2 Quarter Individual Assignments Group Project

2nd Quarter Individual Assignments
Quarter Project –
Group Project – Develop a portfolio that presents the characteristic of faith assigned to your
group. The descriptions of the characteristics of faith are located in the Catholic Faith Handbook
on pages 36 – 37. Compare and contrast how society and faith life present this interpretation.
Due Date:
Thursday, December 7th
Homework #1 –
Monotheism vs. Polytheism – Write a 2 to 3 page essay comparing and contrasting the beliefs in
Monotheism and Polytheism. Please use research from Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism
including the bible and religious texts.
Due Date:
Tuesday, November 28th
Homework #2 In 2 to 3 pages your task is to compare and contrast how Christianity and Islam present the image
of God. Focus on the similarities and differences within each faith tradition. Please use sources
from the New Testament and the Qu’ran.
Tuesday, December 20th
Due Date:
Homework #3 In Genesis 1:27 it states: “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created them;
male and female he created them.” In a 2 to 3 page essay describe your understanding of this
statement from a personal and faith perspective.
Due Date:
Homework # 4 –
Read Matthew's Gospel Chapter 1 & 2 and answer the questions on this sheet.
In Matthew's Gospel the genealogy of Jesus shows that Jesus' family tree began with whom?
Why did the angel appear to Joseph?
What was the message?
What does Emmanuel mean?
In chapters 1&2 of Matthew there are 5 quotes from the prophet which support that Jesus is
the Messiah the Jewish people have been waiting for. List three of these quotes:
Who was the king of Judea at the time Jesus was born?
Why did the magi not return to the king?
Where did Mary and Joseph flee to after Jesus was born? Why? How did they know to do
How did the king respond to not being able to find baby Jesus?
After the king died where did Joseph and Jesus' mother go to live?
How do you think you would have reacted if you were Joseph and Mary told you that she was
pregnant? What about after the dream? (use the back of this sheet for answer)
Due Date: