Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting September 18, 2014

Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
Time-Place: An Open Session of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the
Roby School Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mr. Grabowski
Mrs. Meredith
Mrs. Riley
Mr. Serino
Ms. Reed
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to adjourn the open session and to enter into executive session for the
purpose of non- union wage adjustments and litigation.
The Open session was called back to order with a salute to the flag at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mr. Grabowski
Mrs. Meredith
Mrs. Riley
Mr. Serino
Ms. Reed
The meeting is being recorded by SCTV. No others were recording.
Public Comment:
Diane Walsh was present this evening. She was here to talk about the substitute teachers and
the pay. She has been an employee in the SPS since 1999. She has written lesson plans,
collaborated with teachers, etc. She has been paid $53.00 per day. This is the same rate I
received in 1999. It comes out to $8.41 per hour. She talked about building subs and the
professionalism of the subs. She also talked about the pay for subs in surrounding towns. She
asked for the Committee to consider an increase in pay for the subs.
Kelly Picardi, building sub at the Lynnhurst School, was present this evening. She reported that
when she was hired she had to show that she had a bachelor’s degree. The aides are paid
more than the subs.
Student Representative’s Report:
Samantha Delaney, 2015 updated the Committee on Founders Day activities, Ice Cream Social
with the seniors and sophomore class, and the Chipotle night next Wednesday. On
Wednesday, October 8 there will be a paint nite for adults at Prince Pizza. On October 16th
there will be a Kowloon Night which is an all class fundraiser.
Taylor Kenny, 2016: Discussed Founders Day, Saturday, September 20 there will be a car
wash, a Giggles Night on October 2, and the selling of entertainment books. There will be a
Halloween Dance for students in grades 3-5 at Saugus High. They are planning the winter ball
at the Black Swan Country Club in January.
K. McKinnon and K. Andrade School wide Representatives: They reported on Founders Day,
Pep Rally/Activity Fair on the first Friday, and a Financial Aide night is scheduled for
September 24th at 7:00.
They also reported on the following activities: Football game against the Vocational School,
Soccer Updates, and the Drama Club started rehearsals for their first show. Student councils
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
first fundraiser is apple picking. National Honor Society: Letters went out to juniors and seniors.
The Freshman class is starting to put together their board.
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to take the high school field trip out of order
Krista Hoey was present this evening to receive approval for the AP Biology students and others
who attended the field trip to the Gallopgus Islands last year to go on a science related field trip
to New York City. The will travel by train on a Sunday to the museum and then go to the Bronx
Zoo on Monday and come home on the train later that day. Ms. Hoey, Patrick Bemis, and Mr.
Lavoie are on board. They will need one more chaperone.
Mr. Grabowski is enthused when they do trips in the US. He would like to see more in the US.
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the field trip to New York City
Approval of Minutes:
Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the Minutes of September 14, 2014 Open Session as presented.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
Voted: To approve the Minutes of September 4, 2014 Open Session as presented.
Voting of Warrants
Ms. Andrews stated that the warrants are straight forward. They are closing out the grants and
making final payments before September 30.
Mr. Grabowski will not vote for the warrant. He does not understand why we pay a consultant
$10,000 for Literacy. We have a director of curriculum.
Ms. Andrews noted that those are services that were provided September 2013 to August 2014.
Superintendent Tempesta agreed to consultants during a transition year. It will come from the
grants. He discussed allocation of funds for the grant. Mr. Grabowski would like to allocate as
much as possible for services to children rather than administration fees. Ms. Andrews said
teachers and tutors are paid directly from the grant.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was
VOTED: to approve the bill schedule in the amount of $57,800.04 as outlined in the memo
dated September 18, 2014.
4 in favor 1 opposed (Grabowski)
Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
Voted: to take the subs out of order
Substitute Teachers:
Ms. Riley reported that the finance subcommittee met last month. They had gone over several
district pay rates. They recommended that the rate be increased to $60 per day. They had also
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
stated that we had to wait until the budget constraints. They would like to bring it back to the
Committee for a pay increase to $60 with a recommendation from the superintendent where the
funding would come from. Ms. Meredith tried to compare the budgeted amount to allocated
She stated that they do have a lot of committed substitute teachers. Superintendent Tempesta
said they could handle that from that line item. Ms. Andrews stated that when we look at
elementary, high school, and middle school they did have money left over last year. We should
be able to afford this. There is no guarantee of how much would be used.
Ms. Andrews stated the increase would be $13,000. There is no way to say 100% for sure.
Mr. Grabowski said it is a tough vote for him. We are giving out raises but have made cuts. Not
once have we had discussion about putting things back in. By cutting supplies by $158,000 it
must affect students.
Mr. Serino said he understands what Mr. Grabowski is saying. But he thinks it is bringing the
subs up to where they should have been. Ms. Meredith agreed. They have not had a raise in
over 15 years. Discussion was held.
Ms. Meredith agrees they need to discuss prioritizing putting things back in the budget.
Ms. Reed is in favor of the raise.
Mr. Grabowski said it is his understanding that we are using 20 year old history books. Ms.
Reed does not know if that is accurate. Mr. Grabowski heard they have no textbooks in
advanced algebra class at middle school.
Ms. Meredith agreed with Mr. Grabowski. These issues need to be put on the agenda.
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to accept the recommendation to increase the sub pay to $60/ day effective 9/18/14.
FY14 & FY15 Updates: Ms. Andrews stated that most vendors have not been paid. Tuition
reimbursements to teachers have not been paid. Invoices are on hold to determine the glitch
with MUNIS. School committee members receive calls from vendors. This is inappropriate.
The issue will be addressed. Ms. Andrews hopes to have this resolved by Monday and within 2
weeks they will be mailed.
FY14 close out was presented at last meeting. Ms. Andrews also presented the budget entry.
There is 86,000 that was encumbered to FY14. Those invoices in FY14 should be applied to
the FY13 prepayment. They are working to resolve this. Her recommendation would be to
transfer the amounts to athletics and operations. They are working with the town to recoup
those funds. Ms. Reed said that would have to revote . Ms. Andrews stated that this is as it
stands and does not include the $86,000.
Ms. Reed asked to set a date to discuss the prioritized list if funds become available.
Grabowski said he does not want to discuss anything until they get class enrollment figures.
The Superintendent will get that information.
They will post a meeting for September 25 at 4:00.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
Budget Entry #12: Received this at the last meeting. Grabowski asked that the codes be
included. Ms. Andrews takes the information off the expenditure page. Mr. Grabowski would
like to know which schools they are coming out of and going into. Are these reflected in the
June budget actuals? Ms. Andrews said you will see the balance either positive or negative.
Grabowski asked if they could get a revised June 2014 budget reflecting these.
Ms. Meredith thanked Ms. Andrews for the time and effort put into this.
Mr. Grabowski asked about the coaches 93,000 increase. Ms. Andrews said it adjusted the
coaches line item. It was in deficit at the end of the year. Ms. Andrews explained.
The FY2014 budget is balanced with this budget entry 12.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve budget entry #12 transfers.
The School Committee signed the transfer.
Update on Student Activity Return of Class Funds: Ms. Andrews was happy to report that after
school committee agreed to return the funds to the classes, two classes have already done so.
They sent letters to 2008 to 2013. Two have responded.
There is a process in place moving forward.
Superintendent’s Report:
1) Ballard Early Childhood Center Enrollment Increases Coincides with increase in SHS
Students in Child Lab and Advanced Child Lab Classes.
The Superintendent had the opportunity to observe at the Ballard Early Childhood Center last
week and to speak to Principal Marie Bridges about the growth of her program for this year.
Marie mentioned enrollment is expected to greatly exceed the enrollment levels from last year,
even with the fee increase. The number of paying students is already near where it was at the
end of last year, and this is only the first week of school (currently 71 students; 73 at the end of
the year last year). The parents have praised the expansion of the full day on Friday and Ballard
now has fifteen students that attend until 2:30 pm.
Another wonderful program that is gaining students are the Child Study and Advanced Child
Study Electives at Saugus High School where students, under the direction of Ballard teachers,
assist with the instruction, supervision and planning of lessons for Ballard ECC students. This
“authentic learning” practicum is popular with students who are interested in child development,
psychology and early childhood education. The Superintendent is also exploring opportunities
with Principals’ Hashem and Bridges of pursuing articulation agreements with area Colleges
and Universities, such as Salem State University or North Shore Community College so that
SHS students may earn college credit for their participation in this program. Twenty-nine
Saugus High School students are currently registered for this course this semester and many
more are signed up for the spring semester as well.
2) Saugus High School Walk-Through with Senator McGee’s Office and MSBA
The Superintendent had the pleasure to participate in a walk-through of Saugus High School
with members of the MSBA, members of the Senator McGee’s office, Representative Wong,
The Town Manager, Selectmen and School Committee members yesterday. This visit was set
in motion by Town Manager Crabtree and members of the SOI Committee after our discussion
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
about the need for the MSBA, as well as local politicians and elected officials to be on the same
page when viewing the current condition of Saugus High School in relation to modern, 21st
Century High Schools. Although we are proud of the history of Saugus High School, as well as
the Herculean efforts of the custodial staff and faculty to maintain the appearance of the 61-year
old structure, the building has “exceeded its useful life” and is in dire need of replacement.
The Superintendent read a letter from Ms. Vincent to MSBA regarding the need for a new SHS.
Charter School Request and Proposal for Assistance from Saugus Public Schools and
Aramark with their food service program; Transportation Contract
The Superintendent had the opportunity to meet with Aziz Aghayev, CFO of the Pioneer Charter
School Of Science, along with Debby Petruzella from Aramark and Alan Graham SPS Director
of Software SIS and Operations to discuss the PCSS II proposal for Saugus Public Schools to
provide food service for them. They wanted to enter into an agreement that was similar to
Pioneer Charter School for Science I in Everett where Aramark was also the food vendor. After
reviewing the proposal and discussing it with the Director of Finance as well, we have decided
to decline from entering into a vendor agreement with them due to the investment of time,
personnel and ultimately the liability SPS would assume by providing food made on our
premises would outweigh any benefits we could gain. Additionally, we also
met with PCSS II regarding the transportation of students to their campus and they agreed that
they would stay with the existing contract that they have as it is more conducive to their
schedule and needs.
Implementation of multiple software, data and security initiatives in the Saugus Public
The Superintendent acknowledged the work that has been going on in the district to implement
two new pieces of software as well as an update of Aspen X2 to meet new EPIMS/ SIF data
submission standards. He thanked Alan Graham, Bakir Bercirovic and Lori Gallivan for working
as a team with SPS principals to implement CopSync (now ready in five schools),
Teachpoint (rolled out in our PD session this week) and Saugus has been accepted by X2 to be
used as a test school in the state for EPIMS/ SIF Compliance. In addition to the duties that he
has absorbed as the Director of Operations (Bussing, Food Service, Phone contracts,
Custodians) ----Mr. Graham has also been the point person on the implementation of these
products---without the benefit of any “transitional” time due to the resignation of the Director of
Software who worked with Aspen X2 previously.
Advanced Placement Rally at SHS on September 19, 2014:
The Superintendent reported that a rally is planned for tomorrow afternoon at the high school for
students enrolled in AP courses this year. He noted that there is a 166% increase in AP course
enrollments. He noted that through the MMSI grant students will have the opportunity to attend
Saturday classes and teachers will receive training in order to prepare students for the AP tests.
Superintendent Tempesta said it is a big culture shift. We are excited about that.
MCAS Data Presentation: The Superintendent reported that an MCAS presentation will take
place at the October 23, 2014 meeting. The presentation will be at 5:00 p.m.
Ms. Reed thanked everyone that came out for the site visit. Ms. Meredith thanked everyone for
their hard work on the SOI.
Mr. Serino thanked Principal Hashem for leading the group through SHS for the site visit.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
The Committee commended the custodial staff for their hard work in keeping the building
Superintendent Tempesta discussed the next steps in the SOI process. There are 109 schools
going for 17 spots.
Report of Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
English Language Learners-Restructuring: There are four certified ELL instructors now in
the system. There are 85 students in the district as part of the ELL program and the
numbers are rising. That does not include FLEP students. They are now working to
schedule all the students. We are looking to put together an actual curriculum for the
program. Discussion was held regarding the program.
Professional Development: We had our first ½ day yesterday. They rolled out the
TeachPoint Program to the staff. There will be more PD on November 4th.
Discussion was held regarding the algebra books. The books are not new and some have
been sent out to be rebound. They are looking into a pilot program.
Mr. Grabowski asked if an inventory could be done at the end of every school year so we
would know which texts need to be rebound or the need for textbooks.
Report of Executive Director of Operations, System Software/SIS
 He noted that they could do a survey online regarding languages.
 Mr. McCarthy from MSBA also commented on the number of people that were in
attendance at the site visit for the high school. It is important to have a good high school
facility to be used within the community or by local colleges.
COPSYNC : This is a new implementation working in conjunction with the Saugus Police
Dept. We would be the first in MA to put this in place. It allows notification and
communication to the police dept. It has been put on all the computers at the elementary
level and we are waiting to put it on the BMS and HS computers. Training has been done
over the summer. There will be tests at all the schools.
TeachPoint: It was nice to use in-house staff instead of bringing in outside trainers. It is for
supervision and evaluations. This is used in over 150 districts in MA. We will continue to
provide training.
X2 Overview: this is our main system for data for students and staff. Mr. Graham
discussed the program.
EPIMS/SIMS/SCS Date Submission to the DESE: State reporting has been going on for
several years. We need to make sure the data is accurate for data submission. Mr.
Graham discussed data that is submitted and compliant.
Food Services: Pioneer Charter School had requested food service from Saugus Public
Schools. The SPS will not provide food service to that school. Aramark manages our
kitchens. Mr. Graham will be participating with the food service subcommittee. He is also
working on the free and reduced lunches with others in the district.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
Transportation: The Pioneer Charter School also met with the SPS to discuss transportation
for Saugus students attending that school. We will not provide transportation. We
suggested they contact Healy Bus Company. Mr. Graham has been working with Healy Bus
and they are very accommodating in making transportation safe in Saugus. The busses are
at capacity with the Saugus Public School students.
Discussed bus times for Saugus enrolled in SPS.
Flags in the Classroom: Mr. Graham has surveyed the principals to see which classrooms
needed flags. He got a list back and will replace them as needed. This will be completed
next summer.
Vending Machines: We are working on getting a better handle on the vending machines.
The contract with Coca Cola goes back to 2000-2002. We have to look at the financial
arrangement that we have and should we be making adjustments of what is in the schools.
Phones-Cellular & Land Lines: We have cell phones in use in the district. We need to find
out the usage and needs of the district possibly suspending during the summer. Discussion
was held regarding the landlines within the district. We are looking at our long term needs
for a phone system. This is at the initial stages.
E-Rate Filing: You can lower the cost of cellphones, internet service, and landlines. The
School Dept. received a letter saying we violated competitive bidding rules. The School
Dept is working with them to review the rules and hope it will be resolved in our favor.
Facilities: Mr. Graham was part of the facilities subcommittee last week. They met to
discuss plowing at the schools. They may send out an RFP for plowing.
Pleasant Auto School is sending a proposal to the high school to provide driver ed for high
school students. Discussion was held regarding sending it out to bid also.
Energy: Discussed the energy plan.
We met to get free light bulbs through MA Save.
Additional Mandatory Filings: Mr. Graham is working with Lisa Howard on Civil Rights
reporting and EEO requirements.
Meredith is pleased to hear about Pleasant Auto School. Serino would like it to go out to
Mr. Grabowski was under the impression that conversations with Pioneer Charter School
were supposed to be forwarded to the School Committee for final decisions.
Mr. Adam from Pioneer made the decision on transportation, not us.
Mr. Grabowski noted that we would not have any obligation for transportation for the charter
school because right now there is no sixth grade at that school.
Discussion of schedules was held.
How many people have we refused transportation? There have been two – three people
who have inquired since they started a waiting list. It is $360 for the year.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
Mr. Grabowski noted that they purchased a lock out system where the bus would not drive
unless the driver checked to make sure no student was left on the bus. Mr. Grabowski
wanted to make sure all the busses have the system.
Ms. Meredith asked if there would be a form so that parents would only need to sign one
form. It was noted that TeachPoint would not work for that.
Mr. Serino asked if it could be done through X-2. Discussion was held regarding the sign off
sheet in the handbook. All handbooks are online now.
Mr. Grabowski asked where we stand on school lunch verification. Ms. Andrews stated
everything has been updated to virtual gateway. All have to be verified unless it was from a
direct service agency. People who are not directly certified must submit an application. Ms.
Andrews noted that DESE guidelines will be followed.
Report of Committee Sub-committee: None
Old Business
Report on Vending Machines: they are still waiting for final information from principals.
Substitute Teacher Pay Rate: Already addressed.
New Business
A Check for $295 from Saugus Band Parents. To SHS band dept. It is to be used to
purchase software. It can only be purchased by a teacher.
The Superintendent wrote a health and wellness grant to Walmart. The community giving
grant is to be used to offset programs in the afternoon health and wellness.
Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to accept the grant of $500 from Walmart to be used for health and wellness.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to accept the gift of $ 295 from the Saugus Band parents to purchase software.
Mr. Grabowski noted that they received a large grant for the music program. Mr. Grabowski
said the band parents did not know about this. Ms. Reed said that it went into the gift
category. Ms. Andrews spoke with the curriculum coordinator regarding the grant.
Superintendent Tempesta will inform the band parents of the grant.
Policies BHC & GBD School Committee-Staff Communication:
Mr. Grabowski said they were copied on school committee communication from the
Superintendent. This is not a school committee policy. It was adopted from MASC. He
does not think every communication needs to go through the Superintendent. He is
prepared to make a motion to delete these.
Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
To remove this BHC and GBD from the handbook.
3 in favor. 2 opposed (Reed and Riley)
Ms. Riley feels it is protection for the employee. Ms. Reed said they had already voted on
Policy BHCA Procedure for School Building Visitors
Mr. Grabowski would like to delete paragraph 6.
Mr. Grabowski moved, to elete paragraph 6 in BHCA.
Ms. Reed said it would be placed on the next agenda for a second read.
Discussion of policy and typographical errors in paragraph 6.
It will be placed on the next agenda. Mr. Grabowski felt it is discriminatory and punitive.
Shore Collaborative Amended Articles of Agreement: Ms. Riley noted changes to the
agreement to all collaborative schools. The Committee had the agreement. It has been
accepted by DESE. They need the approval of the School Committee and the chair needs
to sign. Ms. Riley reviewed the changes.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the SHORE Educational Collaborative and to authorize the chair to
Recommendation of Home School Programs:
The Superintendent met with the families and reviewed the materials and recommended
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed
To approve the home school students as approved by Superintendent.
Non-union annual wage adjustments: the Committee voted a sum of money for the
superintendent to award annual wage adjustments.
Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Riley seconded and it was
to allot $32,928 for administrative wage increases.
Mr. Grabowski said that he will not be able to support this due to all the cuts. He outlined
the cuts that were made.
Ms. Reed understands what he is saying, but the administrators have gone above and
beyond. Mr. Grabowski noted that some administrators had their hours cut.
Ms. Riley noted that we have lost a lot of administrators due to wages and she is happy to
support the wage increase. Mr. Serino said it is a tough situation. He agreed with both
sides. A lot of them deserve it. You can’t pick and choose. Ms. Meredith said that she
agreed with both sides. It is hard when you are facing cuts.
Vote: 4 in favor 1 opposed (Grabowski)
Non-unit for Superintendent:
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
September 18, 2014
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was
VOTED: to increase the Superintendent’s salary to $146,472.00.
4 in favor 1 opposed (Grabowski)
School Committee Clerk:
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: To increase the pay rate for the clerk by $100 per year.
October 16: Trivia Night- It is $200 per team. We have the whole room upstairs. It will be
$5.00 per head to get in to watch.
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.