Key Terms economic, social & political advantages in society.

Key Terms
Privilege - Unearned advantage, right, or immunity that gives certain people
economic, social & political advantages in society.
Oppression - The systemic domination of a group of people by another
group with access to power.
Marginalization - When social structures & social institutions are used &
cause a disadvantage to those who are not perceived as part of the
dominant group.
Inclusion - Creating an environment in which people have both the feeling
& reality of belonging & thus are able to work to their full potential.
Exclusion - The feeling & experience of being disempowered, degraded, or
marginalized through intentional or systemic discrimination.
Prejudice - Conscious or unconscious negative belief about a group of
people based on perceptions or false information.
Stereotype – Preconceived or oversimplified generalization about a group
of people.
Culture – A learned system of shared meanings, values, beliefs, & norms
expressed in interpersonal interactions, customs, rituals, art, & artifacts &
social systems.
Classism – Discrimination based on a person’s social class.
Bigotry – Intolerant prejudice on a person’s social class.
Ally – Those who recognize the unearned privilege they have from society’s
patterns of injustice & decide to assist in changing those patterns.