ms. Meredith said this is how budgets work. You ask for what you need. Ms. Reed said this budget is for all students. Superintendent Tempesta said they are in the fifth year of trying to get an adjustment counselor. They have had to prioritize and this is what we need to thrive. Public Comment: Jeannie Bartola, Town Meeting Precinct 6, commended the Superintendent for his work on the budget. She is impressed with the additional paraprofessionals and special education teachers. She would like to see another wellness teacher in the budget. Dawn Gaffney, stated that life skills is very important and it is part of wellness. She thinks that is missing from this budget. Ms. Reed noted that the budget must be submitted by February 1st to the Board of Selectmen. 3 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 Discussion was held regarding decreasing other things in the budget to have enough money to include a wellness teacher at BMS and then vote an amended budget. Mr. Grabowski asked why they have $28,000 for consumables when they bought the consumables in December for next year. It was noted that consumables are purchased a year ahead to get a discount, so this $28,000 is for the following year. Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: to reduce the annual wage adjustment by $55,000 to put in a wellness teacher at the BMS. A discussion was held regarding the building of a “0” based budget, transportation and programs that will save money and make the schools a hub of activity within the town. Ms. Reed noted that the high school reviews and revises the program of studies each year. Ms. Reed recommended to the committee to accept the budget as presented by the Superintendent with the amendment. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: to accept the FY15 budget with Ms. Meredith’s amendment. The budget will be sent to the Board of Selectmen with a cover letter. Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: Time-Place: to close the budget hearing. The regular meeting of the Saugus School Committee was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Comment: No public comment Student Representative: No student representative Minutes for Approval: December 12, 2013 Open Session was tabled and will stay on the table. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: to accept the Minutes of January 9, 2014 as amended Warrants: There were no warrants this week. 4 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 Finance Report: Ms. Andrews reported that as of December 13, 2013 they have expended and encumbered $10,960,235 against the original budget. They are right on target. They have a handful of line items overspent, which will not happen once MUNIS is implemented since it will not allow line items to be overspent. Transfers will be ready for the next month’s meeting. Food Service: Ms. Andrews reported that all free and reduced applications have been verified. There are 281 fewer students eligible for free and reduced. The food service verification officer will verify all new applications as well as all kindergarten applicants to see who may be eligible for K scholarships. MUNIS: They are working on the chart of accounts and in February they will be working on the PO system as well as the accounts payable system. The end of the year report and the audit is scheduled for February 10 and 11. Ms. Reed asked about the middle school audit. Superintendent Tempesta said he will be meeting with the town Manager on Monday. Mr. Grabowski asked about bills which have no PO’s. Ms. Andrews said those bills are under $500. Discussion was held regarding MUNIS, deposits and expenditures. Superintendent’s Report: Massachusetts Secretary of Education, Dr. Matt Malone’s visit to BMS: Superintendent Tempesta reported that Dr. Malone visited the BMS last week to gain an understanding of the BMS philosophy, class offerings, curriculum and the integration and expansion of STEM Programs within the SPS. He was impressed by the engagement of staff and students and praised the efforts of the staff. He proposed that Saugus consider taking advantage of some upcoming opportunities coming from the state that involve “Innovative Schools” grants and expanding to full day kindergarten. These are goals that are already in discussion within the SPS and will be considered for the upcoming DIP that will be created later this spring. Saugus High School and Belmonte Middle School work together to align curriculum and strengthen existing rigor of courses for Saugus Public Schools. SHS Principal and BMS Principal have been working with staff members around the subject of academic rigor and increasing academic opportunities and access for all students within the SPS. 5 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 Saugus High School is offered admission into the MA Math and Science Initiative Cohort Program Superintendent Tempesta received an email from the Executive Director of the MA Math and Science Initiative, offering a letter of agreement for us to join the MMSI Cohort VII for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year. Superintendent Tempesta thanked Mr. Hashem and his faculty, Mr. Bruno and his team working with the high school and BMS to gather data and support this initiative. He also thanked Mr. Woods for being the point person in terms of gathering research, data and other materials as well as working with Mr. Hashem to orchestrate a successful school visit by the MMSI team leading to this honor. This program will provide ongoing support for our teachers, expanded materials and support for students, assistance gathering and communicating baseline AP potential data for our counselors, parents, and students. A discussion was held regarding business course offerings at the high school. A discussion was also held regarding the cost of the program and Mr. Bruno felt it is very cost effective professional development for staff. The staff is looking for grants to assist in the cost. Report of Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment: January 15th Professional Day: Mr. Bruno reported on the PD day which included working in grade level teams, collaborating, identifying DDMs, department and vertical meetings, integration of Discovery Education techbook into the classroom and to make the most of available classroom technology and digital curriculum. School Improvement Plans and Budget Presentation Completed: The curriculum team and program leaders spent time in December and January assisting principals and building staff in developing School Improvement Plans and outlining budget priorities. All buildings have presented plans to the Superintendent and contributed to the districtwide budget presentation to the school committee. More Keys to Literacy Training Underway: On January 16th 35 teachers across the district started one of four training sessions on Keys to Literacy, the Comprehension Routine. This professional development training provides teachers with effective routines to strengthen critical reading and writing skills for students across all grade levels and content areas. This will be the second cohort of teachers in the district who have received this training and all rave about its efficacy. PARCC Field Tests: DESE has been forwarding instructions to all districts involved in field testing for the upcoming transition to PARCC testing. Students that will be participating have been identified. They are awaiting further instructions on specific training relating to test administration. 6 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 Mr. Bruno stated that the students have not been notified as of yet. It will not reflect on their grades or their performances. This is to get ready for next year. The tests will be administered in April and June. SPS will not receive the scores. This is just for obtaining data. Report of Subcommittees: Athletic Subcommittee: The last meeting was cancelled due to snow. They will be meeting next Thursday. Ms. Reed asked that Mr. Grabowski let her know if she should put the Athletic Subcommittee on the next agenda. Finance Subcommittee: They did not have a report ready but will have it for the next meeting. Ms. Reed asked if Mr. Grabowski had received a report that he requested on Food Service. Ms. Andrews stated that she just received the December report. It will be on the next agenda. Mr. Grabowski said that he would like the committee to prepare for the renewal of the food service contract. He thinks the School Committee should have input on what they would like to see in the food service contract. Ms. Reed also noted that the transportation subcommittee should meet regarding the purchase of vehicles. Old business: No old business New Business: Recommendation of Field Trip SHS to England and France April 2015: Ms. Alongi presented information for a SHS field trip to England and France during April vacation 2015. She outlined the 12-day trip for the school committee including destinations, costs and what was included. Ms. Meredith thought it was a wonderful opportunity for the students. Mr. Grabowski asked about including trips within the US to be more cost effective. Mr. Lavoie said that he had offered a US trip to students and did not get a big response and ended up losing $1000 for the deposit. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: to approve the field trip to England and France as proposed by Ms. Alongi for April vacation 2015. 7 Saugus School Committee Budget Hearing/Regular Meeting Open Session January 23, 2013 Cash Handling Procedures: A discussion was held regarding the school committee advocating for better cash financial practices. It was noted that Ms. Andrews has put in very good financial practices. Ms. Reed wondered if there needs to be a policy in place for guidelines for cash handling. Discussion was held regarding cash handling policies and procedures. Ms. Reed said the bonding of employees policy needs to be updated. She gave the policy to Mr. Serino to discuss at the policy and /or finance subcommittee. She noted that there is no policy for cash handlings. This is a school committee initiative. Gift to Veterans Memorial School: Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: to accept the gift of $1,000 to the Veterans Memorial School from Bob’s Discount Furniture and to deposit it into the gift account. Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was VOTED: to adjourn the open session at 8:12 p.m. and to enter into executive session for the purpose of non-union and negotiations not to return to open session. Roll Call: Mr. Grabowski yes Mrs. Meredith yes Mr. Serino yes Ms. Reed yes 8