“A Class Divided”

Soc 1A Homework #2
Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes: Learning to Give Meaning to Differences
Go to the following website and watch the 5 videos presented there:
After you are finished, answer the following questions. Be sure to explain all of your answers
and expect your assignment to be between 2-3 pages long (longer if it is hand written) You can
type or handwrite your questions (but it must be legible).
Creating Difference
 What did the teacher do to create prejudice (ideas and feelings) in the classroom and how
did this lead to discrimination among the children?
o What features did Elliott ascribe to the superior and inferior groups and how did
those characteristics reflect stereotypes?
o The children quickly create slurs and reveal their prejudice through their behavior.
Give some examples.
Why do you think it was so easy for the teacher to create a system of differences and
privileges so easily in the classroom?
o What does this tell us about how we learn to give meaning to differences?
Consequences of “Difference”
 How did the negative and positive labels placed on a group become self-fulfilling
Why are the “brown-eyes” so willing to switch roles on the second day, even knowing
how it felt to be the inferior group?
Learning Difference
 Do you think this exercise should be done with children? If the exercise could be harmful
to children, as Elliott suggests, what do you think actual discrimination might do?
It's easy to understand why third-graders might not refuse to obey their teacher, but when
the exercise is done with the prison guards, why don't any of the adults object?
o Do the adults respond differently than the children? Why or why not?