Saugus School Committee Regular Meeting June 12, 2014

Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
Time-Place: An open session of the Saugus School Committee was held this date at the Roby School
Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mr. Grabowski present
Mrs. Meredith present
Mrs. Riley
Mr. Serino
Ms. Reed
Ms. Reed noted that SCTV is recording the meeting. No other recordings.
Public Comment:
Parent, Jamie Russo, was present and asked about bringing back the Mock
Accident at the High School. She offered to help organize.
Principal Hashem noted that it has not been done in four years but is willing to
explore it for next year. He noted that students take busses to and from the
prom and the after prom party. Parents are required to pick up students after
the after prom party.
Assistant Principal Nelson read a letter regarding his current position as
assistant principal and the difficulties associated with making the assistant
principal position and the athletic director part time positions. He talked about
the responsibilities of both positions.
Current athletic director O’Leary talked about the responsibilities of the AD and
noted that it is a full-time job, not a part-time job. He talked about the
responsibilities and the legal obligations.
Elementary Spanish teacher, Allisa Barris, spoke about the Spanish program at
the elementary level and how important it is to learn another language at a
young age. She is also the interpreter for the elementary level.
Mr. Lavoie, SHS teacher, spoke about the passion of Saugus teachers and the
difficult decisions to make cuts. Also important is how difficult it is to get them
back once they have been cut. It bothers him that teachers have to come to the
School Committee. He asked the School Committee to keep the teachers in
mind when making cuts. He asked why the Committee did not ask for additional
funds at Town Meeting. He asked that the Committee ask for more money,
since they are elected for that position. He found it disheartening that no
School Committee member got up to ask for more money.
Student Representative: None
Minutes for Approval:
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the Minutes of
as amended.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to approve the bill schedule as outlined in the memo dated June 12,
2014 in the amount of $489,097.27.
Superintendent’s Report:
Saugus Public Schools and Saugus Police Department: The Saugus Police Department is
adding two resource officers one at SHS and one at BMS. There will be a partnership
with the school and they can act as mentors.
COPSYNC: Superintendent Tempesta noted that they are working very closely with the
engineers on this project. There will also be modifications on the lockdown. The cost is
$16,800 over two years.
Ms. Meredith asked about other communities onboard. Superintendent Tempesta
noted that Wakefield and other North Shore communities are looking into it.
Mr. Grabowski noted that the grant for the school resource officer will fund 75% of the
cost. Superintendent Tempesta said they have not had the discussion yet about
Budget Cuts Needed to Close Gap in Saugus Public Schools: The Superintendent outlined
the budget cuts for SPS which included: Turnover Increase, Belmonte Librarian, SPS
central office savings, assistant principal reduction, elementary Spanish program,
elementary teacher, ½ time AD, program leaders, restructure of Title I, Vets library
paraprofessional, proposed principal contract days, 2 teaching assistants, 1 clerk,
supplies, 1 custodian, and custodial subs.
The Superintendent also discussed the impact associated with the cuts.
Finger Printing Workshop put on by MASPA; New Finger Printing regulations:
A letter will go out to all new staff in the SPS this week that they need to be
fingerprinted by the end of the year. The cost is $35.00 for non-licensed employees and
$55 for licensed employees, which will be incurred by the employees.
The Superintendent attended an informational session regarding the upcoming
selection process for the 2015 administration of either the PARCC or MCAS exam. All
school districts must declare their intention of taking either test by June 30, 2014 and
they need to confirm their decision by October 1, 2014. Superintendent Tempesta’s
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
recommendation for Saugus is to move to the PAARC as soon as possible for the
following reasons: 1. It more accurately assesses as they will be assessed for their
futures. 2. We are on the path to full implementation and we should support this in our
budget. 3. We have the option of partial implementation, and 4. Our district would be
held harmless if our district level changes for the worse, but would still benefit from
positive change.
Mr. Bruno discussed the PAARC test vs. MCAS. He noted that if no decision is made by
June 30, then all students will do MCAS. He put out a survey to North Shore districts
and 23 are going with PAARC and 14 are staying with MCAS. Mr. Bruno’s initial reaction
was to go with PAARC, but now he is not sure. He does not like that they have testing
windows six weeks apart.
Superintendent Tempesta discussed the degrees of adoption.
Mr. Grabowski stated that there is a big difference between administration’s
recommendation and School Committee votes.
Mr. Grabowski noted that several months ago a Power Point was presented with goals
with an increase in scores by 5%. He would like to see a follow up to that. Ms. Reed
noted that that would not be until the fall when the scores come out.
Mr. Grabowski would also like to see a report on instituting some form of wellness in
the middle school.
Ms. Riley noted that on June 25th at 7:00 p.m. there will be a presentation/informational
session on PAARC and MCAS testing. DESE will be in attendance.
Superintendent Tempesta noted that it is a highly contested issue in the state and may
have to be moved from this room to the high school.
Mr. Grabowski stated that no one stepped forward on this issue but him. He would
expect courtesy for conversation about moving the venue to the high school.
Ms. Reed noted that the full school committee supported him. She asked if he would
like to moderate. He stated that he had an individual in mind but he has no problem
moderating it.
The School Committee wished Mr. Bruno well in his new endeavor as Superintendent in
Yarmouth, ME.
Report of Subcommittees:
Food Service Subcommittee:
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
Mrs. Riley reported that there is still $9,000 in outstanding amounts owed in food
Ms. Riley moved the voted recommendation from food service subcommittee, Ms. Reed
That any balances should go to a collections agency if obligations have not been paid by
June 30. We feel that it should be referred to legal to draft an amendment to the
policy and that it be accepted by the full School Committee. We would also suggest that
this be extended to obligations in the district (i.e. lost books, user fees, lunches,
kindergarten, etc) We would like this amended policy to be in place so that it will be
able to be inserted into the new handbooks in time to be available September 1.
Discussion was held regarding the current policy and waiving the requirements of policy
readings to that an amended policy could get into the handbook in time for the start of
the year. Discussion was held regarding the paying of obligations. It was noted that this
is not about families in need. This is about families that can pay but don’t.
Ms. Riley withdrew her motion.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to refer the policy on obligations to council to draft an amendment to
reflect sending obligations to a collection agency and to amend in time to get into the
handbook by September 1st.
Ms. Reed will get this off to council tomorrow. She noted it does not need to go to
Policy Subcommittee: Mr. Serino noted that policy subcommittee is working on several
items and will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Ms. Reed stated that any policies that should be included in the student handbook will
need to be done quickly.
Old Business:
Update on User Fees:
Ms. Andrews has not received the final list. The AD stated that the rebate has changed
again. He noted that it is a ten step process. It has turned out to be a monumental task.
He is looking at 500 checks right now. Ms. Meredith volunteered to assist the AD.
Middle School Wellness Restructuring Plan:
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
The middle school proposed restructuring plan was discussed, which would include
guidance counselors teaching social support. It would be a pass/fail course teaching
drug awareness, organizational skills, role modeling, study skills, job search and career.
Discussion was held regarding the current wellness program and the proposed program.
Ms. Meredith was concerned that right now the students are receiving wellness one
trimester for all three years which is not enough. She was concerned that with guidance
counselors teaching classes, they would not be available when students needed them.
Mr. Bruno pointed out that the guidance dept. would work together to make sure all
students were seen when needed.
Mr. Grabowski asked about having wellness one day and PE the next. Mr. Bruno noted
that they have talked about it. Superintendent Tempesta said they need to take a look
at it.
FY15 Budget: Ms. Reed noted that they had the budget meeting at 4:00 and discussed
the proposed reductions at length.
Superintendent Tempesta commended Ms. Andrews for her work on the budget.
Ms. Meredith wanted it known that the Committee has fought for the kids in this town.
She was not at the Town Meeting because she was out of town. She stated that nobody
wants these cuts and they are here to fight for the kids.
Mr. Serino asked how they would translate now that the position is being cut. Mr.
Tempesta said they would use software or pay for a translator.
Mr. Serino said that cuts are very disheartening. He asked if there is a way to cut
something else rather than the AD and the Spanish teacher.
The Committee discussed Chapter 70 money as well as setting a priority list for when
money comes in.
Ms. Reed noted that this was a different budget cycle. The Superintendent and the
Finance Director did a good job at the Fincom meeting and the Town Meeting and did
get an additional $50,000.
Ms. Howard, PPS Director, encouraged them to look into School Choice to generate
Mr. Grabowski stated that in order to get more money from one dept. you need to take
from some other dept.
Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded
To cut $105,000 for the position of director of operations.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
Motion fails 2-3.
Prior to the vote discussion was held.
Ms. Riley asked if the position is eliminated, who would take up the slack? Mr.
Grabowski suggested paying someone a stipend.
Ms. Reed noted that they voted to authorize this. There were no objections.
Mr. Serino stated that this was presented one Thursday and the cuts were presented
the following Thursday. This has changed everything.
Superintendent Tempesta noted that the timing was two weeks following a resignation.
They did not have anyone to do the job.
Discussion was held regarding reviewing the position in six months.
Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded
To share a principal from one elementary school, possibly the Lynnhurst with the
Ballard. Two principals would cover 3 schools.
Motion Fails: 1-4.
Discussion was held. Mr. Serino did not think this would be the way to go. His concern
is how they will handle the athletic director and assistant principal position.
Ms. Reed stated that they need to vote something for accounting reasons. The budget
could change.
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was
to approve the town appropriated budget of $26,975,250.00 as
4 in favor
1 opposed
New business:
Ms. Meredith moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the following gifts:
Macy’s/Bloomingdales - $1986 for the SHS Courtyard.
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
Gift from an Roberts Estate to Band - $10,000
Hanneford - $1,000 to SHS
Anonymous - $500 for girls’ golf
SBEC: $500 for Shadow Day at the high school.
Mr. Grabowski wanted to make sure that the courtyard is mowed and kept up.
Report on Revolving Accounts and Middle School Athletic Revolving Account:
Ms. Riley moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to refer this to the next agenda.
Summer Program: A discussion was held regarding the summer programs. It was noted
that the high school kids will stay at the high school, middle school kids at the middle
school, and elementary at the Vets. There will be some crossover activities.
Mr. Grabowski asked about a new special education program which they had talked
about. The new program would cost $150,000 and a new teacher would be hired as
well as a para.
Ms. Howard noted that the teacher is imbedded in the cost of the program and she
hoped that paras in the district would apply. The para positions are imbedded in the
Mr. Grabowski asked about the position on School Spring for a theater program and
noted that there was no cost.
Superintendent Tempesta said that he missed that step. The program is self-funded.
Discussion was held regarding the theater program to be held July 7-18 from 9-5
Monday-Friday. The money would be put into the fine arts revolving account.
Mr. Grabowski moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
VOTED: to approve the summer theater program and the fee for participating at $300.
The funding is contingent on enrollment and needs to be self-funding.
Mr. Grabowski asked that the summer enrichment program run by guidance be put on
the next agenda.
There will be college visits during the summer enrichment program:
Rhode Island Day
Connecticut Day
Saugus School Committee
Regular Meeting
Open Session
June 12, 2014
Fenway Area Day
School Committee Fall Meeting Schedule: This will be put on the next agenda.
School Committee Policy Regarding Visits to Schools and Communication with Staff: The
Superintendent will send the current policy to all schools.
Mr. Grabowski asked that the Director of Operations position be put on the next
SHS Student Summer Assignments; Increased AP Enrollment:
Mr. Sullivan was present to give an overview of the new summer assignment. It is on
the website.
Mr. Hashem reviewed the AP enrollment figures for the School Committee.
Mr. Grabowski asked about the fees for van drivers and event runners. Ms. Reed noted
that it is not on the agenda this evening.
Mr. Serino moved, Ms. Reed seconded and it was unanimously
to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 p.m.