Early AMERICAN History CP

Early AMERICAN History CP
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly;
it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”
~Thomas Paine
Phone: 638-2199 ex. 2029
Instructor: Mrs. O’Steen
E-mail: josteen@nhvweb.net
Grading Policy
1. Marking Period Grades are determined in the following manner:
a. Tests are worth 400 points (this includes term paper, and seminar/ projects)
b. Quizzes are worth 200 points (this also includes short essays)
c. Current events homework- 100 points
d. lengthier writing assignments 100 points (-10 points each day late)
e. Other homework is 10-100 points (usually 50)
This will usually be on the “check” system
 + - full credit (50/50)
- partial credit (35/50)
 - -less than partial (20/50)
2. Homework Policy
a. **Homework is to be done ON TIME!!! If HMWK is handed in a day late you
Receive half the credit. After that, You will receive NO CREDIT.
b. E-mail policy: In an emergency situation when your printer is broken, you are expected to e-mail
assignment to instructor. This serves as a PLACE SAVER ONLY. You have 3 days to print out at
school or alternate printer and turn in a hard copy to be graded without penalty.
 Please note the date this assignment was e-mailed on the hardcopy. After 3 days your place saver
is deleted and not accepted.
 Always a good idea to double check with teacher to make sure the e-mail was received.
 It is YOUR responsibility, never the teacher to turn this in.
c. Homework Must be stapled before class begins and neat. Presentation is part of your homework grade.
3. Make up policy
a. Written tests and quizzes must be made up within one week otherwise the grade becomes a 0. It
is the students’ responsibility to arrange a makeup time with the teacher the day of his/her return.
b. All missed homework/ class work due to an excused absence must be made up within 2 school
days. Work due on the day of the absence due immediately upon return. Please indicate date of
absent on the top of paper.
c. Essays and papers are due in class on their announced date. (Lowered a grade per day late… email!)
4. Materials
a. A three-ring binder with dividers and
b. Filler paper
Classroom Expectations:
c. Text
d. Pens with blue or black ink only
e. Pencils
a. Be in School and on time for class.
b. All assignments turned in on time.
c. Participate and contribute in class. When asked an opinion question, “I don’t know.” DOES
NOT exist.
d. Show interest in the subject matter.
e. Respect and be tolerant of viewpoints and opinions that differ from your own
f. After an absence, it is the students’ responsibility to get missing assignments. Check website and
e-mail for assignments when out if possible.
g. Students are to take notes during all lectures, videos, and seminars/ projects.
h. Work is to be done in black or blue pen or typed.
i. All papers are to be turned in with a proper heading.
Title of assignment
Students are encouraged to seek out the teacher for any questions, concerns or grade
k. In accordance with the school board, cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will
result in an “F”.
This includes:
1. Copying the work of another author/ student…
2. Copying verbatim a passage of more than 3 words and failing to use quotation marks
and footnotes…
3. Using ideas not part of ones own knowledge and failing to acknowledge this issue in
Students are to follow procedures/ routines for group work and everyday activities.
You will enter class on a timely basis and find seat.
Once seated, you will refer to the board for assignment and organize self for class.
Attendance will be taken once all students are working quietly.
When you have a question please raise your hand.
After an appropriate work time, teacher will begin class. (Door closed is visual sign)
When the teacher is talking, you are not.
If you have been absent, quietly arrange to copy notes from another student after class. It is
important to have all notes in notebook both for the wonderful knowledge and notebook
checks. (find a buddy who may grab extra handouts)
h. Remember to check website if you are absent or e-mail the teacher to see what you are missing
and what is due.
i. You are to wait until the teacher dismisses the class. The Bell does not dismiss the class.
j. All homework assignments are to be completed for class the next day. If it becomes obvious
the class does not participate in the homework assigned, you may expect a quiz that day in class.
1.Colonization and Settlement
North American Colonial societies adapted European governmental, economic, and cultural
institutions and ideologies to meet their needs in the New World.
2. Revolution and the New Nation
*The war for independence was the result of growing ideological, political, geographic, economic,
and religious tensions resulting from Britain’s centralization policies and practices.
*The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights were designed to provide a framework for the
American system of government, while also protecting individual rights.
*Debates about individual rights, states’ rights, and federal power shaped the development of the
political institutions and practices of the new Republic.
3.Expansion and Reform
*Multiple political, social, and economic factors caused American territorial expansion.
*The rapid expansion and transformation of the American economy contributed to regional
tensions, social reform, political compromises, and an expansion of democratic practices.
4.Civil War and Reconstruction
*The Civil War was caused by ideological, economic, and political differences about the future
course of the nation.
*Efforts to reunite the country through Reconstruction were contested, resisted, and had longterm consequences.
5.Active Citizenship in the 21st Century
* All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who value diversity and
promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to address the challenges that are
inherent in living in an interconnected world.
Student name- (print) _________________________________________________
Class Mods- ____________________________
I have read and acknowledge the rules and expectations of the classroom and agree to
follow them. *(please check)
o Materials
o Classroom Expectation
o Procedures
Contact Information
Grading Policy
Homework Policy
Make up Policy
o Materials
o Classroom Expectation
o Procedures
Contact Information
Grading Policy
Homework Policy
Make up Policy