The Diary of Anne Frank- Vocabulary #1 Background Information Boycott-

The Diary of Anne Frank- Vocabulary #1
Background Information
Boycott- Refusal to do business with a specific group
Refugee- a person who flees for safety in times of war and
Concentration Camp- A camp where prisoners of war are
detained and confined, typically
under harsh conditions.
Scapegoat- person or thing made to take the blame for the
mistakes of others
Genocide – the planned killing of an entire race or cultural
group of people
Anti- Semitism – hateful feelings or actions towards Jews
Assimilate- the process in which a person becomes the
same as the others around them
Propaganda- the deliberate spreading of such information,
rumors, etc. to help or hurt something
Persecute- to harass persistently due to race, religion, or
Holocaust- a complete devastation, especially by fire. It has
come to symbolize the murder of 6 million Jews
and others by the Nazis.