Algebra I Curriculum Referenced to the Prentice Hall Comprehensive Review for the New York Math A Examination. Chapter 1: Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions (ALL) Chapter 2: Mathematical Reasoning 2.1 Open and Closed Statements 2.2 Conjunction and Disjunction (Leave 2.3 and 2.4 out) Chapter 3: Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable (ALL) Chapter 4: Linear Equations and Inequalities in 2 Variables (ALL) Chapter 5: Polynomials and Factoring (ALL) Chapter 6: Quadratic Equations and Functions (Everything besides Circles in 6.3) Chapter 7: Rational and Radical Expressions and equations (ALL) Chapter 8: Probability Topics: Tree Diagram, Counting Principle, with and without replacement, impossible and certain events. Chapter 9: Statistics 9.2 Frequencies and Histograms (and Frequency Histograms) 9.3 Measures of Central Tendency, Quartiles, and Percentiles * Not 9.1 and 9.4 Chapter 11: Geometry and Measurement 11.1 Perimeter (not circumference) 11.2 Area 11.4 Pythagorean Theorem * Not 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7 We are happy to announce that the topic of Right Triangle Trigonometry has been added back into the Algebra I Curriculum!!!!