April 4, 2016 Mrs. Anderson’s Class First Grade Week 30 Newsletter

April 4, 2016
Mrs. Anderson’s Class
First Grade
Week 30 Newsletter
I hope everyone had a fun April Fool’s Day, and a relaxing weekend. Hopefully you
didn’t have too many pranks pulled on you.  The students were quite mischievous
on Friday. They had a blast trying to convince me that I had bugs crawling on me.
Luckily, I didn’t fall for too many of their jokes.
As the fourth quarter progresses, we have a lot of things to prepare for. At the end of
this month, the entire First Grade will be taking the district CRT’s, a standardized
test that assesses each students’ content knowledge in reading fluency, grammar and
phonics, and math concepts. As you may have noticed, we have already started to
prepare for the tests. Every morning we have been working together as a class to
solve math problems similar to those found the tests. We analyze and discuss the
problems as a class and the students are learning key words and clues to look for
within the problems to help them solve the problems. I plan on sending similar
problems home for homework at the end of this week for extra practice. Make sure
to discuss proper test etiquette with your child, such as filling in the entire bubble
neatly and checking work. I will keep everyone updated with the actual test dates as
the test approaches.
Thank you for all of the snack donations last week. The students were getting tired
of the same crackers every day.  We could still use more, however, so if you are
still able to contribute, that would be wonderful! We are running low on glue sticks
again as well. If you do purchase glue sticks, please try to get the skinny sticks, not
the wide ones.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week! Thanks for all you do!
You’re Friend,
Morgan Anderson