Culinary Arts Rules, Procedures, and Expectations Rules: Come to class prepared, on time, and ready to learn. Respect others in the classroom and their property. No profanity or offensive language of any kind will be tolerated. No cheating, or copying other’s work (automatic referral). CELL PHONES, IPODS, OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES MAY NOT BE USED AT ANY TIME!!! Adhere to the Dobson dress code (this will be strictly enforced!) Procedures: All assignments must be turned in on time to the appropriate basket in the front. No late work is accepted unless arrangements are made with the teacher AHEAD of time or an absence is involved. Make sure you are keeping up with your Dobson planner so you know when things are due! If you are absent, check the assignment calendar and make-up work folder first. If you have questions about what you missed, please come talk to me. You will only be allowed to make up work and tests if the absence is excused. All work and tests must be made up within a week of the absence on your own time. A lab make-up assignment, which involves cooking at home, will be given if a lab is missed. It is YOUR responsibility when you are absent to find out what you missed and turn it in. Refrain from using red and pink ink for your assignments. Only 2 bathroom passes will be given to each student each semester to use in emergencies, so plan on using your own passing period time to use the restroom. This class is centered around laboratory experience and has a mandatory $40 lab fee to cover essential food items needed for the labs. We will be in lab at least one day a week. Please pay this fee as soon as possible in the book store so we may begin labs promptly. You must also be prepared with closed-toe shoes on all lab days. Labs are a huge part of your grade! Your grade will be based on cumulative points throughout each semester. Grade includes tests/quizzes, labs/participation, and assignments/homework. You are responsible for checking your student portal so you know exactly how you are doing. The grade book is updated every week. I use the following grading scale: 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 60 = F Final exams are mandatory and will be held on December 19-20, and May 23-24. No early finals will be allowed, so please plan accordingly. Expectations: Act like a responsible, young adult. Work hard and try your very best (everyone is capable of an A!) Have fun! Extra Help: Please know that I am available for tutoring or extra help if arrangements are made in advance. Students can utilize conference time, but they must come get a pass from me before the day they wish to come in. All students must have a conference time pass in order to leave, and they must stay with that teacher or club sponsor until conference time is done.